If AEA did not comply with the following rules regarding the first meeting they have acted illegally.
I suggest that a meeting on site with additional emailed votes if necessary is held and an attempt is made to remove them as soon as possible
Sometimes the first General meeting, where the work of the Community is started up, is conducted in such a way that the legality of the Community or the validity of its decisions can later be challenged. It is important to take great care to make the meetings legal and correct.
First of all, at the entrance to the meeting hall you should have a person with a complete, correct and up-to-date list of all private properties, their respective cuotas and their owners. That person must note the attendance of each member and give him/her a vote card corresponding to the cuota the member represents. If someone states that he represents an owner not present, he must present his power of attorney or proxy that should be left with the person taking attendance.
The person who has called the meeting, or whomever he designates to do so, then opens the meeting and asks the person who has taken attendance to report his findings to determine if there is sufficient participation (quorum) to take decisions. If there are disagreements about the participants, the meeting can name two to three persons to check the participants list and the powers of attorney. Vital or disputed decisions cannot be taken before agreement on the participants has been established.
A quorum of the first convocation of a General Meeting is at least 50% of the owners and cuotas of the Community.
When the participation has been agreed upon, the agenda for the meeting should be referred to the meeting for acceptance. This is important: maybe the members want to elect a president from the start, so he can lead the meeting, or maybe they prefer to elect officers at the end of the meeting after hearing their points of view on other matters on the agenda. In the latter case, the meeting may ask the person who called the meeting to act as chairman for the meeting.
The chairman must then propose, or ask for a proposal for, someone who can take the minutes of the meeting. Usually at this point comes the question of language. In which language must a meeting be conducted in a multi‑national Community of Owners in Spain?
If the person calling the meeting knows that not all owners have a common language, he should arrange for an interpreter to be present.
A promoter must take part in the Community on behalf of all unsold properties included in the constitutional title of the Community. He not only has the right to the votes for those properties, but also the obligation to pay the corresponding part of the Community fees!
First of all, the decision must be taken at a legally called meeting, meaning a meeting where all owners have been invited with due notice and where the agenda was given beforehand. Secondly, as many of the Community members must be present at the meeting, in person or by proxy, so that decisions can be taken with a majority of the total number of Community owners voting i.e. a "quorum"! Unless a proposal manages to rally behind it a majority of all owners, present or represented or absent, the proposal cannot be accepted.
The president is elected at a General Meeting. A simple majority is needed for his election. One has to be a member of the Community to be elected president, as well as being of age and with full legal competence. However, it is not conditional that the president should have any special education, profession, nationality, sex or that he speak any certain language(s).
There is no legal requirement to the effect that the president and the administrator of a Community of Owners be able to speak or write Spanish. The only requirement for the election of a president is established in article 13 of the Law on Horizontal Property, that he must be one of the co‑owners.
This requirement does not exist for the administrator.
The administrator is elected by a majority at a General Meeting. The duration of his term is the same as for the president. He can also resign, and he can be proposed to be replaced by any member. However, the question of his replacement must appear on the agenda for the meeting.