The Comments |
Take a look in the Foro and a walk around La Isla on the community web page. Click on Condado TV, then follow the instructions.
Hope you enjoy.
Jill and Terry
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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Hi Jill & Terry
Thanks for this I found condado tv really useful information, great to see inside the foro. The interveiw with Seiro is really interesting & useful.
Brilliant job and great website.
We are in Jardin 9 and I am not sure if we have anyone is resident in this Jardin would you know what we need to do if there is'nt regarding the voting on the 16th.
Tish & Arthur
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Go to and click on CONDADO TV if you do not see the button open the site with firefox and then click on CONDADO TV.
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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Just finished watching it - brilliant!!
We had a look at the Foro when we were over a month ago and can't believe how much it's come on since then.
Keep up the good work
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We rememer your days of sneaking in and taking shots of the apartments, is now well beaten with this one.
Faro looks good can't see it being ready for end of the month, but may be for the end of next month.
Well done Terry and Jill
_______________________ Tony and Dawn http://ww...
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A big thanks to Terry & June. video and chat with Sergio were great. Was hoping Foro would be open for our next visit in July but looking at video not sure.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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I am unable to view this as I dont have Firefox, however could someone please answer me a question regarding the Foro.
Looking at the great photos posted here on the second of May, the hight of the Foro is very tall, there could easily be 2 floors and a roof terrace, however this doesnt appear to be the plan, its all going to be on the ground floor.
Why oh why have they built such a high sided building when it could have easily been half the hight? its not like it a pretty building, its just a big red block!
Polaris are good at producing great looking finished products, however I cant imagine the foro ever looking as pretty as La Torre Town centre or MMGR town centre. I feel a few windows would have made the place look a little less like a prison.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Hi Darren, Firefox is a free download and runs safer than Internet Explorer that has some issues.
Hope you get to view it. Jill
The upstairs is all mechanical, it would have been nice to have a roof terrace for the restaurants over looking the golf course.
Never mind. The rate they are going it will open soon I am sure.
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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I just had to have another look and listen to this, it really is great, and on CDA site Jill says they are soon, apart from the televising of the meeting, going to have live chats via Condado TV, you will be able to say what you want because it will be anonymous. If you haven't looked at it yet, you don't know what you are missing. It will become a great asset to us on Condado in the future
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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The video is excellent, and the Foro has come on a long way since I last saw it at Easter. Do you think it will be finished, and open for the July / August busy period ? My feeling is that Polaris have to catch this window. it is the school holidays, and if they are not open then, when occupancy will be at its peak for 2009, they will miss a vital, large source of revenue. The resort should be very busy at this time, not only with owners, but also guests and visitors / prospective property purchasers. If the Foro is not open, the resort will not look good.
_______________________ Mark + Sandra
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Have to agree with Darren in that the exterior of the Foro is a design misfire- its as if they had to come up with something quick. However , I have finally been able to log onto the condaddealhamaservices web site this afternoon and although it was a bit stop and go I did did get to see the inside of the Foro which looks like it has real potential- I think our firewall was being really obstructive! However the Foro does look as though it should be two storey's tall inside, so maybe they're hoping for huge cooling shadows to envelope everyone sitting alongside the pond area ( not suggesting thats a bad thing- we're generally looking for acres of shade in high summer in Spain).
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The parking lots are in now, the rock walls and sidewalks. When you think just 4 months ago it was a mear blot, I think they will have it finished within 6 weeks.
Personally, I think the design looks great. The design matches the gaurd houses and the sales center. Just a shame we cant sit on the roof right??
Still will be great, we can't wait to walk in.... again. We will update it in a month, I think you will be suprised.
Chat later guys
Jill and Terry
_______________________ Full time residents at Condado  ...
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Just think the outside looks very bland and chunky but they haven't landscaped outside yet so there's time for some improvement. Its along the lines of the main office and the guard house but seems to be relatively featureless and the size makes it quite dominating; so hoping the inside makes up for that. The bits we were able to see on the videopod looked good and quite enormous so bags of potential. La Torre town centre is really quite nice and meanders around abit so maybe a bit disappointed we havent got something like that. But time will tell and hopefully once they have fixtures, fittings and landscaping in it will look so much better. Certainly plenty of space inside to have tables and chairs in the shade around the pool to enjoy a beer at.
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