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When my son and friends are over in CdA the plan to hire the Quad bikes at the Mariposa Hotel. We see that a three course meal comes with the bike hire but can anyone tell me if the use of the pool is availabe to non residents? They can see that they could make a good afternoon out of the Mariposa if so- rather than bike, meal and away. It advertises the bar area and the site has a picture of the pool. One of the party is pregnant so may not want to/be able to use the Quads but would enjoy a swim..
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Hi Jann
Yes, contact Mark and you will get all the information and positive feedback I'm sure that you need. If you sons do go on the trip, perhaps they could post an update of how they got on. It is a day out that we would like to do with our 20 year old son and his girlfriend in August.
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Hi Mike and Dawn, I remember you saying you'd had a good time at the Mariposa and the food was great. I couldnt remember if you said you'd used the pool- but then it was Easter! They are going to email or phone to book so its a question they can ask
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I have phoned there before and spoke to someone who was english, if that is of any help.
Just saves you looking up 'quad biking and swimming pool etc in spanish 1st. lol

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