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I have posted a picture of the new plan from the town hall to run a new link road to the motorway. This will pass Don Juan and join the dual carriageway at the back. I have superimposed the plan from the town hall onto a google earth picture to show how it is proposed.
pic is : 1st Jan 2008 - 82587
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Hi Dennis,
Thanks for uploading, but this has been mentionedat least two years ago on this forum. It always was in the development plan for this area. The big question is when the final stretches will materialize, but there is no doubt that this has been been in the plannning for several years. Actually I think the road and the tunnel underneath the railway to the Avenida Carvajal were approved before the DJ plans were approved. It's all part of an attempt to open up the Carvajal area for business.
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Hi Max, has the community not thought about objecting to the proposal - as it stands now the entry and exit to the dual cariageway is through the development and not around the back as it is now (or a different route well in front phase 3) This proposed route will cause a danger to pedestrians going to and from the pools etc. Imagine the traffic that will use this when phase 3 and the developments are completed opposite the railway station.
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Hi Irene, yes the actual dual carriageway is at the side if our development - it is the access road onto it that we should object to because this runs through our development. Lots of people will use this access road, not just Don Juan residents.
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Hi Dennis,
You got me confused. As far as I know the development plan is agreed upon by the town hall years and years ago so what's there to object to? Also I can't the access road going through our development. It still looks like it was meaning it goes through the river to the right of our development.
Do I miss something?
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Hi Max, I have posted a new picture with the route to the new dual carriageway indicated in RED.
At the moment Don Juan residents and other people exit our site to gain access to the motorway by using the road up and past the phase 3 block. The new proposal will not allow this, all traffic must pass directly through the site.
Maybe because the plans were drawn up before our development existed the Town Hall will maybe listen to our argument regarding the safety of residents if this, as it surely will, becomes a busy route to the motorway.
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Hi dennis i know what you mean now but only if they take the wrong turn off on the small roundabout at the back will they come through don juan by phase 2 and 3 ,but i think some people will come down through don juan to get to the station as well ?.when we bought we did not know about the road at all at the side of us as we are second owners on don juan phase one and we bought becouse of the train station.I dont think they will stop the cars coming through don juan i just would not like to be in phase 2 or 3 for this reason bye irene
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This new link through DJ does not make any sense unless it is to be the permanent access to DJ because the road by the railway can't be completed. It is certainly worth asking questions about and objecting to if required.
Irene I'm afraid you will have to get used to traffic replacing cows in the valley at the side. This road has been planned for years and half of it is already built - we drive down it from the A-7.
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Hi i just checked the red area you said the cars will come through you are saying past block 9 and block 1 .I thought all the cars would come down between phase 2 and phase 3 so i see why you would want to get this route changed are you sure you are right on this?as i dont know bye irene
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I still dont know why they would give access to don juan this way and i was told it was not finished due to who the land belongs to ?but that could be wrong to , and is that the road area by block 9 that is falling down the hill ?bye irene
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Wow, amazing that there are plans for continuous traffic through DJ.
Reason to make an objection at the town hall or we have to order 30 speed bumps to put them from station to end of block 1
I hope that they will change plans to make the main exit from the provisional road.
On the other hand our "friends" from arrohabitatge don't want a busy road next to their appartment either so they will also make objections.
For sure something to put on the Agenda for next meeting!!
David? Max?
Best regards,
_______________________ Best Regards,
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Hi all well what do we expect we are in spain,where houses get built with out planning permission ,and builders going bust,and now roads are planed to go through don juan can it get any better i dont think so ?who allows these plans to go through at the town hall then build apts where familys live and where we dont even have pavements to walk on?and we all walk on the roads to get to the pools bye irene/peter
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I think its safe in saying there is no mad rush to arrange a meeting to discuss this, considering how long it has taken to try and get the small piece of road finished by the railway line. We could be all dead and buried by the time they get around to doing these new roads :-)
I agree with Irene, the Spanish build anywhere, then worry about the roads after. Surely they are not that stupid to run a main road through the middle of a residential complex. Looking at the red route on the map, why can they not run the road around the back of block 1, phase 1 as it is now and past phase 3 and down the hill, or even better build a new section of road the far side of phase 3, to go down to the railway line. That way the road avoids the complex completely. Can anyone on the committee check out the plans with the town hall before they pencil in any go ahead for this project.
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Hi westport you are right everythink takes so long to get done in spain,but if this road was proposed before don juan was built those idiots at the planning office will put this road through.The road by the railway will not get done till all the houses up the hill by the station and phase 3 at don juan are finished ,and we where told there was going to be some shops by the railway station ?but we will see bye irene/peter This message was last edited by irenemontague on 8/8/2008.
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I was told a long time ago, that they were going to build another 8,000 - 11,000 apartments and villas across the hills behind us leading up to the motorway. The guy who told me this turned out to be right with a lot of other information he supplied to me. It would be interesting to know if any plans for this has been put forward to the council. With the economy slowing, it would not surprise me if this has been put on hold or even scrapped. But its only a matter of time before they build on it. Its prime coastal development land, and developers don't make money watching the grass grow on it.
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Hi they have already done a lot of town houses and some people have had there villas for 2 years and we have talked to them ,then go on google earth and you will see them and check out the plans at the town hall i got them up on my computer ,and see what has been passed there is also a bit of land that will not be built on as this is green land bye irene/peter This message was last edited by irenemontague on 8/9/2008.
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I'm sorry but I don't see any change in the existing town hall development plans for this area. There has always been a access road to the A7 in the planning. I see no reason why people would drive through our development once the direct access to the Avenida Carvajal is finished. Why drive through our community, go left, have to pass a small tunnel and go down, wait for the lights to get green if the alternative is a dual carriageway directly connected to the big road in front of us?
To quote myself (a really old post):
19 Dec 2006 10:43 PM

I'm in Fuengirola
I've made 566 posts
I saw the light or at least I finally found the tunnel!
I was a bit skeptical about the rumoured pedestrian tunnel near the caribbean bar as I can't imagine the developers investing money after they sold all apartments. Besides the DJ area is clearly fenced off and offers no possible entrance to this future tunnel.
What I do see is is a little river and I can't imagine a conversion into a tunnel. The developers have no interest in it and the town hall expects developers to do these things. Fuengirola is a very organized city and the mayor is doing a great job, but she is a prominent member of the right wing party (PP) and is not inclined to use communal money.
However the rumour is there so I kept on delving and finally found it in the development plan for Fuengirola. Like I stated earlier I couldn't imagine the new road to the A7 tollroad to end on our 'dirt road' and I was right. The plan is to lead this new entrance to the A7 to the Avenida Carvajal. It will be a bit to the left of the river and won't go as far as the beach. The tunnel will just pass beneath the railway. A very convenient way to go by car from Carvajal to the A7 and vice versa. I don't assume you can use it as a pedestrian.
It means there will be a road just to the left of our DJ (seen from the sea) which will lead to the new road which materialized behind our project.
I'm not sure when it will be realized but it's in the official city development plans and it concurs with the new road in the making we can all see. There will be a round-about just behind DJ with a choice of going along DJ3 and use the current 'dirt road' or go to the other side and pass our project at the other side.
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