The Comments |
The various threads on this site are a joy to read. We've been able to get loads of useful info and guidance from them, as well as a good laugh - many thanks to you all.
Life in Condado is going to be a hoot - looking forward to making a lot of new pals (on and off the golf course).
One wee question - when we complete before the Notary (on 7/11/08) do we get the keys there and then from PW? If not.... what's the script?
Peter and Fiona
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Hi Peter and Fiona,
Yes you get the keys from PW when you complete at the Notary. If your solicitor completes on your behalf with POA he or she can take them for you, or PW can keep them and you can collect them at the After Sales Service office. This message was last edited by Cappielow on 9/23/2008.
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Excellent, Cappielow - very helpful.
The down side is that I'll have to lug a number of "little" items that "She who must be obeyed" has stockpiled already for the apartment over when we go there on 7/11!!
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Will probably see you on the 7th as we complete the same day - can't wait now, haven't been over since last year so this forum has been a life line of fab info and photos to keep us up to date.
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Hi you lot from chilly Jocko land,
We are also complete on Nov 7th - Penthouse 10. Hope we can all meet up on I hope is a successful day for us all. We actually come out on the 5th - to start the process ...NIE numbers, Snagging etc. Have you guys received your Habitation certs yet? So far we have not .....but plenty of time yet I guess
Hope to see you all soon
Best Regards
Nick & Deb
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Hi Skell
Simon here. We're also up in Scotland (although I'm originally from Yorkshire- but all that's been done on a different thread). Guess what, the sun has been shining up here this week, so it's not that chilly just yet!!
We are due to complete on the 15th Oct, and have not had anything through yet, no completion paperwork, no habitation certificate etc. When checking with PW I was told the completion paperwork will be issued approx 3 weeks before completion, so I'm expecting this any day, and as for the habitation certificate they expect this in early October (fingers crossed, cos I'm not completing without it.)
By the way Skell, can you not decide where you're living. On your thread, you say Penthouse 10, your avatar says Block 9, and I'm sure I've read on other posts you're on Block 11. lol
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Simon,
Glad to hear Chilly is not so Chilly at this time.
Actually I love it up in Scotland. I generally go up once a year (1st week in May) with a bunch of lads from Beverley (Est Yorks) where I used to live many moons ago. We have never had a bad week weather wise in 15 years!! I always come back with a good Tan (wind burn probably) whatever the location. Once played Royal Aberdeen on May 2nd & it was over 30 deg!! It was so hot you could see a herd of Wilderbeasts on the distant fairways. !! The misus never thinks I go to Chill Jocko, but have sneaked off to Spain or Portugal for the week instead!........However other than a shopping trip to Edinburgh - she has never been, so she does not know what she is missing!!
Yes, I spotted my nomadic tendancies in the Penthouse blocks myself last night, whilst on the thread. Nightmare. I think this confusion depends on what state I am in when I log on the thread after returning from the Pub on a Fri & Sat nights. Definatley block 9 though....(P935 to be precise). Thought I got away with it, but obviously not!!
Keep in touch about your certs & paperwork concerns. I am worried a bit too. Deborah is going to La Manga this Sat (with her Mum) for a week - so will call on the site at least once & possibly twice - so hopefully she will get lots more pics & gossip. I will get her to get all the dimensions again, as I think Alison was after them confirming again.
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Hi Nick
You choose a good time to come to Scotland, May is usually a good month - 1 out of 12 isn't bad i suppose!, good job Alison's not here, she's very protective of her country. Joking aside, I actually like it up here and wouldn't move back down. I think those Wilderbeast you saw were probably Aberdeen Angus cows, funny how sunstroke can play tricks on the mind!!
If you're in Block 9, then we'll no doubt see you around, as we're in Block 10, although after a good night at the local Condado hostelry it might be Block 9,10,or 11 we finish up in!
It would be great if Deborah gets the chance to get some measurements of the apartments, as Alison is definitely looking for these. She's in charge of furnishing the place when we go out, I'm just tagging along to pay for it all.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Nick - we're out on 5/11 too to complete on 7/11 and I'll be mirroring Simon - tagging along and paying for the furnishings!
Nothing in from my solicitor or from PW on habitation certs yet. SnagitMurcia are on the case and I'm waiting to hear from them, too.
Patience is a virtue - so they say............
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Hi Capielow - Where is the after sales office? We complete by POA on 3rd October, as long as Habitation certs are ready. We were going to get the solicitor to hang on to the keys, but it may be a better option to collect them from there
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Martyn and June,
When you come to the huge roundabout at the entrance to the resort (the one with the big 'Condado de Alhama' logo in the middle) take the second exit and keep going about 1km or so. The Customer After Sales Offices are a group of portacabins on the left.
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Just a little word of caution regarding keys being available at the Sales office: we arrived at Condado on Sunday 7th September having specifically arranged by e-mail and telephone to pick our keys up from the on site office on that day only to find that the office does not open Saturday and Sunday. We went to the sales office and the girl on the desk didn't want to know - however I put my foot down insisting that she call a manager and resolve the problem or book us into a hotel. After some angry exchanges including me speaking to the area sales manager, they agreed to get a maintenance guy to come with keys. When he came 2 hours later he didn't want to release the key to us (he could open the apartment but couldn't leave a set of keys with us) - again I stamped my foot and picked up the keys from the counter and declared that as I had paid for the apartment this was their problem to resolve so sort it! He did explain that I had signed a document allowing them to hold the keys so I suggested that I sign another document saying I was having the keys back and after a few more phone calls to the area manager they printed off a document for me to sign and we got keys - yipee. However, it took all the excitement out of arriving at our new home in the sun and it took about 5 pints in the bar that night before I felt normal again (ask Carol, Jackie etc).
They told me this happened quite often and I can't believe that the people in customer services would be so stupid as to allow people to turn up with their luggage to a site that they have no access to . The girl in the Sales office was terrible (think Little Britian's 'computer says no'!) I think that I only had leverage as there was a slow stream of 'potential customers' arriving at the sales office and they didn't want me making a scene.
Anyway, sorry for the rant but be really careful if you are arriving at the weekend.
PS The door also deadlocks from the outside - theres no latch and we did also lock ourselves out (whole other rant) so always have a key in your pocket when you are going outside.
On a positive note, we love the whole development, our apartment is fab and we're really looking forward to spending more time there.
Michelle Hill
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well done michelle for standing your ground! My husband commented on the deadlocking situation when we were out there. If you went upstairs on the sundeck you could easily lock youself out. If you had someone on site (like carol) at least you could run round for key but also when we stayed at a villa in mar menor a spare key was kept in a sort of mini combination safe thingy outside. Dunno if I'd trust it though cos you could just smash it off the wall with a hammer I suppose! (not that we tried this course of action!)
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Hello all,
Here's one that you won't have heard before, I was getting my lights and aircon fitted today and over the last week or so e-mailed polarisworld customer service to make sure the key would be given to the light / aircon fitter, they said the key was in the office on site and would be available.
The fitter turned up today got the key , went to the apartment and the key would not open the door, he went back to the office and a polaris customer service rep phoned me to ask if I had changed the locks, I asked why I would send someone to fit lights and not supply them with a key that works and pointed out that other furniture had been delivered with no problem, she said " yes you are right".
So now they are going to replace the lock , I will be going over on the 7th and have to arrange to get the keys put somewhere I can get access to them at what will be 23.00 or even midnight.
I assume the furniture went in the patio doors, having said that the door worked in june when we snagged,,,,,,,,,,,,weird.
Perplexed regards, Ken and Fiona.
Ps ; the key must have worked when they did the snag list fixes,,,,,,,,,,,if they did them.
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Hi Ken and Fiona,
This key thing is quite strange as we had something similiar happen which gave rise to us arranging to pick keys up from PW on our arrival on Sunday 7th Sept. (see earlier rant about arriving to no keys)
We had arranged for a furniture delivery on August 16th, on arrival the delivery company couldn't get access as the door wouldn't open. They had to store our furniture in the Customer Service cabin and they told us the locks would be changed the next day and they had to deliver the furniture to the apartment themselved. PW confirmed to me that the locks were changed before we went out there on Sept 7th therefore the keys our solicitor had were no longer the right keys - and heres the oddity - we collected the 'old' keys from the solicitors and hey presto they worked just fine so our locks were never changed!
The door does open slightly funny (you have to turn the key about 5 times, pull the door to you and push) but you figure it out quite quickly and I just wonder if they are giving the keys to the delivery people without a PW person being with them and they are not opening the doors properly so for some strange reason they tell us they are changing the locks??? (are they supposed to accompany the delivery people to the apartment????)
Its just strange - ps they had done most of our snagging stuff so they keys had been working at some point - another strange PW mystery
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Hi Michelle,
Like you our keys worked for the snagging visit , the key that was in the site office actually. We had two sets of furniture deliveries done in august and the keys used were from the sets given to my solicitor when she signed for our property in july, so they were working then , unless they only used the patio doors for entry!Mmmm
We are told the locks will be changed by Monday and my lighting will be delivered on Thur or Friday, I will be arriving in spain on the 7th so hopefully things will be fine by then.
Will let you all know
Regards Ken and Fiona
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We had trouble with the door, similar to previous post seems the bolt unlocks but to release the catch you have to pull the door towards you then turn the last bit then it will open.
On the good side, may delay any burgular :)
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