The Comments |
If anybody is in the mood for a good fight, I have taken the message below from the thread with the above title on the General Forum.
"You ask how you can help. This is what I said in my original posting:
a) if you have not already sent a petition of your own to the Petitions Committee in the EP that you do that asap.
b) write to ALL the MEPs in your area – this would support my blanket mailing - and to your MP to make them aware of your situation. Only one letter needs to be written and that copied to them all. Those of you who have done this in the past please send a follow-up letter to update them (and not let them off the hook).
c) visit your MP at his/her next surgery and ask them to support you in an individual protest letter – look them firmly in the eye. We put them there to do this kind of thing for us!
d) write to the Spanish Ombudsman.
e) write to the Spanish Bar Association. Ilustre Colegio de Abogados (branches in each province) or directly to the President of the CGPJ - Consejo General del Poder Judicial (The General Council of the Judiciary)
f) write to or ring your local newspaper and get a story printed. Don’t be shy.
g) make sure you have signed the Spanish Property Scandal Petition and, where it’s appropriate, the petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain.
h) attend protests where it’s physically possible to do and cheer on by email where you can’t.
I’m sure you have more ideas and suggestions that you can make so lets put our heads together so that we can bang the drum and make as much noise as possible.
We need a flood of mail and a tide of publicity.
We need to keep up the pressure.
We need to stand by each other. >>
Whichever action(s) you choose to take will add to the groundswell of protest this month. Let's see how far we can get in one big concerted effort.
Keep on trucking!
How about it? John and I have already signed the petition.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Well done Sue, like AuntieLinda Ive done the two. You are a gem to provide how to do this and not just say it.. Looks like we could be busy this week.
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I have signed the petitions and filled in the EU petition commitee form my own on line it is really easy .As for pestering the sh - t out of my MP ,MEPand SMP I have been doing this regularly since May .So come on guys get going it can only be good for us and those who will come behind us to raise the profile of our plight .It is about time the powers that be realise we ain't taking this without one hell of a fight .Cheers JA
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We have also signed up. !
Its not to late for action, however everyone of us needs to put pressure on those individuals or groups. Irrespective of your Court credit status or wheter you hold a bank guarantee.
Let the silent majority speak and together we can make a difference.
This is so important for all of us to be collectively heard where it really matters.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ So please do so if not already signed up and dont let go. @@@@@@@@@@@@
Ken & Philomena
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Well said Ken and Philomena ( What a beautiful name .I had an Aunt called Philomena and it is my nieces middle name ) Lets all raise the profile of our plight and remind everyone that we followed the rules in good faith and are not and have not behaved stupidly or recklessly unlike the professionals /companies and banks we trusted and paid to protect us Fight the good fight regards JA
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Hullo Sue me pet,
A know wot yer tryin ta do an a understand but a ave to sey that all yer duin is goin arownd in circles as no amount of ot airs gunna give yer yer money back becose they aint got none. If a thert fer one minute that signing a bit a paper wud give me owt back then a'd do it, but.......
Sorry me pet.....
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Get back on your own channel .What is this the Twigit does SARC muppet show !!!!!!!!!!!! Lets all of us put all our trust in the hands of SJ/HdT agaaaaaaaaain !!!!!!!! Good idea you muppet !
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I am at the Presidente Liason Group Meeting today so I will ask who our MP & MEP for San Miguel in the Alicante Region is and send them a letter too after all when I signed on the padron they did ask if I wanted to vote in European Elections might as well let my MEP know I am on to him/her
Great Auntie Linda
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Hi All,
Has anyone else signed up to the petitions featured in suemacs original message on this particular thread ?
If not yet done then please do so as they are easy & quick to complete and lets ensure those at senior levels of office / parliament etc. know who / what / why allowed this dire mess to happen.
Whilst it may not change the eventual outcome, whatever and whenever that comes, but hopefully put responsibility on the shoulders of those who were legally bound to protect us from most of this and clearly they did not.
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Hullo Ken,
Nowt rong wi signin petiton but it'll not get yer anywhere fer years to cum if at all. So insted of goin arown ouses a think it's best if everyone tried to think in stright lines and that way we might all get summat, an not just them wi bank guarantees. Pressure needs to be put on gettin yon ousing estate built, an the sooner this is done the better. Also a dunt know if folk know this but over ere government as not signed up to european right to consumer protection and therefore there is none! Sum of yer might not know this but.......
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Dearest Twigit ,
What gives you the right to rubbish the attempts of others to raise the profile of their plight through the EU process .We are all EU citizens and as such have the right to protection within the EU laws regards the protection of our human rights .Your suggestion that this will takes years and years is total ignorance ,there is a delegation from the EU petitions committee in Spain as we speak based in a hotel on the N332 who are holding a session for anyone affected by the property law abuses in Spain .Anyone can attend to make their point and ask fro help and protection under EU law .(I will try to post this article in case any one can attend, it is I think this Friday ) .
Make no mistake Spain could be made to pay a very heavy price in terms oflosing and withdrawing of EU subsidies and grants for these abuses .This problem has been going on for years and within the EU process is quite advanced .Spain will be punished very soon and asked to redress the balance .Do you not want to see an end to these abuses or do you just want to protect HdT so you can get your house ( this will not happen )
You are sad TONY /TWIGIT doesn't matter who you are you should be ashamed .Do you not want people who have bought in good faith to have justice .You disgust me with your closed minded attitude .THIS IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU or SARC ,Tonymal /Brianmags and what you want !!!!!!!!!!!! be ashamed , be very ashamed regards JA
This message was last edited by julie anne on 1/14/2009.
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Hullo Julie ( not ere real name),
A know all abowt mtg an a might even turn up, but it wer'nt meke any odds fer them that are in a predicament reet now. Me view is clear, go fer yer ouse and yer might get it don't an ye'll get nowt, unless a corse yev got a bank guarantee like yer good self!!
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Twig would you like to give one single piece of information on here that proves that people with a BG are going to be OK .Your information is so similar to SARC / Tonymal / Brianmags, that I find it impossible to believe you are not the same in disguise .Therefore your adviice is nul and void wher the rest of us are concerned .You continue to be a detriment to the real cause of purchaers and a distraction from the true situation and the true position of purchasers.
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What on earth are you talking about, of course they're signed up to the Consumer Protection Act. This was/is a requirement when they joined the EU. They actually already had one in place before they joined the EU (Spanish Constitution 1978). Where do you think the law on Bank Guarantees comes from.
Even if they didn't have a constitution for consumer protection it is up to the likes of us to apply constant pressure to these scumbags and the Spanish Legal system in any which way we can to either wake them up or bring them to book. Its hard enough putting up with all this crap you put across without having to wade through misinformation.
The bottom line is it would be financial suicide to continue with the build at the economic state not to mention the current exchange rate. Even if they were allowed to continue you could be in a worse position when you pay the rest only to find its illegal with no facilities.
Lets have them liquidated, sell off their assets and put this thing to bed so we can all get on with our lives.
Best regards to all,
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I hopeagainst hope like JA that they are told to sell off all ther assets at a third of their value, because it will mean there is just enough in the pot to pay all creditors the full amount owed ,and nothing left at all for SJ it would be the very best thing for all of us
Great Auntie Linda
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"because it will mean there is just enough in the pot to pay all creditors the full amount owed "
If you believe that is correct. Stop paying for legal advice now, go to your nearest betting office and place your entire wealth on the next race.
The odds are about the same of you celebrating.
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Thanks for that Redman
Why on earth would anyone like twigitt or Tony or Brian mags put mis-information on here for people to get frightened with?
What on earth is the game they are playing here.............its plumbed new depths as far as i'm concerned. Barristers, chartered accountants and now the european laws.............
Twigitt.............answer why you place information about the Spanish Government not being signed up to consumer protective rights, when thay are..................what is your stupid game, if i ever meet you you can expect as much intemperate language as you richly daft old s**t
Best wishes, Brian
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Dear Briando,
I am particularly hurt buy the last comment about misinformation I have not to my knowkege given any misinformation on this site and on the SARC site all the pdf information about le concursal is accurate as I researched long and hard to find these articles and information in a format that all could read and understand.
As for reports on SARC they are factual reports on what we have been informed as to the situation at time of posting post comments on reports are just that and the decision on what to do is everybodys individual personal choice.
You may actually have a point about comsumer protection act as it was mention in one of my first uploads on the SARC website. But it needs futher research before I could give definate opinion as to its use while the company is under le Concursal as the gives the companies in this process a hugh amount of protection from demands of payments. The dificulty is that there is a lot of information but very difficul to get simplified versions whithout all the Jargonese
regards Brianmags
R4 556
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