The Comments |
Polaris have just contacted me asking to commit to a completion date and sign a form saying so. Due to this being six months earlier than anticipated we have only just come into a position to apply for a mortgage. I am at the stage of gathering documents together. I have told Polaris that I can't commit to a date yet because I don't know if the mortgage will be in place or if I will be accepted for one. They said it would be fine and if their was a delay with the bank issuing the mortgage they could re-arrange. My question is:
If I sign this commitment form and then can't complete on that day, are they likely to stick to their word or could they use the form against me to keep my deposit?
Thanks in advance
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Hi Ooch,
We're completing end Oct and haven't been asked to sign any such form. We have arranged snagging and completion appointments via e-mail but not been asked to sign anything as yet...
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Hi OOch - Like Kev, we didn't sign anything like that either, all we got was an email confirming the date of the completion and then later all the documents, forms etc relating to the insurance and utilities
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Maybe we are seen as a risk. I have contacted them a few times asking for completion to be delayed so maybe they just want some insurance. Does anybody know if I can refuse to sign it?
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We have just had a letter today by special delivery as our solictor has been messing us around and she has delayed our completion. This states if we do not complete on the 10th Oct we will lose our deposit. We think she took the huff because we did not take the builders mortgage out (wonder wehter she lost out on her cut). We are due to complete on the 30th but I think this is jsut a warning what could happen.
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Hi all,
I will say that I havn't heard of any mention of such a form being sent to anyone on the Jardines part of the resort, if they are asking people to sign such a form then maybe you should ask them to send a statement to you guarenteeing that the habitation certs and all other paperwork will be in place on that date before you sign your form, from the experience of reading posts on this and other sites I would be surprised if the hab certs were in place on time.
If in doubt consult your solicitor before signing anything.
regards Ken
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We've been sent a commitment form to sign - we complete 26th November. Not returned the form yet, we are still trying to sort out our mortgage! Polaris have not chased us for the form yet and we were sent it on the 4th September so I would just sit on it for a while until they chase you for it.
_______________________ "No Guts No Glory"
Go Canucks Go
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We are completing on 14th November and have received commitment forms by email to sign and return
I have emailed back advising that we will sign the forms on condition that Habitation certificate will be available by completion
_______________________ Russ & Louise
Salud !
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I asked if the habitacion certificate would be in place and they e-mailed saying it would but I'll take that with a pinch of salt. When they mailed the commitment form they initially said that I had to sign it and return it that day or they couldn't reserve the 7th Nov and I would just get a date appointed to me. They then said it was ok to return it on monday and that I had to send them copies of our passports. I've mailed my solicitor to ask if I should sign it. I have a feeling they will say yes as they were recommended to us by parador so I don't think they will be sympathetic towards Polaris.
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Just a quick update. I contacted my solicitor and asked them whether I should sign the commitment form. They replied back saying it was pointless to sign at the moment because Polaris do not yet have a certificate of habitacion and until they do there is no point commiting to a definite date.
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