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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
02 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by leigh_bristol Star rating in Bristol. 243 forum posts Send private message

leigh_bristol´s avatar

hi there.
this is Sandra, leigh's partner.
Leigh has just arrived in Murcia tonight.  He is checking the snagging tomorrow and completing on Thursday.
He phoned me just now and said he was talking to a lady who has property in La Torre, they spoke about management fees.
The lady said that Condado is going to be a lot more expensive than La Torre.
Her fees are 300 euro's a month.

Anyone have any idea what ours at Condado is going to be?
I will be glad when its all signed and completed, its unbelievable how much stress it has caused, im sure you all feel the same way.
Its got to be worth it in the end.....has'nt it?


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02 Sep 2008 10:08 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

ajw´s avatar
NO WAY!!!!!  I was told 'around 60 euros per month.  There is, of course, a simple answer - DUMP PW!!!  If they are charging this sort of money then I am sure another management co will be only too happy to step in.


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02 Sep 2008 10:35 PM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

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I thought it was a management fee not another mortgage!!


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02 Sep 2008 11:14 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

Cappielow´s avatar
€300 a month.......

As Sean Connery would say, "shurely there's shome mishtake Mish Monneypenny".


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02 Sep 2008 11:16 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Management fees at Le Torre are nowhere near €300 per month.


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02 Sep 2008 11:43 PM by leigh_bristol Star rating in Bristol. 243 forum posts Send private message

leigh_bristol´s avatar

seems that lady on the plane has got it very very wrong, thankfully.

Thanks for your replys, they have made me feel happier about the fees.

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03 Sep 2008 7:11 AM by davey2187 Star rating in Pontefract, La Torre.... 136 forum posts Send private message

Do you mean community fee or property management fee?


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03 Sep 2008 7:21 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

stonephil´s avatar
We were told community fees of around 70 Eur per month for a apartment.

It is difficult to compare like for like across the different PW resorts and other resorts have already dumped PW and employed a different company.

Bear in mind that the fees are charged using a set formula. (I have seen this posted on the EOS general forum) If this lady had a 1m Eur villa then she could well be paying 300 Eur per month.

My advice    DON'T PANIC!!!!


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03 Sep 2008 8:20 AM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

ladylola´s avatar
Really don't mean to sound snippy but before posting statements that are likely to cause panic can people check their facts (as far as possible) as things like this thread set everyones nerves on edge. 
A few well aim questions at the woman in La Torre should have been able to clear up exactly what was costing her 300euros without anyone having to jump to conclusions, make assumptions or panic.



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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03 Sep 2008 8:46 AM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Agreed. A couple of comments:
Condado is going to be more densely built than the other PW resorts meaning community fees are likely to be lower rather than higher.
We don't even know whether Condado will be one community or split (jardins, Naranjos, etc).
Given what I've seen of what has happened on other PW resorts who were keen to dump PW I'd advise caution. Probably better to stick with them for a few years until everything settles down and then consider options. PW aren't always as bad a bet as some like to make out.
Overall, don't panic or spread panic until you know what the position is... Plenty of other things to worry about in the meantime ! 

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03 Sep 2008 9:40 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi All

I agree with the comments below about not asking questions which may be a concern to others if you can easily establish the facts yourself before posting, that way others are not coursed additional worry unnecessarily.

However if you have an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know the answer, don’t just sit on it and say nothing in case you worry others. First look back at old threads you may well fined the answer, but if not ask about it on the forum, that way others may be able to put your mined at rest as hopefully has been done in this case, (by the way this issue has been raised a number of times in past and the consensus is that the community fee are likely to be in the region of 80 euros per month)?

Over the time this forum has existed lots of information has been sheared some bad but often good, many things have been first raised as something that has started out as a worry to just one person but by asking the others members about it we have all been made aware of the issue, providing us with the ability to be forewarned or allowing us to allay the individuals concern.

The information and knowledge I now have, I would not have had, if I hadn’t been part of this forum and often this starts with someone asking a simple question.

Please keep asking so we can all learn, at least that’s my opinion.



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04 Sep 2008 8:25 PM by Mirador heights Star rating in Jardin 13. 117 forum posts Send private message

Mirador heights´s avatar

Hi Guys
was out at Condado bank holiday weekend.
after speaking with a Polaris employee was told 3 bed appartments would be 65 euros per month and 2 bed 60 euros per month. think they go by square footage.

everything looking fabulous - can't wait until Mirador is completed

thats where i'll be.

good luck to all out there and living the dream.
keep posting up dates on developments to keep us back in blighty informed. 


Julie. Here's to living the dream


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04 Sep 2008 9:30 PM by El Mirador Star rating in Meath, Ireland & Pen.... 73 forum posts Send private message

El Mirador´s avatar
Hi Julie(Mirador)

I know its off topic but has Mirador even started yet ?

Heading out in late November to check on things, cant wait...



Bren & Erica

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04 Sep 2008 9:42 PM by Charlie Walton Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi all 

We try not to get too involved in discussions but must congratulate PGM for their advice! 

Nice one

Carol & Charlie

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04 Sep 2008 9:49 PM by Mirador heights Star rating in Jardin 13. 117 forum posts Send private message

Mirador heights´s avatar
Hi El Mirador

when i was out bank holiday weekend they said was starting this phase in September (2008) 


Julie. Here's to living the dream


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