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Hi Everybody,
not long found this Forum and you guys have been great with regards to updates and advice. We have bought into one of the Penthouses P1526 and having recently paid a visit ie returned on the 19 Sept. By the way the weather was great :). As we paid a visit we popped into the snagging office just to try and gleam some more information. They are handing the keys over to the first Penthouses today with the majority having been handed over by the November. As already mentioned earlier in this thread which was also confirmed by Sergio a very helpful PW rep who has a tendancy to get you in everywhere. More than happy to pass his contact details over if anyone is visiting. Sergio also informed us that besides priorities being given to the golf course to the front of the Penthouses and the Island apartments they are building an additional towncentre between the Jardines and the Penthouses and opposite the island apartments. As we were there this had already been marked out with excavations starting this week.
Our very helpful Sergio, also took us across country to view some of the golf course. Yes folks there is a shimmer of green out there and they are saying that all will be green by May 2009 and playable by Aug 2009. Just for the golfers out there.
If anyone could recommend a company to carry out my snagging for me this would be appreciated. As I would like to have all aspects inspected ie sockets etc as we have come across people who have found that sockets had not been earthed correctly and that marked fuses were not corresponding to what was actually annotated.
Kev n Jax
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We also used snaggitmurcia at the recommendation of folk on this site and we were very pleased with the service. Really nice British lady called Emma who was really helpful on the phone and sent us a full report and photos.
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We also used Snagit Murcia and they charge 250 euro's for two visits and photo's and reports. They have been very good with email correspondence and Trevor was 1st class when doing the 1st snag for us.
Jan & Mike
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Hi Kev & Jax
We've also gone with snagitmurcia and are using Emma to carry out snagging. In fact she has just e-mailed me today to confirm our 1st snagging appointment for the 10th Oct before we complete (hopefully) on the 15th. I would echo the comments of the other members in that their communication and correspondence so far has been great.
If you want to contact her, her e-mail address is
By the way, when you were out looking at the Penthouses, I don't suppose you took any measurements from the show apartment? It would be great to try and get an idea of the sizes of the rooms before we go out.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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The 250 euro's is for a 2 bed apartment. I believe its 300 euros for a 3 bed. Two visits are one to initially snag and a return visit soon after the 30 days are up provided the snags are said to be done.
We were lucky that we had few snags mostly paint on tiles or wood work and one tile to be replaced in the kitchen. But I have read people have had scratches on doors and worktops and dents or chips in door frames as well as broken tiles on the roof terrace/downstairs terrace. Trevor was very thorough and checked all the outside floor tiles. They will check water and electricity on the 2nd snag if you arrange for it to be turned on.
Jan & Mike
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Hi Simon,
thanks for the recommendation and we will be sure to get in touch with them in due course. Yes we did manage to get some measurements I will take the plan into work tomorrow and tidy it up scan and post it on here for everybody. When are you guys heading out to Spain?
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Hi Kevin,
We're heading out in about 2 weeks, fly Sunday 12th come back Friday 17th can't wait. Going to Welshwizards 39th  birthday party on the 13th. hope to get most of our furniture ordered and delivered before we return in December.
looking forward to seeing the true measurements.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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