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has anyone had their water and electric connected to the mains, was over in august and told it would be done by end of august. but no word as yet !
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We are over early October and we have requested the builders electricity and water for 3 weeks. Polaris have rung to confirm they will connect for 3 weeks, so guessing that we are not connected yet!!! We completed on the 14th August in Jardines 7, and I'm assuming that we will be connected during our stay, which would be the 60 days as quoted by PW.
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Hi Mari,
I wouldn't be in too much of a rush to get connected, use the builders supply, this is free. The sooner you are connected the sooner you start paying for it, so enjoy it while its free.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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We were out from 16th August to 1st September and had water and electricity throughout that time but didn't know whether it was the builder's supplies, or whether we had been connected. We visited Customer Services on 1st September before we left to get our key back from PW - whilst there we asked whether we had been connected and were told that nobody was connected to the proper supplies at that time. They said it would be September. Our completion date was June so if the 30-60 days quoted by PW was right, we would have been connected by mid August at the latest.
Not complaining though - as Alison says the builder's supply doesn't cost us anything!
I asked whether the utility companies would need access to the apartments to connect us to the supplies - Customer Services didn't know whether they would or not, but they now have Carol's number as our key holder just in case. Didn't fancy leaving a key with PW once we had furnished etc.
Debbie and Paul 
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I know you pay polaris a management fee of 300 Euros to arrange connection of utilities but I presume this does not cover connection charges.
If not what are the charges likely to be?
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Polaris arrange connection free of charge but advise you to leave 400€ in your bank account for the utility companies to take the money out by direct debit when connected.
The 300€ management fee is for Polaris if they sort your Notary & Land registary details rather than you use a soicitor.
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Thanks Mike & Dawn, I knew €400 rang a bell, even though I'm using a solicitor do I still get PW to sort out Notary & Land registary fees?
Dan This message was last edited by danseex on 9/23/2008.
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This should be part of your solicitors work, ours did this for us within there package as well as the NIE. Worth checking with them though just to make sure.
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thanks for all replies, yes it is good that it doesnt cost anything on builders supply but i e mailed polaris the last time we were going over giving them 2 weeks noticed. but surprise ,no water or electric when we arrived , it then took them 3 hours to connect. this time we are arriving late when offices will be closed so if no connection will be creeping around in dark. suppose will have to hope for the best!!
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Hi Folks,
At long last we have finally recieved our completion paper work  . Having looked through it there are 1 or 2 wee bits that are confusing us. In the section relating to mains water and electric it states that PW will apply on your behalf for free for the connection of the water/electricity. It then goes on to say that if we are interested in this service we have to provide them with our bank details so the suppliers can debit our account, which intially is approx 400 euros. In addition to this we will also incur periodic usage charges. The bits we are conmfused about are:-
1. What is the 400 euros for, if the connection is free and we haven't used anything?
2. If we decide to go it alone do we then have to pay a connection charge, and do we also still have to pay the 400 euros initial charge?
Alison & Simon
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Polaris World will contact and supply the utility companies with all the relevant details for free then the ultility company charge a connection fee in the region of 400EUR for the water and Elec combined.
From what I have heard the companies very rarely have englishspeaking operators and as Polaris are offering to do it on our behalf for no charge its probably worth letting them sort it.
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