The Comments |
I thought I would start a new thread, though I know the issue relating to dogs has been done before, but it is evident fom the continuing threads on the washing line page, that there is still a problem
Can I ask a question
If people are seeng children throwing stones & dogs doing what they do in all the wrong places
Are there parents around & are the dog owners in sight.
I am presuming the answer to both will be no
As I`m known as the rotweiller I feel that I would have to investigate.
Try & talk to the children & find out where they are staying. If there is not a difficulty in language . talk to the parents.
I havebeen know to follow a dog for 20 minutes to find its home & then have had words with the owners. this is in the Uk though
We have all bought into a dream but some must have nightmares instead as they obviously dont give a dam about anyone else. If these situations continue I feel that the dream may very soon be shattered.
We are over as of the 16th & will have no problem speaking to the adults if I feel it nesasary.
Has anyone else spoken to these people or are we just going to moan & groan on EOS . because nothing will get done if thats the case.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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I mentioned the dogs and stone throwing in the washing line thread so will add something on this.
The children throwing stones were doing so from the childrens play area and trying to hit the fence post of the swimming pool. Their throwing meant that most, if not all, were going into the swimming pool. I asked them to stop...they were Spanish so it was limited to finger worked for a couple of minutes and then they started again...I went out again... I continued watching from a distance and they hung around but didn't throw anymore. It was our last day, and I was too busy to wait any longer and saw no adults near them.
It probably leads to another thread that the state of the childrens play areas are dangerous and there should be a better surface down....
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I emailed RPM, following my visit in April, with a list of concerns one of them being the dangerous surface on the childrens play park on Jardine 7 along with a list of complaints about missing tiles from the swimming pool floor and path lights broken and left lying at side of pathway. After sending the email several times over a period of a couple of weeks I eventually recieved this email back.
I apologize for the delay.
I have asked the differents companies a control inside every garden in
order to fix the path lights and the swimming pools lights, etc
I hope to have every garden properly as soon as possible.
I haven't been back over but it doesn't sound as though anything has been done to remedy these issues.
If there was a proper surface on the play park there wouldn't be any stones for these children to throw them.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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Carol Anne
I also reported loose swimming pool tiles in Jardin 7. My father in law is in the swimming pool business and he is convinced if the tiles are not addressed shortly what is currently a small issue will end up with patches at least a metre square of no tiles and jagged edges.....Victoria nodded and said she would look into it ...erm...we wait and see
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As well as the problem becoming much worse, will they need to drain the pool to fix it and if so are they intending to carry this out soon or will they wait until weather is hotter and we all may actually be brave enough to venture into the pool for a paddle.
Have you been over recently if so did you notice if the pathway lights were fixed and reinstalled.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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We came back on Saturday and pathway lights were not fixed. In fact while we were over a Spanish friend visited and we saw a guy speaking in irate Spanish to an English boy on a bicycle in the friend translated the rant to be that the bikes are being lent against the lights and causing them to snap over and break and that the parents of bike riding children should pay for replacements....this is my friends translation and not my (or my friends) personal opinion before a parent of a bike riding child responds to me!!
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thank you,
The lights have been broken since at least March how long does it take!
I think I feel another irate email to RPM coming. I know a lot has been said regarding owners views on RPM and community fees but at present I am failing to see what we are paying for. Maybe the next meeting on the 16thMay will shed some light on what they are actually doing.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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Hi all
We have just returned from condado and we had a great time and really love the apartment, but must say we are a little concerned re the development, and are just hoping when the community groups get established things will improve. As at the moment this is hardly a 5 star resort, as well as the problems people have already mentioned the garden areas are poor with alot of dead trees, broken lights, fences etc, gates being put in the ground floor apartments, cow shed roofs, people using pool litter bins for household rubbish , all not in keeping with the proposed rules and regulations, whilst we all might not agree with being told what we can have, and can't have, it is certainly obvious that if we don't have any rules and these are adhered to, it goodbye 5 star resort.
The security also has got to be looked , as we witnessed a chap in a white van pull up in front of Jardine 1 , get out and urinate on the grass verge, at the time a security van passed ,never stoped , the man then went on snooping in the vacant apartments until he realised we had seen him , we did shout to ask him what he was up to, he then got in his van and drove off rather sharpish, ??? why did the security not do this, just what are we going to be paying for.
As I have said we did have a great time , but we do have to get things in order to keep what can be a great place, and investment.
This message was last edited by salsdn on 06/05/2009.
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Hi All
My husband and myself are over on 17th may to furnish our apartment and i know if my husband see's a dog wondering around unattended or people walking their dogs and not attempting to clear up after them he will definatley not be shy in confronting the owners. Please beware you dog owners - you have been warned, my husband will not hold back.
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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Hi Alison/Mark,
And that's the way it has got to be. Anyone willfully disregarding the fairly lenient rules as they now stand should be pulled up and taken to task. Like the post from Sandy mentions, it does not take long for standards deteriorate and then a sense of apathy kicks in. If we get on top of this from the word go, we have a better chance of establishing a pattern of considerate behaviour. It is for the common good of everyone that we try and eliminate selfish, inconsiderate actions wherever they might take place - your particular garden or any other area of the resort come to that. Under this banner comes - hanging out washing if full view of the gardens, building horrendous looking add ons that in no way whatsoever comply with the statutory rules, and fitting of sattelite dishes the size of a full moon ! I for one hope that these actions that have already taken place are well and truly scuppered and then maybe we can start getting somewhere near the 5 star resort I thought we all wanted.
I am sure that once the residents association is elected in place, the issues of broken lights, dodgy surfaces on childrens play areas (they are really just compacted dolomite more suited to a sub-surface ready to lay a road than a safe area for kids to play), dying trees in the gardens, will be persued with more vigour.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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In my opinion dogs should not be loose in the garden area. I understand that it is law that a dog should be on a lead at all times. however there are stray dogs on the site. I have regularly complained to the community about security by the way. I also saw a small motorbike being ridden on Jardin 2, Los naranjos last week. It was a spanish boy and although I spoke to the families concerned, they did'nt show and interest.
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Hi Mel
With regard to the dog issue, we were over in April and noticed a huge pile of doggy poo left on someone's front garden on Jardine 8 and were disgusted. We totally agree that all dogs should be kept on a leash while outside unless on waste ground out of respect for other residents and we also noted that the swimming pool gates were always left wide open which is so dangerous if young children are playing in the gardens. Surely these gates should have secure bolts that adults can open when required but when no adults are around the gates should be kept firmly closed as a precaution, with a notice on the gate stating this fact!!
Health & Safety around the pools should be a top priority in the gardens. Also, we fully support your nomination and wish you the best of luck in your efforts to get our charges reduced to a more acceptable level - although Jardine 8 is a small garden the argument for higher rates does not hold water as the grounds and maintenance costs would be lower in that case.
Thanks again.
Malc & Carol
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Hi Mel With regard to the dog issue, we were over in April and noticed a huge pile of doggy poo left on someone's front garden on Jardine 8 and were disgusted. We totally agree that all dogs should be kept on a leash while outside unless on waste ground out of respect for other residents and we also noted that the swimming pool gates were always left wide open which is so dangerous if young children are playing in the gardens. Surely these gates should have secure bolts that adults can open when required but when no adults are around the gates should be kept firmly closed as a precaution, with a notice on the gate stating this fact!! Health & Safety around the pools should be a top priority in the gardens. Also, we fully support your nomination and wish you the best of luck in your efforts to get our charges reduced to a more acceptable level - although Jardine 8 is a small garden the argument for higher rates does not hold water as the grounds and maintenance costs would be lower in that case. Thanks again. Malc & Carol 702
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The dog's calling card could be from a stray, I saw it too. If everyone agrees, I'd like to go one step further and bad dogs from the communal grassed area as well as the pool area.
The gate issue has been made before. I will ask the community if we can have better gated security on the pool, after we have got the next meeting out of the way. I have brought the matter up before as I have the hard sand in the play area. It's a bit like bashing your head against a brick wall.
Maybe you could bring something suitable from the UK next time you come over and I'll fit them?
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