Antonio Gil revealed??

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17 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

Read the minutes and you will see ANTONIO GIL had an input at the meeting, he is described as, administrator, lawyer and represenative of an owner.

So Antonio Gil is not a consortium of people/companies etc he is a single person.

I have googled the name and found nothing which would indicate any skills in proprtey management.

The more pressing question is WHO IS THE OWNER he is representing, the minutes say owner not group of,, or consortium of owners, this I think puts a different light on changing RPM I personally was and continue not to be in favour of a change but now I definatley could not support any change.

The whole change of management  to this Antonio Gil needs to be looked into, and the owner he is representing should reveal himself to us and explain his financial or other personal gains in the change (if any) 

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17 Aug 2009 7:41 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Persons with vested interest I would think!!  Stick with RPM for at least a year.....then review there performance.  To judge them on a couple of months is crazy





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17 Aug 2009 7:42 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Tyneside 2,

I also picked up on this when reading through the minutes. What I don't like along with everyone else is all this cloak and dagger stuff and wish things could be brought out into the open as I said on the other post. What reassures me slightly is the fact that he is a lawyer (allegedly) and should know exactly what is and what isn't legal. What we have got now is two factions who both say the other has no legal standing. One of them has to be right.

Could 'Antonio Gil' just be the name on the paper for now until the resident association have time to put out the contract for tender to established proven management companies as happens with the usual tendering process for things like this. It does not happen overnight.

A search for RPM also probably reveals no past history in management of resorts. I can only go on the issues from earlier in the year where our community fees were reduced by challenging the figures and pulling in some of the contracts placed by Polaris and geting round the table to do some hard negotiating. Now from all the earlier postings and e-mails received from Sergio, this was done by the association of Condado, not RPM. RPM just sent us all an e-mail afterwards and claimed credit for this.

I am as much in the dark as anyone, but based on the history so far I have not witnessed anything positive achieved by RPM. The only thing that they have done for their recompense so far is to collect the community fees from the owners (and even then in a totally hit & miss manner). I am sorry but just have no faith in them ever doing things for the benefit of the owners interests.




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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18 Aug 2009 8:03 AM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Just another rider to add to my previous post minutes while the edit function does not seem to be working. For those that have not had a chance to read the minutes:-

The presidents have contested that the setting up of the statutes by Polaris the way they are is illegal. This gives Polaris the right to hold a vote for every unfinished (handed over) property and even un-built plot while at the same time not being committed to make any payments for that share of community fees. Polaris state that the only way to change the set up is by unanimous agreement of the community (which will never happen while Alhama golf resort hold the lions share of the voting rights) or by judicial process. It could be that the presidents have indicated to Polaris that if they were not prepared to budge on those unfair, unworkable statutes then judicial process it will be.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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18 Aug 2009 10:00 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Will,

Don't know why Antionio Gil being a lawyer would ease your mind slighty, this piece of info actually make me even more cautious as he could be quite capable in wrapping us all up in legal jargon and presidents for years to come, you also get unscrupulous lawyers. I personally think this is the uncle,brother, cousin of someone who could only personally benefit from this man taking control of CDA.

Long live RPM.



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18 Aug 2009 10:10 AM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,

Who will pay for this judicial process ? I guess we will pay to defend RPM as they will (directly or indirectly) use money generated by our fees to pay their legal team. Who is going to pay the breakaway group of presidents fees ? Not us as they won't have access to our funds. Hopefully, common sense will prevail - RPM will be given a reasonable amount of time to prove their capability (I'd say 18 months) and the presidential structure will evolve over to owners rather than be dominated by PW.

By the way, I'd rather have the current position of PW dominating the voting rights than them be dominated by a small group of owners who are better organised than the rest of us as they happened to take ownership of their properties first. My opinion, which I'm willing to change should hard evidence come to light, id that both PW and RPM are doing a reasonable job. Things can always be better and they must improve but let's work with them to achieve that.

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18 Aug 2009 10:17 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ant,

Excuse my ignorance but do newcastle not play in Black and White stripes?? Does the Yellow indicate the massive slip up last year??



 Always look on the bright side of life  

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18 Aug 2009 10:30 AM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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you will get wrong for posting on this thread

go to page 3 on "football supporters post here" you will see the new  away strip


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18 Aug 2009 11:31 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry about that having major problems with eye on spain and trying to post,  keeps coming up saying error and now its posting on wrong thread????




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18 Aug 2009 12:00 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Crux of he matter here:-

Who are RPM ? Don't know - awarded contract by PW to manage Condado. In the best inerest of the residents or to make life easy for PW ?

Who are Antoio Gil ? Don't know - fronting up the challenge by the 12 president of the jardines. In the best interest of the residents or for some ulterior motive to get in on a nice juicy contract for the management of a sizeable prestigious resort ?

I can fully understand people being suspicious of the motives of the elected group of presidents and am equally as concerned about the legality of the action, that's why we all need to know the facts folks. Rumour & counter rumour only adds to the confusion. In this situation any management company worthy of that title would be getting in touch with all the clients on the database by e-mail to enlighten us on what is going on with OUR resort. I think I am right in assuming PW passed on all our details to RPM (they appear to be in collaboration after all) so what excuse have they got for not sending out a common e-mail ? Has anyone EVER received an e-mail to enlighten them about any common community faults that require correcting and where they are in that process. Do any of us as individuals know what faults there may be with our own individual Jardine, penthouse block etc other that what you noticed while you were there on afleeting visit ? I think the owners who live there full time or visit on a much regular basis know a great deal more than we do. Unfortunately, this group can only contact those people that have supplied them with an e-mail adress themselves or by a message typically on this forum. RPM are unlikely to share the e-mail details of the people on their database when it is not in their interests to do so.

On the issues of what the residents might be fighting for, let's look at the building work side of things. Now I know wherever building construction work takes place (Spain included) there is a specification to be met - you have one for your property and there will be one for each individual block of jardines and the resort as a whole. I can see just by wandering around that the specification of finish in the jardines and naranjos varies significantly between different blocks and this should not be the case.

Some people have been resident on Condado for over a year now and are probably well able to testify to their frustrations at the lack of effort put into correcting the issues. In the shoes of the presidents, would you as an individual (all residents ultimately I know) take on the responsibility of that litigation coming back on you unless you were completely watertight ? The way the process works is when we elect the presidents we delegate them to act on our behalf as they agree as an entity. Of course, this is not happening right now because of Alhama golf resort being in control of the voting rights for Naranjos, La Isla, Jana villas plus whatever is still just a plot to be built on and they will always vote against things that conflict with their interests. I reality there would never ever be a vote cast in favour of the real residents. Suspicions aside, could we ever imagine a group of 12 would be big enough, brave enough, stupid enough, to instigate a 'coup' against the might of PW just because they saw the management contract as a nice little earner ? Surely there would be easier, less stressfull ways of getting into a management contract i.e. as an official company through the tendering process where they could come in with much improved T&C's for the residents than those PW put in place at inception..




( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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18 Aug 2009 1:02 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Billbo,

In answer to your last couple of sentences YES I think people are prepared for all the hassle if it is going to make them lots and lots of money.  Some people would sell there Granny if they thought it would make them a nice litttle earner.  The only saving grace with regards this matter is that the 12 presidents on the jardines have no power to oust RPM (thank god) and I just hope they are prepared to put their hands in their OWN pockets to foot the bill for any legal action that might arise from this situation. Yes these people were voted in on our behalf to speak for us but when it comes to something as major as changing the site contractor I would have thought that commonsense would prevail and they would have asked the owners there thoughts.  I can appreciate that some people have been onsite and living there for over a year now but giving  RPM only three months to sort out, what I would say are reasonably major problems in the jardines is just not fair or reasonable especially when you are working with a company like PW who really only have two speeds dead slow and stop.  RPM didn't stand a chance from day one and a group of unknowns(well I have my suspicions) were out to cause bother from the outset.  I'm sorry if you are not happy with RPM and their performance to date but give them a chance to prove that they can put things right. 

We should now draw a line under this subject until we here from a reliable source what the real situation is.



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18 Aug 2009 2:13 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ali,

We are over at Condado again on the 1st September. While I am wanting us to have a nice relaxing week's holiday, I will put aside some time and see if I can find out just what is happening here, if nobody does before. I can fully understand the Naranjos folk feeling out on a limb and this is not how it should be.

The minutes of that meeting of May 16th give us all the adresses of the presidents and I think the president of 5 seems to have a good command of English in his posts so I will endevour to catch up with him or Sergio.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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18 Aug 2009 3:00 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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did we all buy polaris?         yes.

why?       other resorts look very nice.

are we happy with the resort up to now?      i am.

have RPM let you down yet?       not me.

have PW let you down?  ???maybe.

are there cracks in the pavements?     yes.

will they get fixed?      probably.

could the security be better?      yes

is the grass to long?    no.

all of this is probably bullsh*t but who cares,

let PW and RPM get on with it, and let us all enjoy our holidays, and if 18 month down the line it ends up like camposol (sorry camposol owners) you have only yourselves to blame.

 yours hopefully luke skywalker (i will not go to the dark side)


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18 Aug 2009 3:05 PM by City Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ali

Totally agree with everything you say. One of the main complaints about RPM is no-one knew about them,  and the fact they are  some way 'linked' to PW. Now we may not have known of RPM, but we all know PW, enough to put our trust and hard earned pennies into buying a property from them! A Gill associates ...not a clue, except for the fact it all seems a little cloak and dagger,to say the least, and certainly not to my liking  the way they have lambasted and tried to oust RPM from day 1 

Let us not forget that it is certainly not in PW's interest for their signature site not to be well maintained, after all Jardines, Naranjos, Penthouses, Isla, and all other properties completed are the showcase for future development, once the economic climate improves. If the site looks unkempt, people are not going to buy!

I am not particularly pro RPM, but feel they must be given a chance, if they do not deliver, then I will be one of the first suggesting change. If change is eventaully required, then the whole process must be structured,  totally transparent, communicated to all, and carried out throughout with due diligence, not like the shambles we are experiencing at the moment.

Billbo - your efforts in trying to get to the bottom of this, am sure are appreciated by us all, and many thanks.

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18 Aug 2009 3:07 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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For months people have been moaning about PRM - "They dont Respond to emails", "They still have not repaired the Lights","They dont replace the dead Plants" etc, yet as soon as they lose their contract everyone wants them back!

I for one am glad to see the back of them, I trust the decissions made by the elected garden presidents, isnt that why we elected them?

Am I the only person on this forum, who will not miss PRM?


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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18 Aug 2009 3:17 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

We have just returned from CdA and as the WiFi was not working unless you went to Manzano's hadnt seen any info on recent developments.  Having now done some reading and seen a selection of emails from the 'new association' I dont feel much the wiser.

(As a side issue the internet situation is another disappointment as there was no information given that it wouldnt be working and even after phone call to the telecom people on the 5th Aug we were only told 'it should be fixed soon'  and it wasnt ,at least by the 17th. We had already heard that the free service had stopped so had purchased an areanet card- but it was all guessswork after that and the few times we did use the laptop in the bar several people stopped and asked us each time if we knew what was happening- anyway I digress, although it is another indication of the lack of communication.)

So, we only saw the letter to the residents in our mail box around the 11th Aug and had a brief look at EOS and other forums to try to gather what's going on. Essentially feeling a bit out of the loop and I dont think we would be alone in that. The few people we chatted to to didnt know much about CdA even though they have properties there and this issue of RPM v Gil wasnt even mentioned. One lady didnt know Mirador and the Golf suites were on hold and didnt know anything about each Jardin having a President/representative. She and her husband thought it was all run by PW and RPM just collected their community fee, they said they'd seen a few emails but didnt know what it  was all about really. So I think the small community of owners on EOS and similar forums and maybe the Spanish owners are the only ones who have any insight into real concerns on CdA. This situation will continue to make any voting a real problem and getting information to all individuals and encouraging them to see there are issues that actually concern them has to be addressed somehow.

From what I have read I cant quite make out if Gil was successful or if RPM are still the management company for Jardines but intend to take legal action against Gil for 'illegally'. challenging RPM's position.

We haven't had minutes sent out to us either.

PS- in the midst of all this we have a great time and cant wait to get back. Al Kasar is really nice and they have set up more tables and chairs outside and around the corner where it looks like a restaurant will open soon.

We reported a problem with the socket on the solarium and two PW workmen came and sorted it within two days and that was also our experience back in July when we had a problem with the aircon- so they do sometimes work fatser than expected.



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18 Aug 2009 4:02 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

Whilst I have lot's of thoughts on this matter I won't bore you all with them until I can establish a few more facts.  One thing that may/may not be worth pointing out is that Antonia Gil is not just an individual but a quite large and respectable firm that is registered with the Murcia College of administrators which you can find here the website of Antonio Gil Associates is at










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18 Aug 2009 5:25 PM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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At last some sensible, factual information.

Thanks Phil

The website may all be in Spanish but it is easy to see that they are a reputable well established company working in administration.

While I personally believe we should give RPM a chance, now they have been appointed, we pay them our money,~€300,000 for 2009 from their budget,  so they effectively work for us and as such should be more open and transparent in the way they work.  How can we expect them to sort out more complex issues when they can't even manage to answer emails or communicate the simpliest of things.If, as we have been led to believe and can clearly see by their behaviour,  they have no experience in this type of work its hardly suprising they are struggling.

So RPM start earning your money, fix the things that are wrong, and communicate with the people who pay your wages!!!



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18 Aug 2009 5:59 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Well said Phil. The facts & figures are there to see.

PTAN, I look forward to reading your thoughts when you have the facts, as you are usually a fountain of knowledge. It might save me the bother of going round knocking on doors in September.






( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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18 Aug 2009 6:44 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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This group of residents under the guise of condadodealhama asociatiom are the same people that achieved for us the reduction in community fees, they disbanded after the election of our presidents, from the information they have provided have decided to reform as they believe PW have put in place statutes which are abusive and they are stopping us from using our proper democratic process by providing themselves sufficient votes to maintain a majority vote. As I understand it, this group have decided they can challenge this position by opting out the Alhama Jardins as all or most of the properties on these gardens are sold and so PW has no veto over them as PW do over the rest of the resort, as they still own most of these properties built or not.

This group are predominantly Spanish owners so I presume have far better understanding of the relevant laws and the legal and management company they are using (Antonio Gil) are a registered company as Phil has said.

I like most on this forum, have NO first hand information which is frustrating.

My personal experience of RPM is not a positive one. Despite numerous representations no progress has been made on many of the issues raised with RPM (lights, plants, grass, security, repairs and maintenance and so on).  I have seen and received no information from our management company.

I have received no information from our Presidents in fact I was wrongly under the impression that Sergio was our President which turns out to be a lady put in place by PW with their vote and no consultation with any owners.

This group have at least been issuing information on the actions they are taking and the reasons for them.

As a owner in Naranjos I am frustrated as we are not all moving forward together but understand the reason this group have segregated Jardins to allow them to act.

I am not saying I agree with the actions of this group but I am also not saying I don’t as I just don’t understand the detail of the Spanish law they are using.

I do know that this group are the only people that have made any progress with PW and gained benefit for the owners so far.

I hope this group and their advisers are acting within the law and they know what they are doing but I suspect that if they are wrong it’s them as individuals that will suffer the consequences of their actions as they have acted independently.

I like most of us just want our resort to be a spectacular place to be with the highest standards, I except that you only get what you pay for, however from the evidence so far standards are not at the level we would like them to be as mentioned above plus no phone and internet in our properties and so on. And no evidence RPM are pressuring our contractors or PW to sort thing out.

I am eager for factual information and wish our representatives would provide it so we can stop guessing, speculating and worrying.



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