As a potential purchaser of a TH apartment, I paid my deposit 3 years ago.
I visited TH in May only to find a wasteland with rusting cranes and cenemt mixres with flat tyres. To my horror they still have a sales office and posing as potential buyers, we were offered a deal to purchase! I also have been informed that the offices and show rooms in Cartahenga (excuse spelling) have been closed down.
I did notice, however, the parked Trampolin Hills BMWs at TH, so our money has gone somewhere.
I cannot understand how the TH developers can get away with this, its nothing less than fraud.
We have given up on ever seeing our apartment or ever getting our money back, but if anyone out there has a success story or idea on how to tackle this, i would be dlighted to hear.
I am thinking of taking legal action agains the spanish lawyer who advised that we were safe to sign the contract 3 years ago and also to tackle the estate agent who has enjoyed his commission on the sale.