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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
18 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,
          Has anyone thought about how we handle the snagging of the facilities we all share ? Reading the posts about the missing swimming pools, Foro, etc which are quite major issues, I am not sure how those who positively refuse to accept the changes intend to go about it and where they stand legally. 
Apart from those issues I am wondering how we collectively accept that the gardens, pools, paving, fences, pathway lighting etc is all finished off to the required standard. I have read posts from Hacienda Riquelme site where the palm trees have died off in certain areas around the pool and people talking about the 'community' replacing them. In my eyes this is not even an option - we would not expect to pay a landscape gardener to create us a gorgeous oasis and than stump up the cost six moths later of replacing these wonderfull mature plants.
The gardens at Condado look superb considering it is a brand new site, but I have noticed quite a lot of dried up patches of grass in the pictures. If this does not green up again once bedded in, I would expect that grass to be re-laid by Polaris. After all, the payments we are making per square foot for our appartments which are higher than the Murcia region average take into consideration the landscaping and high quality shared facilities that we are all looking forward to enjoying.
I think I have read that owners at Hacienda are now doing some sort of community snag (they also have lifts and the likes to consider) to ensure that these things don't hang on forever and Polaris just focus on individual properties and............... FINAL PAYMENT. 
Anyone who has completed so far thought of this ??



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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19 Jul 2008 8:49 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Hi all fellow Jardiners,

Just a bit of information for sharing regarding communities and in particular our Polaris pre-decessors on the Hacienda Riquelme site. They have now set-up an owners committee and thier own website is available to view in it's infancy. From this you can get a flavour of what to expect over the coming year or so. What I would say is that Condado seems to be developing at a greater pace than anything so far and to any people with the right skills to fit the bill for our own resort - please make yourselves known as early as possible.
Here is the link for the HR site

On the completions side of things,it seems to be very quiet out there in 'forum land' this week - have many people been getting completions through ?
Are there any fellow Jardine 8 people out there and what do you know regarding the present status of our block ? I know Polaris were arranging dates in August for our completions but with the backlog from the first of the completions on other blocks from June onwards, there surely is a knock-on effect which will push us back into September at the earliest. Is there any 'inside information' out there ? 



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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19 Jul 2008 9:13 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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I followed the La Torre (rather than HR) 'admin' situation with great interest.

I would hope that PW have learnt from that, coz until we have enough completions from parties interested in voting PW off the site then am afraid PW will continue to rule and appoint their own administrators etc.

The other thing about Condado is that I am not aware as to how the %s will be calculated e.g. just Jardines, or e.g.2 the whole of Condado........... if it's the whole then we'll just have to sit back and wait and see.

Condado is so different to the other PW sites............. and I hope so much better !



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19 Jul 2008 10:08 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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Been reading the HR committee site this afternoon, they are alot more organised (or seem so from the websites) than La Torre and seem to have got theres off the ground far more quicker. One main thing I noticed was that all the presidents personal details were shown along with an email address so you could easily contact them along with the administrators details and a regular update of whats happening. On La Torre no one knows whose in charge of what.  On the Polaris World Forum site even the mini presidents are getting cheesed off beacause they can't get in touch with their committee. Lessons for us all I think.

Shampers we were wondering how the areas would be split as far as community fees are concerned. Will it be the costs for the Jardine area split equally between the number of apartments(or plot size) or individual Jardines. The first and obvious gripe here will be the people in the larger gardens who are now sharing one pool between about 160 properties instead of the smaller gardens where the proportion is a lot smaller.


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19 Jul 2008 10:37 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar
I suppose that as each development takes place then it gets more organised than it's predecessor, learning by their mistakes (or lack of immediate knowledge) in other words.

PW have pre-emptied so many previous complaints on Condado, not least the slowness of completions that they appear to be beginning to learn that ''if you keep the punters happy, then you'll not only make more money but get it in quicker as well''

Condado is so different to the others........... it's a whole town rather than a select private development.

If you want my opinion, then i think that we need a trustworthy English/Spanish solicitor to act for the whole, however i get the impression that no-one trusts the Spanish, that they don't trust each other (read Chris Stewart's books) and it all just happens as and when, rather than under any legal controls................ mañana being the excuse time and time again.

As you know, I'm in Banking and I wish i could get away with what they get away with in Spain, so I'm just accepting things at the moment, not necessarily happy, and feel I'm being ripped off (esp by the Banks), but feel i have no alternative for now !



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