The Comments |
Everyone who has similar disgust as i have concerning the way we are treated in this infernaly slow concurso.
I have the first draft of the letter which i think we should send now. whats the best way to send this around for you to look at and then comment on?..............then we can complete it and put proper salutation on it etc.
Remember, its the first letter and has a timescale for a reply to our questions (something the Spanish dont seem to like) so its as straightforward and uncomplicated as possible.
Not sure EOS would be happy with it just copied and pasted on here.
When completed we need an address to serve it on, i think a copy to each of our solicitors, which can be sent via e mail anyway but one copy should be sent as registered post to the concurso.
So a proper address for that from our Spanish contingent please.
Thanks for the PM's..................please, no need for 100 euro's yet, its not time for any of that (i could have been rich by now....)
Come on....lets go and get em
Best wishes, Brian
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Everyone who has similar disgust as i have concerning the way we are treated in this infernaly slow concurso.
I have the first draft of the letter which i think we should send now. whats the best way to send this around for you to look at and then comment on?..............then we can complete it and put proper salutation on it etc.
Remember, its the first letter and has a timescale for a reply to our questions (something the Spanish dont seem to like) so its as straightforward and uncomplicated as possible.
Not sure EOS would be happy with it just copied and pasted on here.
When completed we need an address to serve it on, i think a copy to each of our solicitors, which can be sent via e mail anyway but one copy should be sent as registered post to the concurso.
So a proper address for that from our Spanish contingent please.
Thanks for the PM's..................please, no need for 100 euro's yet, its not time for any of that (i could have been rich by now....)
Come on....lets go and get em
Best wishes, Brian
Best wishes, Brian
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Thanks for the request and PM's
To those who received the copy and the e mail saying hi Sal...............sorry i got caught up in the cut and paste trap!
You have my permission to send it to anyone who asks for a copy........please do so.
Its designed to go to administration through soilicitors with a 21 day reply timescale...................can we agree to have it ready to go next weekend do you think?
If anyone is on any other forums, mention it there too.
Best wishes, Brian
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Hi Brian, we would love a copy too! I think we have all wasted time hoping the concurso would be finished by now. We should be giving them timescales to reply and try and get things moving along faster than the snails pace we have had to put up with so far. Cheers Joanniemac
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Cant thank you enough for your time and effort in putting the letter together. Its been a busy work weekend so Ill disgest today but from what Ive read it makes our dismay and frustration clear at the slow process and unfair treatment we have received. Certainly feels better than sitting and sipping tea with them all. I emailed my Lergal on Friday with a few questions so I;ll see what comes back in case there is anything to add.. tho I doubt it.
Thanks again Bri much appreciated
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The address on the letter we eventually received (via our UK address, don't ask!) is as follows:
Concurso Voluntario Herrada del Tollo S.L.
Nº 275/2008 Juzgado de lo Mercantil Nº 1 de Alicante
C/ Pardo Jimeno 43
03007 Alicante/alacant, Spain
I got the actual address by googling Juzgado de lo Mercantil Nº 1 de Alicante.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Hi, Martin came up with another question Can a criminal investigation be started to assess the behavior of the directors of these companies in respect of mis-appropriation of funds.
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I not sure Sal/Martin
I would expect there to be evidence before that can take place.
I am envisaging we try and walk first, then run. Hence the questions, then perhaps a complaint to the authorities then a request to investigate the procedure and the administration, if its found to be lacking in some way.
Hope that makes sense.
Best wishes, Brian
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Hi Briando good work ! much better for everyone to be doing something rather than waiting for ever for the powers that be to sort out this mess I don't want them to think it is OK with all of us if they take their time as the outcome is going to be worse the longer they take . So much for SJ /HdT saying the would keep purchasers informed my a _ _ ! They are disgraceful . Could you PM me a copy of the letter .Cheers JA
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The letter is on draft 2 now after some really good changes to it.
I have circulated it today, can..Suemac can you add that address to the bottom of it and send it back please.........i will save it as an addition towards the final copy.
To briefly explain the circulation of the letter, my idea is to send it to the copy from each and every one of us........which will make sure they have a copy!............what is the equivalent of registered post in Spain please.does it want sending that way? myself, some os you will be happy with your soilicitors, some not so........send an e mail with the letter to your solicitors with your own e mail message, respectfully.
It does no harm to let our legal representation know we are completely fed up with the snail pace of this administration and if they are in any way shook up by the letter.............then good, its doing its job.
We are growing in numbers, send e mails to any other purchasers or place info on other forums where you can..........idealy the letter should be going out this weekend as far as i am concerned............what do you think?
GET THE SPANISH PURCHASERS ON BOARD IF WE CAN......also a translation when its ready.i would like to send a copy in English and a copy in Spanish.........any chance?
Best wishes, Brian
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Thanks for the mails and requests............when you PM me please place your e mail address on it to save me some time....cheers
The last draft 2.....was the wrong draft it had some sentences left in that shouldnt be in there.....which is why it read a little awkwardly.
The real one is similar but was cleaner and read better.
Stll is draft though....aiming to get it rounded up for Friday please......can you mail me any suggestions you have to complete it or want to discuss.
Your all stars...............well done so far
Best wishes, Brian
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Can I just clarify the address: Sue kindly supplied this:
Concurso Voluntario Herrada del Tollo S.L.
Nº 275/2008 Juzgado de lo Mercantil Nº 1 de Alicante
C/ Pardo Jimeno 43
03007 Alicante/alacant, Spain
But I have letters that say all of the above except the last two lines read:
Avda. Doctor Gomez-Pardo Rodenas I
03300 Orihuela (Alicante) Spain
The Administrators are: Jose Antonio Pascual Navarro, Abraham Garcia Gascon and Alejandro Latorre Atance
Regards Chrissie
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Thanks for this
I sent you two a copy of the letter with the address added.
Let me know which one you want to go with or if you can clarify it for me today perhaps? then just send it back to me and i will change the template
Best wishes, Brian
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Wednesday tomot=rrow,,,,,,thats the day i wanted us to turn from a draft letter to a finished letter. Im going with what we have and with the finished address for the administration.....unless someone says different...
Can i have an e mail back from all you wonderfull people...just to say its ok....then i tidu it up tomorrow and print it ontoa pdf.
The translation needs doing also.....................who was doing that....???
So.................i need an e mail to say ok.............between now and this time tomorrow.........
And Juile....stop making new threads,,,,,its getting in the way 
Best wishes, Brian
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Sorry for not getting back to you earlier - I have been battling on and off since the weekend trying to sort out my on-line self assessment for the tax year 2007/08, and no matter how hard I try, I still seem to owe over £300 tax!!! In spite of the tax office putting me on a negative tax code!!!
Anyway, just to clarify, the last two lines that Chrissie quotes are for San Jose's main office in Orihuela.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Thanks Sue
By the 2002 the taxman took me to court for £27,000 that he claimed i owed. I went right down to the wire with them, met all the might of their collectors, went to the commisionaires panel, went to judge chambers...............and complained to their two tier complaints system, plus adjudicators plus the ombudsman.
Guess what...i won........because i was right and they were wrong, didnt stop them dis-respecting me though.
So you keep at em if your right.........give em hell
Best wishes, Brian
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Can i say to the growing band of people wanting a copy of the letter!!!!
When you PM me can you put your home e mail address on to send it to will save time
Thanks....Keep coming, all welcome
Best wishes, Brian
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I cant bring myself to patronise the tweeget thread in a reply. There is nothing offensive or disrespectful in the letter Brian. It makes it clear how we as purchasers feel and it is ridiculous to even use the word 'suicide'. Just rise above this twerp and let him have his fun.
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