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We're intending to get a specialist to do the snagging of our apartment in Block 10.
Following two enquiries to the developer's office (us and the specialist), we have been told that we will not be allowed to snag until we have completed the purchase/signed the deeds. This seems to fly in the face of all advice we have previously received and thus we do not intend to accept the property without seeing its condition or the quality of the workmanship. We fear the developer may make life difficult but hope our solicitors will help. Has anyone else received similar information and if so would you kindly let 'the board' know? Purchasers in a similar position to us may wish to compare notes and liase to guard against the Developer pulling a fast one!
This is obviously not limited to purchasers in Block 10 alone.
Thanks & regard, MisterC
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I have been staying in DV since July 13th and have done my own snagging as well as doing it for other people. Generally the quality is good, but I have problems with locks, shutters, water leaks, cracks, you name it. But this is not unusual for new builds.
The big issue with the snagging is that they only come to snag on wednesdays. There is no notice given, and if you aren't there to let them in they won't do it. The other issue is when they do come, they are spanish workers with zero english, so your snagging list is now a bit difficult to figure out, as they have a spanish list.
The actually snaggin is easy, the tough bit is getting work done. As I say I have been here over three months and still have many problems that need sorting.
So whats the answer ? I am on site every wednesday and can let workers into apartments to do things. If any one is interested in this service let me know. Plus I have a penthouse to let for snagging visits, its on my website
Hope this helps a bit.
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Just to let you know that my solicitor told us that we had to have the snagging list completed within a month of purchase! We will be visiting exactly one month after the deeds were signed so we are cutting it a little close but I presume fom Gary's experience that they won't repair it within one month!
_______________________ Daniela & Lee
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We purchased our apartment via Ocean Estates and the purchase included free snagging. One of their people carried out the snagging list and sent the report (in Spanish) to the developer to complete.
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Deband, is that a normal service from Ocean Estates? We also purchased through Ocean three years ago, although we never actually signed anything with them - they took us direct to the developer. I would be very interested to know. Thanks, Jan
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Deband Have also purchased through Ocean Estates and will be completing soon on a phase 2B apartment. I was thinking of getting an independant company to perform the snagging rather than going down the Free snagging service offerred by Ocean Estates. Hence would you mind advising whether the Ocean Estates snagging report was very comprehensive? did the developer deal with all of the snagging issues raised? did you get a copy of the report in English along with any photographs of any issues that needed to be dealth with? etc.. etc.. Any thoughts on this matter would be most helpful. Thanks.
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We completed on a phase 1 apartment on 5th October.
Our independent surveyor sent his report using the pre-printed forms that the developer insists on being used, together with photos of all items requiring attention on 10th October.
Snagging is only carried out on a Wednesday and you have to be available to let the workers in. The developer's workers did not have the snagging list or photos with them and had no idea what work was to be carried out
To date apart from seeing to some minor bit of re-painting all our problem items are still to be resolved.
I would recommend a full independant survey as opposed to Ocean Estates

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We are just about to complete on our apartment.
Is it acceptable to carryout the snagging prior to completion as my solicitor has recommended that we compile the snagging list before we complete.
Will the builders be prepared to let us in prior to completion ? and if so ,who is the best person from the developers to arrange this ?
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Hi I tried to make arrangements to sang before completion but I was told by the developer and my solicitor that this wass not possible. That has been my expereince anyway.
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We have just returned from DV and the snag list was quite straight forward. We completed a month before we could get out there to complete the snagging so we employed the help of Ocean to do the snag list. Saying that though when we got to the apartment we cleaned it from top to bottom and snagged ourselves. Some of the snags weren't visible until we had cleaned the windows etc. We then went to the aftersales in Duquesa to check that everything we had noted was on the list. The list wasn't there!! 30 days had passed and the list had not been submitted! We got it sorted and the list was faxed over and our amendments went on it too. The good thing now is that it is Ocean who will let the workers in to snag and we don't have to keep flying out there all the time.
Words of warning: Make sure you snag within 30 days of completion and make sure if you do use someone else that they have submitted the report within 30 days.
_______________________ Daniela & Lee
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