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The previous thread 'Proceed with caution' turned into somewhat of a boring slanging match, so I thought it might be worthwhile starting something fresh.
As an OCC purchaser my main concern is the global property slump and the effect it will have on sales. It's not rocket science that if a developer is not selling they don't continue to build.
Does anyone have any inside info. of how many units are sold at OCC? My thoughts are that Huma will complete what they have sold but will that leave the purchasers with an unfinished site minus facilities?
I think prices will even out and because I'm not in it to make a profit not too concerned about this. After all what about all the folk who purchased 2 years ago in spain...are they now in negative equity?
On a brighter note are there any recent OCC photos anyone can post on the site?
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When I visited OCC on 15 June 2008 work was ongoing, a pair of tarifas were built to be the show homes, the sales woman showed us a site plan for 900+ homes the first 3 main blocks had been sold to ACC buyers.
She said 300 + had been sold/reserved for ACC buyers, if you belive Huma the have sold about 30% of the development.
The offer Huma gave us was a Tarifa at the 116.000e rather than the new list price if 146.000e on OCC, again if you belive Huma will charge new buyers this higher price in this now very depressed market.
I personally dont trust Huma, thier track record is appalling, Mazzaron CC still no shops bars golf after 8 years, Almanzora CCstill illegal built after 4 years, Oasis CC??? you make up your own mind.
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youve paid your money(swopped from the country club cos you cant get your money back without a legal long fight) and you take your chance, truth is quite a lot will take that view and the next best option to getting no money and huma going pop.
They will sell whot they can and build to order,sit on the site as sold and built then wait for the market to pick up in a couple of years or so. dont expect too many facilities and you wont be dissapointed,but its still a good option compared with nothin! + the weathers great compared with the u.k...
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Hi everyone
Received a e- mail from Paul Roach at Parador Properties owners club today after making a couple of requests.
In it he stated that the Tarrifa show home is now finished and work had started on the footings for the first Phase.
He will be contacting me with more details and photos soon,
He has spoken to Huma re bank guarantee's and they told him they will be issued very soon.
Kev and Laura
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To kev & Laura,
Reality check..... ....(1) You dont have a bank guarantee...(2) The same old story is being spouted out by parador....You can't believe these people especially who know who, who works for them...It's all cock and bull...'We have been onto the bank' and 'Any day now'....These are the same old lines that were issued to clients of ACC, whom by the way are still looking for their money back out of that fiasco....And you know who... was up to the final last minute telling people that it would go ahead! So F*** them!
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I thought i would let you all know a strange phone call that i received from HUMA last night.
As you may be aware i received my money back from HUMA about 2 months ago, but last night a lady called Pilar from HUMA called me asking me if i would like to choose tiles for my kitchen and bathroom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I informed her that i withdraw from ACC and have got my money back but she insisted that she has a signed contract from me for my purchase at OTCC !!??
I started to lose it with them as they have yet again showed how bad a company they really are. I asked her what name was on the contract that i was supposed to have signed.... She told me my name is IAN N##H !!!!!!!!!!
I told her a few home truths about HUMA and the company, to which she told me that she did not have to listen to me and put up with me talking to her in that way and hung up on me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet again another classic HUMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck to the correct IAN N##H who is buying up there as i could have chosen a beautiful mis-match of tiles for you !!!!!!!!!!
_______________________ Martin
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Srange that cos i didnt think you had a choice of tiles at oasis, that option expired when transfering from Acc, anyway the way to be shure about signing and getting your garantees is to exchange contracts through a solicitor and only action this when your are on the table,its the only way to be shure and if everyone stuck to this policy it would become the norm.
Has anyone received there yet? i have got my contracts but i wont sign untill i put the above into practice!!
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I'm thinking exactly the same halegate. I'm holding unsigned copies of the contract but will only exchange these formally via a solicitor,
Aldea have approached me to act for me on this. (Huma obviously advised them I had transferred) I replied to Aldea asking if any additional fees would be incurred. They still have not replied back 3 weeks later.
ps - All those about to tell me I'm mad to stick with Aldea don't bother because i haven't made my mind up I am yet !
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Still haven't received our updated contract from Huma and solicitor has not heard anything from them since beginning of July.
On a more positive note, today, I have received an email from Huma asking for me to confirm which tiles I would like in my Bathroom, Kitchen, Floor area and also outdoor tiled area and enclosing details of options available, so looks as though things may be progressing.
We are going out in October so are meeting them to discuss options then.
Kevin & karen
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Hi All
Just got back from our hols, went to see OCC. For those who have not seen OCC yet (and this is only my own personal view) it is located in a valley surround by mountains on all sides. The valley is flat all around for as far as the eye can see. To the east lie Olive groves, on all other sides it is pretty much baron. To the west there is a solar research establishment, which will hopefully be hidden when the site is completed. The location is not as picturesque as ACC and you cannot see the coastline as you could with ACC. However, on the up side, with the area being flat its ideal for walkers or cyclists. Access to the site is easier, the airport is closer and there are more family orientated attractions in the area.
We spoke to Carmen on site who told us that the site will be built in 2 phases, the first (340 units approx) will include the apartments, villas, recreational areas and commercial centre, and should be complete by end 2009. The entire site to be complete in 3 years!!! (Maybe)
She gave us a CD which has among other things the legal documentation from the Junta de Andalucia (928 units) and from Tabernas Town Hall (146 units)
We also saw our solicitor who said all the documentation is valid and confirmed Huma had a 9m mortgage approved via Bancaja.
My own personal view is if this is another con it’s a good one!!!
Good luck to you all
Have uploaded photos
What you see is what you get 
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It is August!
But those who have changed to OTCC and are on the first phase now being built are being asked to decide on the tiles for floors kitchen and bathroom
So it looks almost a certainty that the build is moving to there are a lot of building workers about they will not have much trouble finding workers for this site
So anyone who thinks OTCC is a con can see that it is not.....they are behind with the paper work but from recent photos not with the building
My completion date is May 2009 and it is now looking as though it will be on time but I suspect that there may well be a delay before the Habitation Licence is granted as the infrastructure has to be up to a prescribed level before the local council will issue them
So those of us who did not have a BG and for pragmatic reasons or because they liked the site, changed to OTCC, it now does look as though we will get that home in Spain..... a touch late perhaps but at the same price !!
The next thing we all want too see is not just the show homes finished but Manzana 1...should be some positive photos between now and Xmas
You never know, those who did not change to OTCC because of the hate Huma factor may look back September 2009 and wonder whether they made the right crunch and all!!!......and if the £ goes back to 1.40 +......well OTCC may just turn out to be a good medium to long term buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And an enjoyable location......some good Spanish restaurants around Tabernas
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Just one other thing Antojo
What is your situation re OTCC
Have you changed?
Or are you a lucky guy with a BG for ACC or ,if not. taking Huma to court for recovery of your 40% deposit
Those who look at the OTCC forum may like to know!
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Don't make me laugh !! Do you really think that everything is going to schedule just because you have been asked to choose some tiles !!!
We were asked in 2004 ( as a matter of urgency Huma said ) to choose tiles. Now in 2008, we have no money, no property, and sometimes it seems , little hope.
We don't hate Huma, as you have suggested, but we are angry with them.
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the way the pound is going at the moment, properties on thabernas are going to prove to be very expensive, this is why we decided not to transfer after all, all signs now indicate that we are now entering a recession, so don"t be surprised if the pound approaches 1 euro!!!!
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This a view i have maintained for some time and hoped that our property purchase would of concluded before parity is achieved with the euro and again my other belief is if the euro has parity with the pound then we might as well adopt the euro in the u.k
On the other hand of course if you,ve got your refund then bringing it back to the u.k could help to compensate for Acc
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Looking at other members argument that it is better to have a property at OTCC than no property at all and the other argument that you will have a BG at OTCC where as at ACC you have not, I looked at the website for properties at OTCC.
Can it be confirmed that a GF Apartment is really £80,500 ?
Can it be confirmed that BG have been issued to those changing across ?
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Does it matter what month? to choose tiles bathroom, kitchen etc we did this back in 2005 on ACC and look what has happened!!
We had the most expensie piece of concrete ever had!!!
It is not going to happen and do not trust.........
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Firstly let me say I sincerely hope everyone involved in a purchase at Oasis get what they are paying for.
I have had my monies refunded apart from the usual €3005 from ACC.
My concerns if i had purchased on OTCC would be that it seems Huma are the only builders building in the area? It appears the only 'buyers' are ex ACC purchasers.
As Huma have had a large mortgage for the land etc how are they going to fund the re payments with no influx of sales money.
Even if they build the first plots with ACC buyers monies it would not be in their interest to build further without buyers.
The € against the pound will not attract interest in new off plan properties when there are bargains to be had elsewhere. A friend of mine has had her property on sale for 18 months it is a three bed semi detatched villa on a complex in Murcia with security and pool etc and had no interest,it is only 125.000€ or offers.
I think Isabella2 might be right...It isn't going to happen.
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