The Comments |
As Cuz has just said it is very difficult to pin down a particular topic when all of us start on a thread but can easily drift off the subject and then someone responds to a variation of the thread.
If we all considered what we actually wanted to talk about and either traced the original thread or started another one it would be far easier to look up at a later date.
Barry & Sue
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Hi Barry & Sue - Thanks for the reply - Not sure what would be the best way of doing it, maybe just start new threads for each topic and then if anyone finds something in the old stuff, it could be copied to it, we would all have to be a bit strict with each other to start, like, if someone went off thread, they would have to be gently pointed in the right direction, as I said we could have a chit chat thread for chatting about meeting others on site and the golden girls thread etc. - -- it would be a good idea to wait and see what the others think, I think there are quite a lot of them over at Condado this week, and some of them are original posters, so maybe we should wait for their input? Just try and keep this thread live, so it doesn't slip off the face of the earth before they get back. lol
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Have to say that I agree with Barney on this one.........sometimes we start a good & serious debate & then end up speaking about pink lycra!! No problem if that's what the girls want to discuss, but a seperate thread for that & Emmerdale, Dishwashers, Frocks, plastic plants etc etc etc etc .........& of course Pink Lycra
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A bit harsh Jackie.........but i'll do an hour on the naughty have to admit though there you girls do spill some complete boll-cks?
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Not sure what the thread is to be honest..............just come back from the pub & fancied a bit of sport.........however I love your craic..........I'l go the naughty step anyway, just for the hell of it
Best Regards
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At the risk of being accused of being a boring **** this is what started this thread ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Guys - I'm really sorry for starting this new thread, I know someone has posted a price from PW to put a cupboard where the dishwasher should be? Would be very grateful for help, I have looked up and down all the threads for about an hour and I can't find it ------ And, please don't all shout at me at once but, now there are so many of us on here, would it be a good idea to try and have threads for specific things that are kept just for that topic? I'm sure there's someone on here that would have no trouble sorting it out - We could just have a general chit chat thread as well - I can't be the only one that feels this way, I've been posting on here for a while and I find it so frustrating when you're trying to find a bit of good info that someone has posted and you can't find it, and before someone points it out, I know I'm guilty of it as much as anyone
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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I think we are off thread - I think this should be under 'naughty step'!
Anyway I am not a teacher - my philosophy is more like shampers!
On hol next week to take our first look at Condado but like a bit of nitelife so we are stopping in Benidorm!
Barry & Sue
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Why is it that when someone posts something that is, not exactly serious but just a way of trying to make things easier for others, are they are made to feel like a complete pratt!
- -- BTW Barry, that's about 3 threads, naughty step, occupation and meeting at Condado ---U.S.A. 5 - Europe 2 oops! This message was last edited by cuz on 9/19/2008.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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 home early for once.........
I love messageboards as they always go off topic eventually when posters spot posters they like the craic of and interject with a ''hello, how's the pink lycra and gold buggy hunting going?'' (then 20 others join in as well).
What usually happens is useful info about something completely different than the original thread gets lost on it as you don't look under 'golden buggy'' for info on how to unblock a Spanish toilet, but thats the reason you know you've read something useful but then can't find it, its natural to join the thread that's rocking and rolling rather than start a new one.
Now I'm rambling............ bedtime calls.............. and i still say 1.35 middle of next year !
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Hi Shampers ,
First of all I hope to see you on the weekend of the 11th to the 14 of oct,if not will see you in time, second of all if people want to go off thread then fine , good god polarisworld is where we hope to retire/ have fun on holidays , meet new people and forums are like conversations , they go off thread because like conversations they are spontaneous, they are not automated, I read a thread a while ago about a group of Spanish residents who invited a group of english people to a garden party and all who attended enjoyed it, I hope to meet on this forum people of the same brainset as myself , that when we meet in Condado that we will chat , laugh and enjoy our holidays , invite each other for tea /wine invite each other to whichever pool party or apartment is going on because we are buying into a dream without constraints of time , place , or social status,
We all hope to be (potential ) friends , aquaintences or at least fellow chef's ,drink mixers or at the, least polite to each other in the way we conduct ourselves in Condado de Alhama our second home,
Do we go off thread ? , who cares, I for One will not be looking for an agenda of conversation when I meet people in the Jardines pub ( jardine 6 ) for a drink on or around oct 11th to 13 th , what I will be looking for is potential life friends , like Carol , Arlene , Chris , Peter ,Smivs, Alison and simon, welshwizard and anyone else who is up for a non pc or non corformist time , if people want to act like robots and restrict what they say to the topic in question then please tell me to shut up, otherwise I will meet you in the Condado pub on the 11th to the 13th of Oct ( by appointment only ) or between 03rd Dec and the 8th .
Best Regards , Ken
PS I am pissed ( as in Partaking of drink )
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Sorry Champers I forgot to include you in my Potential list of friends , you can assume its a given ,
I have no doubt we will be swopping jokes , stories , places to stab each other , favourite films, drinking holes ( when they build them ) etc when we meet , did I say stab each other ? must have meant something else , sorry I am going off thread , will post more when I am sober
Regards Ken
PS : whats this thread about anyway. This message was last edited by nolankn89 on 9/20/2008.
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LOL.......... I fly back on the 11th, so will be abstaining that day as I will have the car parked up at the airport, but from the 5th to the 10th i will be partaking in a few lemons. Off thread is fine as long as the thread has done its job, but you know that feeling when you've read something good but can't find it, well thats when something really useful is posted under a thread about something completely different......
What is more useful is if posters read back and resurrect threads which don't quite answer the question now at hand, and if you thought i was being flippant with the ''how do you unblock a Spanish toilet'', well i wasn't as it will get posted, as will ''my electrics fused'', ''i have a leak coming through the ceiling and the owners are away............and they have no keyholders'', and we've still got all the ''community fee rows'', ''el presidente discussions'', ''pool and jardin rules'' etc etc
and i have been 'admin' on a few messageboards and chat rooms, and believe me, this is one of the more structured ones I've seen, you should see the really bad ones as you end up doing this as the whole board becomes random
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ooops, I just read my thread from last night, I really went off the rails a bit so sorry if I was barking up the wrong tree.
I will be in the Jardines from wed the 8th oct , and will be in and out of our apartment , 381 on jardine 4 all the time so I'm bound to bump into everyone then,
anyway , I need medication for my aching head.
todays tip: red and white wine do not mix...............................
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Shampers/nolankn89/jackie anybody else that gives a - Can I just say, and this is for the last time, I wasn't giving any orders, it was just a suggestion that came after I'd spent ages looking for the info I needed, I know what I should have done is write it down when I see it - I AM trying to write this in a light hearted, tongue in cheek way but that may not come over - I can't put any smileys, especially the banging the head against the brick wall one cos I'm still using the bldy Mac and I can't do any formatting with it - Last time I buy anything off my son - I do read all the posts, especially the funny ones, cos they're my favourite ones but I still get pssed off when I can't find something I know is there - I'm now going to superglue my backside to the naught step and watch the golf, and I don't care if you do think that's boring lol - BTW Cos I don't want him tarred with the same brush, this is June
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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