You should now have been debited your second payment of Community charge for 2008. There is one more to be debited in November, I believe.
2008 Charges were to be taken in three parts...basically your 2008 (either a full year or from month after completion to end of year) divded by 3. This was only a temporary arrangement as details were not handed over to Resortalia from PW until the middle of the year and all have to be manually entered this first time....and sort out incorrect bank details from the first collection it all came out at the backend of the year.
In 2009 it should be much more straightforward.... once the budgets are determined for 2009 (and CC's are based on those budgets) I believed it is proposed to be collected every two months through 2009 and from then on....basically your 2009 commitment divided by 6.
As to the Loyalty card...I assume you mean the Polaris Club card which gets you certain dicounts. This card is only valid in certain specified PW outlets...some bars,restaurants and the list of valid outlets changes a little every three months basically....unfortunately this card is not, and never has been, valid on the Golf Prices. As an owner you get discounted golf anyway...currently 55 euros (plus Insurance and any trolley/buggy fee) a single round (for HR,EV and LT)....but there are always different deals on at different times of the year. I think the current one is two play for 110 (plus insurance , 3 euros each) but you get a free buggy, worth 30 euros). Not a great deal, but its the prime golf season now for visitors and so they dont really have to have great deals on as its very busy now. Summertime deals, when its low season , have the best deals...but its stinking hot!!.