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.....except those who have their bank guarrantie and proceed on time and form NOBODY is going to get their money back as all of us are the last in the list of creditors and believe me, there are many many creditors before us .....Tax, banks and all who have a preferent credit, for instance.......AIFOS IS going to bankrupt very very quick....!!!!
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There is another way to become a preference creditor before AIFOS will go to liquidation and is to sue them and ask to the Court to freeze assets of them.
The judges now are very sensitive with AIFOS cases and they used to approved them.
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Probably good news as aifos have no intention of finishing the urbanisation the banks will want to recoup there money so will contract some firm to finish the odds and ends off and then sell them to those who have been waiting there is no way in hell they will be able to sell them on the open market. as people will sue it will cause bad will and look bad on spains character so they know it makes sense to sell them to the people who have paid their deposits and are awaiting to move into them
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I completed on Monday in Azalea Block Level 2
The site is tidier but still very unfinished and like a ghost town
I have only completed because i feel the risk of losing 50k deposit is more of a concern to me than taking hold of the apt which i think is not worth the 300,00 euro Banco Past have valued it at. In Duquesa a 2 bed is 250 Euro
I expect to hold the apt for 4-5yrs now - will not furnish and wont even put in light fittings - the site is a joke and its position high on the hill is ridiculous.
I hate the place and always will - but had no choice but to complete or walk away - I dont feel anyone will get any money back off Aifos - and with so many people trying I dont know how you expect they will pay you?
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My tendency is to take my time with completion. Aifos have been absolutely appalling since we signed up - they failed to honour a number of contractual obligations and the absence of amenities such as pools etc is the last straw. I feel that we should be able to wield some leverage as a group - get reductions in prices or get a commitment to getting the pools built or both. I would opt for witholding payment until the pools are finished if we can do this legally. I have also heard that the apts look small - so we should survey them and check the areas against what was offered in the contracts. I will be visiting in early to mid November if anyone wants to meet up and chat.
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Hi Declan,
I agree with you in all what you say except in taking alot of time to complete , and this for different reasons:
1.- If they develop the pools and rest of sport areas it will be completely different as they signed us, and sure not better.
2.- We sure will have to go to Court because of this. Even after completing.
3.- If you can complete and dont do that you risk with your apartment to be embargued because other debts of Aifos,....and believe me they are receiving mountains of comunications of embargoes every day.
I have already completed and with defects, many, but now I can go to the Court but with my apartment in my pocket, with more or less defects but it is not going to be embarged because of these criminals of Aifos.
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Hi Carlos,
What block is your apt in?
We have been advised by Tim not to complete on Pensamiento just yet because of problems with the water supply etc. Our Mortgage Broker is a little perplexed.
We are visiting in early Nov. - could we meet with you to discuss?
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Hi Declan
I am trying to go this next week end...maybe I can be there on saturday 1st november....if you come it would be more than a pleasure to meet you in Hacienda Casares.
Kind Regards
Carlos Sanchez
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Hi Carlos,
We will be there on the 11th and 12th Nov - if you are available anytime during those days please let me know
Kind regards,
Mobile 00353 87 6190443
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Hi declan,
I am not sure I will be able to be there that week end.
In any case, let us to put in contact as we must establish the legal instruments, as a group, to take Aifos in Court.
In the follwing days I will write, both in this web and in the hacienda casres one, the steps we must follow.
My cell is 0034609400319
Kind Regards
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