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Hi all,
Just booked our flights with Ryanair, departing Tues October 7th and returning Wednesday 15th October, it showed free both ways but after charges, taxes and add ons came to £224 for 4 of us, still not bad at £56 each return.
We couldn't go in September but they are advertising flights for £1 inc. charges etc, a friend of mine has just booked a return flight to Belfast for 2 for a total of £12. So there are bargains to be had, check them out.
Chris and Tracey.
ps anybody else out there at this time.
pps See you then Carol.
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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Sooo looking forward to it Chris & Tracey, what site do I go on for the flights as my folks would benefit from cheap flights and my daughter needs a flight for end Aug early Sept
See you soon
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Check out the prices of Easyjet they start to fly to Alicante from the end of September I have already boked two lots of flights and saved compared to other airlines. I know Alicante is a bit further away but i got flights in December just before Chrimbo for £58 return and in February (School Holidays) for £62 return - Bargain !!! The prices they show are already inclusive of the charges
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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Thank you all for the info will check them out later after work.........Have a great Friday peeps
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi Carol,
As Debbie says go on to the ryanair website, first thing you see is the September flights for £1 flashing at you. Check them out, we're travelling from Liverpool, if you put your dates in and your not happy with the price just keep pressing "next day" and the new price comes up, we were going to go out on the Monday, pressed next day and saved £110 per couple by going out on Tuesday instead. Give it a try.
Chris and Tracey.
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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