The Comments |
We have had quite bad rain on and off for a few days here on Condado and on Sunday Night we lost electricity after a thunder storm which took 21 hours to resume - this afternoon and evening we have had quite heavy rain which we lost electricity again but this time only for about 2 hours but it has caused some 2 bedroom apts facing up towards jardin 13 to flood under doors enough to reach bedrooms, I have checked all my apts and only 1 has had to be mopped out and towels used behind front door to stop water coming in but it is a worry that depending on which way the rain comes down depends on which are affected. For those that I am looking after I have been round this evening and will again in the morning to ensure that all are ok as it is still raining on and off tonight.
Someone has brought this British weather over and I will investigate to find out who the culprit is - I am on the case........well I will be......... manyana
Nite nite peeps from a very wet Condado
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi Carol,
Us jocks have sent it over to you as we have had great weather here for the last week. The only plus of the rain is the grass on the golf course may grow quicker.
Glad your on the case looking after all your clients interests, good advertisement for future clients like us.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Alison & Simon
I knew someone would own up in the end but full confession after only 5 mins .... What can I say apart from its not true what they say about jocks being tight ha ha I bet rain is the only thing you lot share lol ...only joking.....looking forward to meeting you both soon ... which isnt too far away now....... dont forget to take the rain back before you come out tho !!!!
Catch u soon
Carol This message was last edited by angelbabe911 on 9/25/2008.
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Thanks for the info Carol,
Does anyone know if it would be possible to fit something like a weather or threshold strip to the bottom of the door to seal it?
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We know that power failures in Spain are guaranteed but how do you get it back on? Do you just wait, is there a switch you can flick (as in UK) or do you have to change fuses?
I am not a handyman!
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Hi guys
The rain has been very extrreme and we are predicted to have more over the next week or so. This is quite common in this part of Spain in September and October and is a weather phenomenen known as the Gotta Fria. The local papers have been forecasting this for several weeks.
I think we may have found a solution which can be easily fixed to the bottom of the front doors of the apartments and should stop any rain water leaking under.
I am waiting for my husband to come back from the site to see if what we are proposing would work and if so I will let everyone know as we could start to put these in place for people ASAP.
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A Spanish guy I worked with told me about the gotta fria so when we went out for the parador tour I asked if it affected this area. Sure enough the sales rep said he had never heard of it and said they never got bad rains.
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Hi All,
Any idea what the weather forecast is in Condado for the next 2 weeks? We're coming out there on Tuesday and will be very dissapointed if we have 10 days of rain!....... We came out in May for 5 days and had 4 days of rain. I need the sunshine!................
Dave & Carol
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Hi Emma,
The problem with rain water coming under the door has been discussed before, in your experience has it ever been noted as a fault during snagging and if so did PW do anything about it. I would of thought that this was a design/build fault as the floor in front of the door is supposed to be sloped away to prevent water ingress, so PW should be putting it right?
Or am I just being hopeful?
P.S If we find that mine leaks, I'll have one or your strips please
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Hi Dave
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the weather forecast for this area for the next few weeks is not good. The rain is supposed to be with us for a while and when it rains it really rains. I have just had a power cut at home so popped to the shops and got stuck in a flooded road and I drive a 4x4 car. I would warn anyone who is coming over and is driving to be very careful as the Spanish cannot drive in the rain. There is always a lot of surface water and debris from the fields around.
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Hi Barry
When the power goes off in Spain you don't normally have to do anything it will just come back on again. You will only have to open the fuse box if your differencial switch has popped, and this is very easy to do. The electric fuse boxes in the apartment are very easy to spot as they have a white plastic door which opens on a hinge and you will see if a switch is in the down position and if so you just push it up again.
Regarding the water leaking under the doors. This is a very common problem in Spain because most front doors that are fitted do not have any seals at the bottom. Most people I have spoken to today, including my mother, have had water leaking under their doors due to the heavy rainfall we have experienced. I know this was discussed in an earlier thread and my husband said that there were many people in the call centre this morning complaining, however the response from Polaris has been to do nothing so far, hence our idea to place the plastic strips on the bottom of the doors to try and stop the leaks. My mother has done this on her own house yesterday and it seemed to work overnight so fingers crossed this could be a fairly easy and cheap solution.
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Hi everyone,Well just to let you all know it has rained quite heavy again today,no storms as the last few nights though.We have had a few problems with a couple of the upstairs apartments we look after,mainly due to tiling that falls the wrong way and the terrace outlets.Mark is a builder and just shakes his head now at some of the things they do.Good luck,Tracy.
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I suppose the ground floor apartments have not noticed the water coming through the overflow pipes recently - they will have enough of their own!
How has it drained from these apartments - is the patio on a slope - has any water got in?
Barry & Sue
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Hi Carol,
You are right it is not true that the scots are tight, having been in the company of all my hubbies friends, family and work colleagues for many years before he moved north I am certainly under the impression this was a rumour started by the English to hide behind their own meanness  .
P.S. We have had another great day here in scotland, kids running about in shorts and flipflops.  . Holiday weekend aswell.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Shampers,
-6 where did you get that info, was that another BBC 1 weather report you were watching ( always wrong when it comes to North of the Border) or even north England. no really it must have been about 18 or 19 today at least in my back garden, but I do have a south facing garden which helps. Can't afford to buy the kids clothes now that I have purchased a penthouse. Was hoping they could run around with nothing on at Condado and as for shoes what are they.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Thanks Carol for helping our renters clear up the under door flood. I know they were concerned about using all the white towels, but I would rather have dirty towels (that can be laundered) than ruined furniture etc.,
And thanks for calling and letting us know so promptly, made us want to drop everything and come back over...... That would be great if we could have, but as you know I was sailing in Scotland.
Anyway thanks again, your a "good un"
See you soon
_______________________ Chris & Ja
Jardine 13
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Hi Chris & Ja
No Probs thats what I am here for  all sorted now and towels are A OK !!
I had Gail shopping round for those door thingys today - seems everyone has same idea and bought most of them up - but Monday new supplies so hope its not too bad over weekend - I think I need to add wellies to my mums shopping list for Monday - glad the sailing went well - hope you stayed sober enough to enjoy it lol - cant wait to see you both again real soon.
Take care
Carol, Ash & Tom
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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