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24 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by sue and dave Star rating in Los Naranjos J7. 69 forum posts Send private message


Does anyone know a good solicitor who can do my tax return for year end 2009.  Is their anyone local either on site or say Mazarron.



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24 Aug 2009 8:36 PM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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I know a really good solicitor that I used to complete with that offers all of those services. Speaks english and has two english assistants. They are based in Torrevieja but don't if that will cause a problem. Very reasonbly priced and easy to deal with. His name is Pablo Fernandez Marcos and his number is 0034 966927584. Christine in the office is very helpful

Hope this helps



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24 Aug 2009 8:59 PM by J&P Star rating in Jardine 5 & Bangor C.... 100 forum posts Send private message

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We also used that firm for completion, wills and tax return.  Very helpful and easy to pay.


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24 Aug 2009 9:41 PM by sue and dave Star rating in Los Naranjos J7. 69 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for this info will give them a call or email


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25 Aug 2009 7:50 AM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

We also used them & they were very good.

Good luck!


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25 Aug 2009 10:00 AM by RBrettH Star rating in Bedfordshire & Naran.... 134 forum posts Send private message

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We also used Pablo to complete but for the tax I used as they only cahrge £19.95 to complete whereas Pablo I seem to remember wanted about 120 Euro.


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25 Aug 2009 10:57 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

scapa´s avatar

Hi Brett, / all

I used on Bretts recomendation and they are well worth the money!  £19.95. Spoke to John Bosdet Monday posted cheque, received forms Saturday.  How good is that.  Thanks Brett.  I've asked him to quote me for a will and he's coming back to me on that one.

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