jardines or naranjos ?

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14 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by wenron Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi we are thinking of buying a first floor apartment and cannot choose whether  to buy on jardines or on naranjos , can anyone in the know give us any ideas on both the locations on the resort to help us decide and any other info would be helpfull and much appreciated  as we are getting good and bad vibes reading different comments  , we have not visited yet but hope to very shortly thankyou

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15 Oct 2008 7:29 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

stonephil´s avatar
Hi Wenron,

Welcome to the forum.

My advice, and I am sure that of many others, would be to visit Condado and look at the development for yourselves. 
The site is huge and until you actually go and experience this for yourselves you cannot gauge the scale of the development.
You can get some impression from the many photos available on this site but only when you visit will you be able to make a decission.
We have bought a 1st floor apartment on Jardines 9 and are extremely pleased with our choice. 
We are over 6 -10th November so if this coincides with your visit you are more than welcome to come and look at our apartment.

Best of luck, I feel sure you won't be disappointed, what ever your decission.


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15 Oct 2008 8:00 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

rowlandsbb´s avatar
Stonphil is correct
You have to go and visit Condado to apprecaite what the location is all about
Which part you are on depends to some extent on your own personal time scale
If you want something right now then there are some ready now on Jardines 2 

Just now there are Discovery Tours which cost £199 per couple [ naturally we refund this if you buy] and at the same time you will see the established Resorts and facilities which will give you a good idea of how the finshed product at Condado will look

Prices and terms are vey competitive and just now is a nice time to visit Spain





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15 Oct 2008 10:57 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi wenron

  1. You have now the best opportunity to buy at Condado, most of the people on the forum bought off plan so the only thing we all could see was the ground the resort was to be built on and the builders plans, the reality is just as impressive if not more so than the original vision, this despite some of the negatives you can read about which are miner in comparison to the splendour of the place.
  2. Location Jardin or Naranjos as previously stated you would be best to go and see the complex for your self and select your own apartment or location the reason for this is basically because you can and it’s best to see it at first hand. Their are other locations on the resort as well like La Isla & El Mirador all of the areas are just as good as each other, its down to your individual preferences which and wear to buy or not.
  3. In the current climate I would think you are in the driving seat and in a better position than those of us that bought at the height of the boom some time back, so you could achieve a discount, but hay ho ten years from now that will be irrelevant for us.
  4. If you are using an agent select them carefully remember they are not doing it for nothing, I am not suggesting don’t use one as they are very helpful and some will take you out for free. Just make sure you no what you are getting and what you are agreeing to before you go with them. Remember its not that expensive to go independently and a number of people on the forum have completed so you could rent one of there apartment and get a real feel for the place, Just ask on hear and they will offer, we did this last month when we went out to see progress on our apartment and the complex and it was the best thing we could have done.
  5. The people on this forum will be very happy to help with any question you may have so don’t hesitate to ask.


This message was last edited by PGM on 10/15/2008.

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15 Oct 2008 11:11 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

Hi Wenron,

As others have said the best starting point would be to visit the complex and take a look around the completed gardens, there are free inspection trips available.  If I was buying today rather than 18 months ago off plan I would definately look for a completed key-ready property, that way you will know exactly what you are getting.  There are plenty to choose from on the main PW web site, another option that is definately worth looking at is resales. Take a look at http://www.murciagolfproperties.co.uk/dealhama_resales.html or http://www.polarisworld.info/ or some of the other PW agent site and there are bargins to be had.





Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

Web: www.naranjosuno.com




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