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Does anyone have any information about the club house or the suggestion that the clubhouse will now be in Al Kasar? Al Kasar seems plenty big enough and maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea in view of the downturn in the retail trade and the likely hood of filling all those outlets.
Also, is the golf course to have a driving range or is there to be a putting green?
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I been told that there will be a temp club house in Al Kasar which will close if/when the real one is built .
There is suposed to be a driving range and practise greens up behind P1/2
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Thank you for that info Phil. The units at Al Kasar are enourmous and whilst a club house wouldnt over look the golf course (unless they create a new entrance and windows) it would probably be much better than a temporary cabin affair. The La Torre and Mar Menor club houses have been finished to a really good standard.
We had heard a couple of differing opinions about the driving range so its good to hear there should be one - although I'm speaking completely for my husband as the only attractive thing about golf for me is the opportunity to drive the buggy and have a little drinkie in the club house bar!
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Hi Jann,
That is the plan we are told. It would not take an awfull lot to actually put windows in the huge wall that faces towards the golf course together with patio style doors leading out onto the grassed area (that's me with my 'Sarah Beany' property ladder head on again !!).
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Is there going to be a proper clubhouse serving drinks, snacks etc? Thought it would have only been a type of pro shop for payments with changing facilities then you would go onto the Clover if you wanted a drink after a round. Isn't that why it was moving there to keep costs down?
We were told in mid July that the engineers had been on site taking site levels on the new clubhouse site although no start dates were given.
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Mike & Dawn,
If the official clubhouse is anything like the magnificent structure I have seen on the artistic impressions some time ago with tiered balconies, fountains, arches and gardens it will certainly take a year or more to build. The conceptual design is certainly worthy of what we all consider is going to be a pretty special course. For that reason, I think what gets initialy incorporated into Al Kasar might be a bit more of a semi-permant type structure that would be good for a couple of years and could be converted to another retail purpose once things pick up enough for the development to sustain a stand-alone clubhouse. We would be drooling at the prospect of a clubhouse like the image I have seen. I will try and see if I have a pdf and post it in the photo's section.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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your right mike
anyway this is what i heard from PW the last time i was there.
temp clubshop being put in place in the foro now al kasar, as spec on the permanent clubhouse was of a very high standard, and would in no uncertain terms be complete ready for the GRAND opening in nov/dec 2009. it would only be to pay green fees, balls for range and the like, etc etc, (you might be able to buy plus fours, but she wouldnt comit herself to that). the building of the cluhouse will comence when the foro is complete, just forward of n6 and n7 spare land. dont now if they have started yet? but i am there from saturday so i will let you's know
the driving range will be open nov/dec also, it will be a bi-directional range and have a number of different putting greens, chipping areas and practice bunkers, we all need these , they are situated just to the right of where the clubhouse will be, you could actually see this taking place last time we were there in july. the bottom gate will also be manned when the course and range open.
sorry for being positive i just cant help it
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Tons more info- thats great. Quite like the idea of patio doors and large windows overlooking the grass at the side of Al Kasar but maybe thats pipe dream.
Hpefully the real thing will be excellent- the la Torre club house is a good example.
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Hi all
Ive uploaded some artists impressions I got way back when. I really hope it turns out like this.
Keep smiling
I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not
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Hi All,
As we are living adjacent to the site of the proper clubhouse this subject is of deep interest. We have been on Condado for the last couple of weeks & made some enquiries on the subject.
PW are currently committing to a completion date of the Proper Clubhouse (between Penthouses 7 & 8) of Dec 2010. They would not commit to a starting date, but as it includes parking, tennis courts, pools etc I guess it must be pretty close to the end of this year if they are to hit Dec 2010. We were alos informed that the Clubhouse was being re-designed again (2nd time) without a decent explanation, but maybe with a slightly reduced spec than the original one.
The practice facilties will be superb. There is full size driving range - with tee boxes at both ends. There is a chipping area including green, a bunker area onto another green & a big putting green adjacent to the clubhouse.
As has been posted the temp clubhouse will be sited in the Foro (Al Kazer) until it is completed - which makes sense, but will have a bar - necessary as the Clover Bar does not open until mid-day. Holes will be re-numbered at first - the current 12th becoming the 18th so we finish by the Foro. As I posted earlier in the week. This hole and the first (13th) are currently the worst 2 fairways (regarding growth) so I think these 2 holes will dictate the actual opening time.
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I have to second what Skell laid out. We were out in the first 2 weeks of July and we went round to the sales office and collared the guy in the sales dept. He said pretty much everything that Nick said. He also mentioned that the previously planned town center behind the clubhouse has been scrapped. PW are "now 80% sure" that either the Intercontinental or the Crowne Plaza would be built in its place. Both hotels are part of the same company.
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When you say that the town centre is going to be scraped, are you referring to the oasis centre that is going to be attached to the Isla
I hope this is not true, as will be big disappointment, for the whole complex.
_______________________ Regards
Michael & Yvonne
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Hi silverfox,
He isnot referring toOasis, but the Agora center that originally was planned behind the club house (between penthouse 7 & 8). The decision to scrap this center is taken long time ago. PW planned one town center at Naranjos (Agora) and one center in Jardines, but these two centers were dropped and relocated in one center, the Al Kasar.
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Hi Silverfox,
No they are not refering to the Oasis. Initially the was a town center planned, Agora, to be sited behind the club house between Jardine 6 & 7. this is now the site of the planned hotel. The Oasis is still planned, but as for when?
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Thats interesting to hear- regarding the Hotel. When the Foro and Agora were both cancelled our agent friends said that a Hotel was going to be built on the site where the Foro should have been. Yet, to me that didnt seem quite right because on the other resorts the Hotels are pretty close to the club house or the town centre. As the new hotel on La Torre cost 96 million to build I think PW are going to have to save up!
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Hi all,
We were told back last October that the hotel would be sited between Naronjos jardines 6 & 7 and behind the clubhouse. A few months later was told we were getting tennis courts, will just have to wait and see what they build.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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the el algaro (noranjos centre) was originally between 6 and 7, thats why we bought in 7, when they cancelled the build they decided to put the hotel on this land?
the tennis courts will be built outside the complex close to where the builders admin huts are now, together with sports centre football pitches etc, fire station, emergency services and council offices, basically they are building a small town just outside the complex, this was part of the agreement PW had with alhama council prior to construction starting.
PS. please, before we get stupid responses from all the doom and gloom merchants out there , this is what i was told, once again i can't apologise for being positive
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Hopefully there wont be any doom and gloom about an Hotel as they were always going to build one somewhere pretty central. I think the one at La Torre has underground parking so if they do something like that it would affect surrounding apartments even less. There will always be a tad of inconvenience when they build something so big, noise and dust, but I suppose thats part of being in this 10 year plan and the end result is generally very good. However cant see it happening very soon.
If they put a 'club house' temporarily in Al Kasar then it will bring a bit more life to that whole space for a year or so and hopefully with a few more units open the atmosphere wil be really good down there.
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