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23 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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23 Nov 2006 9:34 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

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Hi philansy we are there 21st Dec to 30th Dec.

Cheers John and Trish

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23 Nov 2006 11:11 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

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HI PHILAINSY,    as we are in Benidorm from 17/12/06 to 13/01/07 we will visit once or twice at least

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25 Nov 2006 11:17 AM by el robbo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message

hi phiansy

    we go out on tues 28 nov -5 dec. we are also booked to go 9 jan - 14 jan. on thurs 30 nov we have a meeting arranged with laura at urbasa.

haydngj where are you staying in benidorm when you go. when we go in jan we are staying in hotel flamingo benidorm.

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26 Nov 2006 11:16 AM by misty Star rating. 107 forum posts Send private message

El Robbo

If you get chance next week can you post whats going on at the site or if you go to see Laura at the builders let us know what she says, there is an internet cafe just behind the Kiosk in the town sq



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26 Nov 2006 11:08 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

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hi el robbo   we are staying in los dalmatos at the far end of the levante beach

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27 Nov 2006 9:24 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

philansy´s avatar

have a nice trip you lucky people

please take as many pics as you can ( if its worthit ) gracius

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09 Dec 2006 10:30 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

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hi folks, seems as if there's not a lot going on with Amarion111, anyone fancy a drink over the holiday period? me and the dragon are in Benidorm from 17/12/2006 to 13/01/2007 if any one's over that way and would like to have a moan and a drink let us know. we could also have a drive to Almoradi or something and wipe away the tears

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11 Dec 2006 4:07 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

Hi Haydngj We are staying in Almoradi from the 21st to 30th Dec. If you are coming to Almoradi we could meet up for a few beers. We will be popping to Benidorm too  but dont know what day as yet. We have some friends who run a bar on Poniente side so hope to go and see them. Will send you our number in private message if you are coming to Almoradi we will meet up. We could have a good moan or just have a beer and forget all our troubles. Hope to see you in Spain!

John and Trish

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11 Dec 2006 10:02 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
cheers jpd will look forward to meeting yourselves. we will more than likely be paying almoradi a visit more than once, the wife likes to go wandering about when on holiday and, me being the perfect husband  will always try to please her 

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12 Dec 2006 5:19 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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haydngj & jpd

Have a  nice chrimbo in spain and not to much moaning  lol

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13 Dec 2006 3:18 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

Cheers Philansy! Hope everyone here has a great Christmas too and forgets about our troubles over our apartments for a couple of weeks at least!

All the best

John ,Trish, Nicki and Carla

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13 Dec 2006 5:25 PM by skinner Star rating in Littlehampton. West .... 60 forum posts Send private message

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Have a nice time in Spain. And don't get sunstroke.

Kind Regards

Dave n Family

Once upon a time i had a dream. Then i met URBASSA ! ! !

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15 Dec 2006 7:18 PM by el robbo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message


haydngj, we are in benidorm tues 9 jan do you fancy meeting up for a drink on thur 11, could meet on corner of marina hotel 9,15pm

                    christine & stuart

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15 Dec 2006 11:21 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
hi el robbo, the hotel marina on the 11th would be fine. the marina is the one near the zodiac bar i think thet's the only marina i know, please confirm

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16 Dec 2006 9:29 AM by el robbo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message

hi haydngj, hotel marina i think there is only one it is black, situated on corner of calle gerona & avda de cuenca, couple of streets along from presidente, we are booked in flamingo benidorm.    we are in our fifties i have glasses short hair, stuart is bold on top, bit of gray hair on sides. see you on 11 jan. our e mail is  stuartr0obinson@aol.com. hope you both have good christmas & new year.

                 christine & stuart

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16 Dec 2006 11:12 AM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
el robbo  I think it's the same hotel ,see you on the 11th          merry Xmas to you all

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30 Dec 2006 11:19 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

Hi all hope you all had a great Christmas. We have just got back from the airport. Went in the apartments got some pictures will get them uploaded asap. The new roundabout is finished and looks lovely. The apts look just the same as they did in June I am affraid. There is a new police station being built just down the main road back towards the square about 300m.

Got the same reply from Laura as has been said before that as soon as builders finish in Elche they will start on  Amerion 111. Should be in Jan with two to three months work.

Had a good nosey for a full afternoon even got onto our roof terrace!! Met up with haydngj (Haydn and Mo) and John got them in too!

Weather was fantastic clear blue skies all but two days. Managed to sunbathe every day!

Happy New Year to you all hope this is the year!!!!!

John and Trish

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02 Jan 2007 2:17 PM by lajj Star rating in London and Almoradi,.... 23 forum posts Send private message

Hi JPD, thanks for the photo's, they're fantastic!  

I don't suppose you are out again at Easter?  Any tips on how to get up to our apartment gratefully received in a PM!  We're next  out on the 30th March and have never managed to get into our apartment, which is also up the top, so your photo's of the roof terrace and spiral staircase have cheered us up no end! 

Thanks again for all the info and the pictures and a happy New Year to all future residents of Amarion III.



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02 Jan 2007 5:59 PM by kerrie Star rating in Bristol. 41 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I hope you all had a good christmas & New Year he's hoping that this year is our year.

Thanks for the Pictures JDP, we are out there in February so will take more pictures if we are able to get on the site - if they are building we might not find it so easy!!!!! anyway any tips on how to get into the apartments would be much appreciated and we will do our best to have a good look round and keep you all posted

Kerrie & Rob




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