washing machines

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22 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by Samy Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I have a new washing machine bought in the uk and was wandering if the waste pipe at the back is compatable with the fittings in my 2 bed apt.

many thanks


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22 Nov 2008 2:30 PM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sam,

According to my husband, new washing machines only have the one cold water feed pipe as the newstyle washing machines heat the water themselves??  Then the wastepipe is just the std push fit, identical to the UK.  In the apartment it is the std fitment for the cold fwater feed and conventional waste pipe system so it should be okay.

Kind Regards



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22 Nov 2008 10:14 PM by cath&kevin Star rating in Resident in Jardine .... 160 forum posts Send private message

Thanks kelly, thats a big help it will save me having to buy another one. More money for other things.



Cath & Kevin

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