It was the results of Dudley exam and also our Christmas get together at Campoverde C.C. two weeks ago. This year we decided to have a change from our usual drinks and mince pies and we had some fun and games instead.
First off we had an Obedience Rally. This entailed each of the owners and their dogs following a course and obeying instructions at each stopping point, i.e. a down stay, a sit stay, etc. This event was won by Zoe Bond and Georgia McCann with Midas.
Next we had the very tricky game of……………… the Potato and Spoon Race. Each owner and dog had to walk, as fast a possible to a given point and back, all the time keeping their potato on their spoon. Very difficult as the spoon had to be in the same hand as their lead. This was won by Karin and Neil Patrick with Max and Millie.
Next was Musical Mats, similar to the popular children’s game Musical Chairs, except that the dogs had to sit on a mat when the music stopped. The winner of this was Brian Checkley with Ky.
Then we had Simon Says, i.e. Simon Says Sit, Simon Says Down, etc., the slowest dog being eliminated till only one was left and the winner was…..Beverly Farmer and Midas.
Then came the hardest game of all…..Ignore the Sausage!! A rather tasty sausage was placed on a mat and the dogs had to walk past it, on a very loose lead, and try not to eat it! As you can image this caused lots of hilarity……but three dogs managed to achieve a perfect result, so each won a prize. They were Zoe Bond and Meeka...... Georgia McCann and Midas.......Brian Checkly and Ky.
We then had a short break for refreshments - nibbles for the adults and children and a drink of water for the dogs.
Then it was time for the presentation of the Trophies to the owners and dogs who had worked hard for the last 10 weeks.
The winners were:
Character of the year award,,,,,,,,,, Diane Bond and Meeka.
Basic Class ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Beverley Farmer and Lucia
Intermediate Class,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Beverly Farmer and Midas
Fred Moeken Memorial Trophy for the dog which has made the most progress DUDLEY. (Yep my little brother won a trophy….think they must have made a mistake).
A good time was had by all as you can see from the video link below:-
Hasta Pronto!
P.S. If you and your dog would lik to come and join in our Fun and Games then please contact Roy on 966762265. New classes start on 7th January 2012