Hello to all i have been reading all what yo have posted; i am concerning only about this, may you can help me to find out:
Jumilla 1.700 houses 30.000 deposit each.....more or less :51.000.000€
El pinet 269 houses finished; medium price 142.000€ (Vilas duplex and apartments) 42.032.000 €
El Pinet 229 not finished with deposit and some like 50% paid medium 30.000€ each; 6.870.000€
Imperium 900 partners(company that some investor put money into, of 30.000 euros each) 27.000.000€
There are more companiesplus what SJ own to Providers people + partners (we do not know yet)
All this is making an account of 126.000.000€
So i live you this here to think about it.
This is just estimate, but not to far from the reality, may be more, but not less.
Pls let me know where you can hold all that anount of money.
Have a good think