Weds 18th Feb - Anyone out there ?

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07 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar

Gulp............ what's he letting himself in for !

If anyone wants meet up then I'm out from 15th to 21st. Don't plan to use the bar particularly as to be blunt i don't like dentists surgeries or the prices you have to pay in them,

So instead I'll be running an open apartment from 6 onwards on Weds 18th Feb for anyone who wants to pop round and check out me and my mankini and meet anyone else for the 1st time.

It's J4, 369, feel free to bring beer and wine and beer and vodka and beer and brandy and beer and sangria + some sherry for the Sheilas , bin lids welcome................. spivs, salesmen, freeloaders and incontinent huskies not welcome without prior appointment.

And if you can't make that night then just feel free to pop round anyway, the doors are always open unless we're out, if so then they'll be locked.................. simple.

PM me or add to the thread if interested.



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07 Feb 2009 3:10 PM by patrick41 Star rating in Dumfries, Scotland .... 136 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Shampers

Thanks for the open invite we are over then with our 2 teenage daughters and would love to

come round on wed 18th for a small refreshment or two.Hoping the weather will be ok but its got to be

better than home. Also if anyone is over with kids between feb 16th-21st send us a pm and they can meet up with our kids.

 See you all soon Pat & Jackie, Nicolle(15)& Danielle(13)

      Pat & Jackie  

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07 Feb 2009 5:27 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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OMG Shampers what have you let yourself in for?????????????  we will be popping round for a chat not far for us to stagger from Jardine 2 !!!!!!


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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08 Feb 2009 12:02 AM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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I think your pretty safe this time dont think Scapa is out along with her GIANT party poppers, take days to scrape off floor and terrace, see you soon


Carol & Tom


Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 

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08 Feb 2009 1:01 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Bless your gottin socks !    No No No I would never scrape the floors.   Shampers baby pleasease  what is the euro now please

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08 Feb 2009 1:14 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry I just got so excited!  I will never changed! x

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08 Feb 2009 2:18 AM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dave.

Funny you should mention the 'dentist surgery'.

Me and Mrs WW were over last week and I was actually drunk enough to tell Herbert that the bar looked too bright, too sterile and too atmosphere-free.

As you will imagine, it went down like a turd in a swimming pool. I almost had the title of being the 1st Welshman to be banned from our only bar!!!!!

Nah, seriously, as a guy who may have frequented the odd bar or two in my time, I did try to tell him why I personally thought that bar has missed it's target audience, but I don't think he was particularly interested.

Don't think we will be out again for a few weeks now mate, but I hope you have a great par-tay.

Seeya later.


PS. Will you be wearing the lime green or delicate pink mankini this season?

Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...

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08 Feb 2009 10:19 AM by megan3k Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi Shampers,  we will be out from Thurs 19th Feb to attend the meeting on the 20th.............look forward to meeting you and anyone else around at the time.  Was out two weeks ago and all very quiet with some grim weather so fingers crossed its a different trip this time!

We are at Jardin 4 - 343   .....


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08 Feb 2009 12:55 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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WW - I think the lime green one i wore in the film will match the surroundings more than the pink one. and as for Poor Herbert, he's just paid to do a job, and charge what he's told to............ but 1,50€ for a small bag of crisps !!!!!! Suppose it's needed to cover the lighting bill.

Everyone else, just pop round anyway whatever the night/day. I might take the huskies for a walk round meself to introduce them to everyone's garden

Scapa - you got a headache today ?.............. and no bloody party poppers either, Carol's team are on the departure clean this time............... took her hours to scrape them off everything after your last party invite

Smivs & Pat/Jackie............ see you in 10 days or so, counting down now and the weather forecast looks good !

Now going shopping for HP Sauce, Nescafe & Cadburys Drinking Choc to take with us.




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08 Feb 2009 9:27 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Shampers

No headache today! LOL! Must admit I deserve one though!

50cm Party Cannon  Found a great party blaster!  Can I come to your 'apartment warming'  shampers pleeaseee.  

Anyway seriously do you still stand by what you say about the euro?  That you reckon it will get back upto 1.30 by summer?

Sorry I'm going to miss you jumping into the swimming pool!

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08 Feb 2009 9:59 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Open house, have set the rules for attendees already and no party poppers is a rule !!!!!

The £/€ rate remains false. Euroland's economy is as buggered as ours if not worse because they are trying to manage so many different countries under 1 currency and 1 interest rate.................... but they just won't admit it !

The Euro interest rate will fall further as their economy falters further, our interest rate could well have gone as low as it can, the £ will start to strengthen back to an appropriate rate which should be c1.35 post Q2 2009............ unless something else unexpected changes the direction of it !


This message was last edited by shampers on 2/8/2009.



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08 Feb 2009 10:03 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Joy - look forward to a cuppa with you as well, much better now the names of the locals are building up !!



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08 Feb 2009 10:14 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Cheers!  Good to hear!  I noticed it's suddenly shot up to 1.14 at the mo!


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08 Feb 2009 10:22 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

Hi Shampers, am out with my Son, look forward to seeing you.


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08 Feb 2009 10:56 PM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Shampers,


Might pop around for a cuppa!!! with Husband Kevin and son Cian, hope to see you at some stage of the week


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08 Feb 2009 11:05 PM by BrianandMichelle Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. .... 28 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Shampers or should I say neighbour. We are in Jardine 4 number 384. Seems like the place will be busy half term week ,which will make a nice change . The last few times we have been over it has been very quiet. We will pop over on 18th and say Hello... Brian likes beer ( amongst other things!!!!!!!!!!! well everything infact!!!!)  but sadly I'm not a sherry fan  being under the age of 85... (well just!!!) , does this mean that i have to stay home alone that night when you all are having fun? See you soon ...   Brian, Michelle and Rebecca (12)


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09 Feb 2009 7:46 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry Dave,

Can't make the Wednesday, don't arrive till Thursday tea-time. Hopefully we'll bump into one another while we're out. We're not too far away in Jardine 5 if you want to pop over for a coffee or something a bit stronger. I think I owe you a pint off last time.


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09 Feb 2009 9:34 PM by tarapa Star rating in East Sussex & Jardin.... 85 forum posts Send private message

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Hey all, great to hear it should be a busy half term week. Would love to pop round on the 18th. Look forward to meeting more of U all.

Tara, John & Benito x

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10 Feb 2009 11:12 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Tara, John, Benito........... Hi & look forward to seeing you !!

Mike - thought i owed you a pint, but at Dentist prices that'll be a session in the apartment , also hope you're close to sorting out the problems - Carol advised that my place had an aroma in it yesterday but by today it had cleared.  PW advised it was due to the Windies............ and i thought they only caused bowel trouble to the England Team

Brian, Michelle & Rebecca......... now got a few near neighbours, so be good to introduce everyone, and pop round for evening drinks. Michelle, you'll be fine, am sure there'll be a carton of juice in the back of a cupboard for you, behind all the beers

Skinnymags and TedH.............. we'll meet at last................ and a few others to boot

Feel free to bring food and drink round, i'll put the salted crisps out (old pub trick to make you buy more beer if anyoen didn't know)




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10 Feb 2009 11:27 PM by wiredout Star rating in Preston & Jardin 8. 110 forum posts Send private message

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are you inviting Herbert? May be a good ploy as he will see that you can actually attract more than two people if you don't charge €4 a pint .

heres hoping.


See you on 18th

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