The Comments |
Hi All
Now that we are all back in reality after a warm week on CdA over new year, may I take this oportutunity to thank Carol (angelbabe) for the organising of the New Year party, Louise for the fantastic spread of food (home made pork pies delicious) and everyone else who attended for their company. We had a fantastic time, met some new faces and had sore heads in the morning, especially June ha ha.
In fact I think that she did such a great job of party organiser, she should do it every year, anyone agree ?? 
Love you Carol
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi, We also would like to thank carol for the party we had a great time and as mentioned the food was great. And yes i think it should be an annual event.
Thanks Again
Stuart, Pam, Alison, Michael, Bill and Eleanor
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Hi everyone What a great do Carol put on for us lucky revellers What a great lady always goes that extra mile Without her there would have been no N ew year to celebrate Thanks again Carol Chris and Liz xx
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Hi everyone What a great do Carol put on for us lucky revellers What a great lady always goes that extra mile Without her there would have been no N ew year to celebrate Thanks again Carol Chris and Liz xx
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I'm glad someone has mentioned NEW YEARS YEAR! Carol you done proud!
Waverley family lovely to meet you at Carols and Mazzaron.
Just seen Glenys and we have decided Carol is going to be Presitent of the Town Council of the Foro, and now knowing Carol there is not going to be a NEW YEARS EVE PARTY for 2009!! Blimey who can you trust? Golfim Jim you left us? Shampers what are you doing now? s
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Gary Donegari can't PM you cos you haven't made enough posts but if you get in touch with JUSTIN at the top of the page and ask him if you can PM. Got some nice pics of you
Ibbo PM'd you for your e-mail
Waverley PM'd you for your e-mail
Scapa sent you pics.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Thanks to June & Margaret for the wonderful pictures sent from the party, it was a really good night with great company and glad you all enjoyed it.
I thought we agreed that it was your turn next year June ........and I promise to get Louise to make Martyn some more pork & pickle lol
Take care you lot
Carol, Tom, Louise & Lev
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi All,
Scapa hope you and Glenys behaved yourselves (some hope). I actually did my drunk testometer as approved by the Spanish Government. I did 3 yes 3 laps of the complex in my mankini and nobody noticed. This therefore prooves everybody was too drunk................. or it was a very very cold night.
I was there in spirit believe me. Sounded as though it was a great night. Well done Carol, I was witness too some of your hard work and organising. Next year if I can arrange it. It will be on the rooftop terrace of one's penthouse. Sorry, sounded all posh and BEDFORD like.
Too the many many wonderful people I met in the bar on Sunday 28th December. Thank you for a great night. Sorry I wont be able to remember all your names, Thats because Scapa just kept pouring the drink down my mouth, and I'm not used too drinking that much
Too Geoff and Wendy, hope you have found this forum. And too everyone else I met, what a great week you all made it for me.
Thanks all, and Happy New Year to you all.
_______________________ Frank
Dont smack your kids. They choose your care home.
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Jim, Scapa and Glenys were very, very quiet the day after the night before, so not too sure who was leading who??? I'm sure they blamed you for the over indulgence. Did you remember to eat your takeaway?
Carol Miller!! I wasn't that drunk. I'm sure I'd remember not to volunteer for anything
If that Liz is comeing I'm really only drinking ginger ale next year. I kept telling her pub measures of vodka with ginger ale mixer, not the other way round. No wonder my b***** head hurt the next day.
We'll have to get a marquee for next year, do you think they'll notice if we borrow that workmans service area one on the roundabout?
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi everyone whats happening!!! Me no received any photo's from anyone? Who is receiving them ? Where are they going? June & Martyn & Margaret Ihaven't received any photo's can you try again pleeeeeease boo hoo! Did find some pictures on my camara taken on the Sunday night!! He! he! Stil can't remember meeting you Liz & Chris.
Oh Jim or is it Frank? I am so sorry 'cause when I was pouring the drink down your mouth I thought you were saying more give me more!! Obviously you were saying something else!! he! he! Must 've got Lost in translation !!
Can't wait to see you all again!
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Hi Jackie
I've tried to send you them twice now but they won't go through. The others have recieved them but yours just comes back with "Connection Problem". Have you given me the correct e-mail address ???
Please confirm
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Jackie,
The photo's I sent were delivered, to who I do not know! Can you send me your e-mail address again just to make sure it is correct and I will send them again
_______________________ Margaret
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Frank & Jackie
ONLY me and Hebert know what really happened that night as we have seen the inbar video footage ..... ... Oh my two ..... There are some things us Angels should not have to witness LMAO 
See you all soon
P.S. Martyn you best talk to your other half as the 'Pork & Pickle will be held to ransom until you convince her its a good plan !!!! June you might have a stumbled across our master plan for next years party with that Marquee idea - See your not so Blonde afterall 
Luvs ya Girly
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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I was not saying more more. I was telling you that I think that James Bond fella was staying in the next apartment to me. All I could here was some poor woman saying "Oh Roger Moore Moore Moore"
_______________________ Frank
Dont smack your kids. They choose your care home.
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