The Comments |
hi everyone...its about time we did have some good news so here i have some firstly masa are starting work on the next phase of sierra golf across from m20 ..also some of you know that some of us residents have been tending the trees outside our properties well it must have stirred masa cos they have now started to do all the trees ..weeding and graveling them and last but not least some fantastic news masa have now started to do the eye sore at the side of the skip (the green area) there have been 2 men and a jcb working on it and hopefully it will be completed within the next couple of weeks........dennis
_______________________ anyone coming to sierra golf long and short term rentals at good prices
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Hi Dennis,
Thats great news about the trees and tip area. Are they replacing any trees that have died?
Ours went to the great tree house in the sky last year and we have been talking about replacing it but if Masa are sorting it out we will wait.
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Hi Tony,
Good news indeed!!! Now we can have a few jugs at Alans, after the Friday Frolick, stop at the M14 bar on the way home, have a few (?) more, and crawl the last 30 yards home (and back to the Bar again if Janet & Mary lock us out). Heck, its all happening at SG now. Roll on March!!!!!!!!!!!!
John B.
p.s. Are Alan & Marion doing B & B at the Bar?? Just in case......
This message was last edited by hillwood on 2/22/2009.

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Congratulations Alan and Marion. Wishing you loads of success in your new business and looking forward to sampling the vino soon.
Best wishes.
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I would also like to wish Alan & Marion all the best for their new venture, can't wait to have a full english & hopefully a pint of the good old apples whilst watching the golf.
All the best & see you all very soon.
The Fromies.
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Great news about M20, at least things are moving again which is promising. A golf bar, trees being tended and who knows maybe the swimming pool will open this summer,
But Hey, what happens when all M20 is completed, has anyone thought about that. Even more empty houses to stand there to be vandalised and left derelict just like ours has over the past 2 years, last time we visited our door and windows were all left open for anyone to go in,
What good are bars and swimming pools and even more empty houses to the people who have waited years to get into their homes.
Disillusioned ...............
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Hi All SGers
I Just wanted to say that one of the really good news thingies is that SG has a bunch of really good folks like Dennis and Sue, and Rob and Sue and many others who keep us all informed, who form the backbone of SG, who let us know what's going on - who tell us the good [and sometimes the not so good] news - I for one am very grateful for you - for those who I did not mention by name [mr swinging gnome and wife!] - Barry and Sylvie - Dennis and Sue's brother/brother in law and wife - the people who do the newsletter - the Golf Society people - the book club lot - the people who have taken a punt on the 19th and the new bar - [we'll spend some money with you] we look forward to seeing you all next week.
if anyone fancies playing golf with a 6 & 21 handicapper lets us know [we are happy to put some cash on a game!] or if we can join the the SG chaps on Friday we would really like that.
Best wishes to all Mags & Loz
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Hi MagnLoz
Your more than welcome to join us for the Friday Frolic can you please get to the golf shop/hut by 12.30 so we can get the cards and teams sorted.
Many Thanks
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Hi All
Just a quick thank you to everyone at SG who made our stay last week so fantastic - Dennis, Bobby and Sue, Tony - thanks for the Friday Frolic that we really enjoyed, Alan and Marion who opened the Lake View bar - where they are now serving food as well as liquid refreshments, the bar on our street - that we stopped at before getting into our villa at 11.30pm! Barry and Sylvie, Nigella and Stella - who we met en passant to the bar. Hi also to Phil & Bev and all other we met.
Thanks for the newsletter which is great for the news about SG.
This was a holiday we really enjoyed given the last two visits were about rushing around trying to get 'stuff' for the villa. I am sure you can all empathise with that.
Weather was good all week and we had a really good time.
Good wishes to all - see you in May
Mags and Loz
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