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does anybody know what assetts urbasa have ?
the courts are looking for assetts and they have found some but they all have charges on them so they cant be used -
to refund our money , the courts are still looking
sorry - but not looking good for people who havnt taken court action - not even looking to good for people who have
lets all cross our fingers
i cant beleive all those lies urbasa have told us over all these years and that woman who worked for them - ( some of us saying she was ok )
i bet she new what was happening all along and taking us for a ride
she even told me to stop putting messages on here at one point and she new who i was
anyhow enough of my rambling
best of luck everyone hope you all get sorted one way or another
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no newz here , still waiting
dont know if it was a good idea or bad idea taking them to court
dont seem like the courts are doing much at moment
guess we'll have to wait and see
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Yeah i agree...dont seem to be kept informed on anything. I e mailed solictors last month - still waiting for a reply!!
I expect its just like everything - there are no changes and its all so slow so they prob feel they have nothing to report..........what a mess.
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just emailed lawyer he normally gets back to me
normally sayin no news and that we have got to wait for the courts now 
does anybody know how long the courts normally take ( month - years )
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Just emailed lawyer again asking how much longer this will take
also asked him to contact the courts to see what they are doing
at the moment this all feels like its been a waste of time and money

This message was last edited by philansy on 4/7/2009.
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Hi Philansy..
I spoke with solicitors last week and they too confirmed all in the hands of the court STILL - they said normally these cases take a long time - but now is even longer than normal due to all the civil court cases that are happening across Spain. Try not to give up hope..hang in there - we have done long enough- i know. This is maybe the last shot..we shall see.
bye for now babsy
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We have just heard from our solicitor that the builders are bankrupt and they are now chasing the administrators, but I should imagine that we are a long way down the queue for any financial return.
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Hi All
Would like to know what solicitors are charging . We have been quoted 4.000 euro less expenses
for court hearings. It seems a lot with no guarantee of anything back. Wondering if this is the normal cost
for everyone
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Hi All Would like to know what solicitors are charging . We have been quoted 4.000 euro less expenses for court hearings. It seems a lot with no guarantee of anything back. Wondering if this is the normal cost for everyone cheers Craggs
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We have altogether have paid more than that, but in hindsight we would not have bothered because there is very little money left in the pot and we are a long way down the line. I think now we would try and forget all about amarrion,and keep our money in our pocket . Sorry we took so long to reply
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Hi Craggs
Yes - that does seem quite a lot of money - there are 2 or 3 in our group - and its costing approx - one half - perhaps a bit more depending on whether it goes to appeal at court...but yeah - does seem a slight waste of money..Good luck
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