Antonio Gil revealed??

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19 Aug 2009 2:38 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Personly I would like to thank the Jose and all the presidents for doing a great job and getting rid of PRM(we did elect them to make decissions on our behalf, remember if you are unhappy, dont vote them in next time), I look forward to a new management company, which I am sure will be far superior to PRM.

I am also confident that once other areas of Condado see the improvements and once Polaris dont have they casting vote they will also join Anthony Gill.

Rememeber PRM have no experience in this field (and it showed in my opinion) Anthony Gill are professionals, I trust my elected representitives to make decissions which benefit the Jardines. I also dont wish to cast dispursions on their charactors by implying that they are involved in bribery or any kind of corruption.

It still amazes me how much people slated PRM, then they complain once they are gone?


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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19 Aug 2009 2:55 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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You're obviously on the ball here. It is RPM not PRM and they have not gone. Legally they are still managing the resort although the Jardines are trying to move to a different company after just a few months. If we are not careful the resort is going to split up and fracture destroying any chance of a community. How will costs of shared areas (eg roads, etc) then be paid for ? It won't be straightforward. We should be working with RPM over a reasonable period of time to assess their performance. If it then doesn't come up to the mark we should ask for tenders from companies to takeover. No formal process to identify a better option to RPM has been followed. The suspicion is therefore that backhanders and personal interests are in play.

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19 Aug 2009 3:20 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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I apologise for the mistake, I did mean RPM. However my understanding from the posting of the garden 5 president is that RPM are no longer running the Jardines! I realise RPM are claiming that the vote was illegal(but then again they would!)

You say we should ask for tenders ect, howeve I believed this was the job of my our elected representitives. How do you know this wasnt done? The potential libelous accusations flying around this thread cannot make the difficiult job of being a graden president any easier.

Splitting up the resort is undesirable, however as long as Polaris have the casting vote they will always attempt to block any movement away from their preferred company (RPM). In time, once the properties are all sold the residents will then have the choice and may choose to follow us in the Jardines.

If people believe that the choice of management company was based on corruption, then I too would be unhappy with that! However I personally believe RPM where not capable of the job and that our presidents acted in the best interests of the residents by choosing a more experienced company for the job.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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19 Aug 2009 3:21 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Darren and John,

I for one am not opposed to a change in contractor, but I am opposed to presidents who have nothing to do with me taking decision in which I think are important enough to put to all the owners.  Questions need to be addressed with regards this new company. PW didn't discuss with us the appointment of RPM and  now history has repeated itself but it is our own people who have appointed a company that none of us knows anything about.  I ask myself when was the consultation and where are the quotes that the presidents got from other companies? Transparency needs to be the key here and if this doesn't happen then people will assume the worst.  I am difinately with John on this one, that the presidents have to declare no vested interest in this new company.  Everything seems to have  been  done behind close doors and when my money is involved this is just not on. This is how it should have been done and this thread would now not been happening and the good name of CDH  not  dragged thru the mud.

1. Firstly the presidents should have made their intentions clear that they were thinking of ousting RPM and were getting quotes from other companies, at this point giving there reasons why. Next

2. Announced that all quotes had been recieved and they were as follows;  A company xxxx amount, B company xxxxx amount and A Gil xxx amount, so as a elected group we have voted to go with A Gil as they are providing us with not only the services we require but are going to save us xxx amount and this comapny also have the expertise and experience required to run a large resort like CDH.  This change will take effect from xx.xx.xx.

3. We will advise asap about change in payments and will keep you informed of any updates.

That is all that would have been required. I ask myself are the spanish really the people we need in charge would it not have been better if we had had a mixture of nationalities, age groups etc as every nation works differntly, as i just believe that the language barrier is only an excuse to not communicate their intentions with us. 



 Always look on the bright side of life  

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19 Aug 2009 3:33 PM by City Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message


I hear what you are saying, can we all possibly judge RPM so early into the process, I repeat my comment from previous statement - whilst I am not pro RPM, they must be given a fair chance, if they do not deliver after acceptable period, then yes - change will be required.

As for residents suspicions , A Gill cannot use the excuse RPM are not performing (which they currently are doing), due to the fact they tried to oust them from day 1, before they even started the contract, hence they never wanted them in the first place!


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19 Aug 2009 4:01 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message


The Jardin Presidents include John Ingram, Mikel Parson and Allan Milton - I don't know these gentleman, but they don't sound Spanish to me, so I do think there is a mix of nationalities. 

That said, the people we are talking about are the ones who stood and were voted in, so if they are not the right people to represent us then we only have ourselves to blame - and I know you are in naranjos, and the development was not so far advanced at the time of the vote, so perhaps that does not apply to you.  Maybe I am too trusting, but I do not think that the proposals and actions being taken are being done for some underhand reason or individual financial gain.  Although I am not in agreement with what is being done and would like more information.

The main problem as I see it is that at present we do not have a mechanism to disseminate official information, or get responses back from owners.  My view is that this should be the first thing any worthwhile Administrator should do, and the simplist route would be an official owners website.  RPM have failed on this, and just about every other way as far as any cohesive communication is concerned.  Outwith of RPM the Presidents don't have access to our email addresses so how do they seek our input.

La Torre gave their Polaris appointed administrator a couple of years, and that got them into all sorts of financial difficulties, so I will be happy to have a professional administrator working for our resort.  My issue is that i just don't see this as feasible to do for one part of the resort, rather than the whole, and therefore the focus should have been on getting Polaris to agree that at the next AGM they would abstain from a vote on the administrators, and allow the owners to have a free vote.


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19 Aug 2009 4:25 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Gentlemen, if you study the statutes and the contract of RPM, you will see that the presidents of level 3 and level 2, may choose new administrator for levels 2 and 3. That's what we did.

RPM remains in level 1 (which controls Polaris).

But the new manager, controlled from levels 3 and 2 expenses RPM.
This has been done, because RPM does not meet our interests.

Everything is being done with our effort and the benefit of the County of Alhama.

Best regards.
> cambiar

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19 Aug 2009 4:27 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Picking up on one of Ted's points. 

Communications is indeed a problem and as you say currently the presdents cannot get a list of the owners within thier gardens from RPM to enable the flow of information, trust me I have asked, but they will not give out this info.  Personally I believe that the contact details of the owners should be given to the presidents, but that's just me, and RPM don't agree.

But......  When you sign on as a president you have to sign a form giving permission for your contact details to be given out to the owners, so if you contact RPM and ask they will provide you with your presidents email address.  Once you have it  Email them and ask to be added to thier gardens owners list and kept informed of all community issues.

In fact if you look here you will find a list of the email address given at the time of the elections, the current presidents list is here 










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19 Aug 2009 4:38 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Dear owners.

To stay informed please contact:

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19 Aug 2009 4:53 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Could you confirm which gardens this is the presidenst email address for?  2, 5, 11, 12 & 13.












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19 Aug 2009 5:03 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Obviously, 2 conflicting opinions here with a pretty defined spit in which way you see things. It will always be the case..........Condado, La Torre,Anytown,Anyplace,Anywhere. Opinions are formed and people stick by their 'gut feel' and base their convictions on the evidence before them (sometimes). Nothing will change until hard evidence is there to see.

Talk of brown envelopes pretty much fits the image I have of PW sitting there in the directors room behind closed doors fabricating the multi-property management entity that is RPM. More like a nice little slot for 'Auntie Victoria' and 'Cousin Lila' to sing along to PW Alhama golf resort tune, sitting in an office taking notes of complaints and doing absoloutly diddly squat about them. By the way, 'we will pay you owners fees for doing this for us' thank you !!

I don't have an issue with PW as a concept and what they are delivering as a finished product when it is finished. What I do have an issue with is them not delivering what they should for ANYONE on Condado and the community as a whole. Look at what you would do with a purchase of new property in the UK. Would you wait for 9-12 months for the builder to put right what you had paid for. In the UK you would be taking this on yourself and getting some action and a result. Here we are actually paying someone to do this haggling for us and expect to see results for some of the simple thigs NOW not in 9 months time when PW say 'oh sorry about that one, the warranty period is now well passed and we are afraid this will have to be the community that picks that one up'.

Whatever you think you think. Actions speak louder than words for me and RPM actions are a long time coming. I concede that we all have our own view of things and this would not stop me sharing a drink or two with my neighbours, whichever way you see it.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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19 Aug 2009 6:52 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Actions speak louder than words for me too.....and I know that Antonio Gil had already been interviewed BEFORE  the meeting in May.

I also agree with Ted that it would be a good move by PW to abstain from the administrators vote.....and possibly a few other things too


You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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19 Aug 2009 7:38 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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at the end of the day I bought on Condado to have somewhere to hoilday and to get away from the miserable crappy weather we get in the UK - it's like the middle of January here today ! So ultimately I don't care who administers the darn place as long as it's done well and is good value. The process to remove RPM seems somewhat shambolic as is the means of keeping us the owners informed of what's going on - and that applies to PW, RPM, our Presidents and Senor Gil and co. I want someone to tell me definitively where we stand legally on this and whether or not we are now embroiled in a legal tangle that will ultimately cost us and damage the reputation of our resort.


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19 Aug 2009 8:35 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Estimados propietarios, están entrando muchos correos en nuestra asociación,

sobre todo de personas de habla inglesa, que al desconocer las leyes españolas se sienten algo pérdidos.

O puede que estén mal informados intencionadamente por algunos compañeros de su habla inglesa, que no entienden el esfuerzo que estamos haciendo, al luchar por nuestro resort.


Por ello, les colgamos las preguntas – tipo que más nos hacen y las respuestas a la misma.


Soy un propietario en Garden xxx  y he estado leyendo con gran preocupación en el sitio web de los ojos en España acerca de la decisión adoptada por el nivel 3 para despedir a los presidentes de RPM como administrador y nombrar a Antonio Gil. Tengo una serie de preguntas para usted --
1. ¿Estamos ahora en una disputa legal con RPM coste que, en última instancia nosotros como propietarios de dinero?
2. ¿Quién decidió nombrar a Antonio Gil y cuál es su calificación como administrador? ¿Cómo se sabe si será mejor que el RPM?
3. ¿Dónde están Polaris World en todo esto?
4. ¿Cómo puede RPM y A. Gil administrar distintas partes del complejo Condado?
No tengo ninguna intención de hacer el pago a cualquier nuevo administrador hasta que todo este claro y que nosotros, como propietarios y están bien asesorado legalmente en cuanto a cuál es la situación.                 



Estimado señor, muchas gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros.


Pasamos a responder sus preguntas.


1 .- El coste jurídica, caso de que lleguen a juicio no lo va a pagar la comunidad. RPM lo pagará o lo pagará Antonio Gil. En España los costes de un juicio los paga quien pierde. En este caso perderá RPM, pues Antonio Gil y los presidentes que le han apoyado han actuado de acuerdo a las leyes españolas.


2 .- A Antonio Gil, lo seleccionaron de entre los planes de estudio de 4 administradores posibles y en esta selección intervinieron incluso, como los presidentes de su jardín (el 4) y el 1. Que siguen estando a favor de RPM.

Su calificación como administrador es 12 años de experiencia, frente a ninguno de RPM.

Como jefe atiende a los propietarios, algo que RPM no ha hecho nunca, sólo en las juntas.

80 comunidades en su gestión y dos de ellas grandes.

Su amplia experiencia que es mejor que RPM. Y además nos degfenderá a nosotros (los propietarios) y no como hace un Polaris RPM.

Fíjese lo bien que funciona RPM, para enviar un acta de 16 folios, han necsitado casi tres meses. La ley les dice que han de hacerlo en 10 días.

3 .- Estamos hablando con PW, para que tome una decisión e impida llegar a los tribunales.


4 .- Los Naranjos administraria Rpm ,Antonio Gil  los jardines de Alhama.


5 .- Usted nunca pagará dos cuotas. Aunque haya dos administradores.  Es más Antonio Gil es más es más barato que RPM y ofrece mejores servicios, con horario de tarde... 

Espero haber sabido responder a  sus preguntas.

Reciba usted saludos cordiales.




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19 Aug 2009 8:37 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Dear owners, are getting a lot of email in our partnership, especially English-speaking people, unaware that the Spanish laws are somewhat lost. Or they may be intentionally misinformed by some of his colleagues spoke English, they do not understand the effort we are doing in fighting for our resort.


So I put the questions - the type that we do and the responses to it.


I am an owner in Garden xxx and I have been reading with great concern on the website of the eyes in Spain about the decision of the Level 3 to dismiss the presidents of RPM as an administrator and appoint Antonio Gil. I have a number of questions for you --


1. Are we now in a legal dispute with RPM costs that ultimately we as owners of money?

2. Who decided that Antonio Gil and what is his qualification as an administrator? How do you know if it will be better than RPM?

3. Where are Polaris World in all this?

4. How can RPM and A. Gil manage different parts of the county complex?


I have no intention to make payment for any new manager until everything is clear and that we, as owners and are well received legal advice as to what the situation.


Dear sir, thank you very much for contacting us.


We turn to answer questions.


1 .- The legal costs, if they reach trial is not going to pay the community. RPM will pay or will pay Antonio Gil. In Spain the cost of a trial are paid is lost. In this case you will lose RPM, as Antonio Gil and the presidents who have supported him had acted according to Spanish law.


2 .- A Antonio Gil, as selected from the curriculum of 4 administrators and possible even involved in this selection, as the chairs in your garden (4) and 1. Still in favor of RPM.

Your score is 12 years as administrator of experience compared to any RPM.

Serves as head of the owners, something that has never RPM, only on the boards.

80 communities in its management and two of them major.

His broad experience is better than RPM. And we degfenderá us (the owners) and not as a Polaris RPM.

Look how well that works RPM, to send a record of 16 folios, they still need almost three months. The law says they must do so within 10 days.

3 .- We talk with PW, for a decision and avoid reaching the courts.


4 .- Los Naranjos Rpm administered, Antonio Gil Gardens Alhama.


5 .- You will never pay two installments. Although there are two administrators. Antonio Gil is more is that RPM is cheaper and provides better services, with the afternoon ...

I hope I have managed to answer your questions.

Send your greetings.



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19 Aug 2009 8:56 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Thia is not good


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19 Aug 2009 9:32 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Preside 5,

That seems pretty clear to me. I don't know what else you can do to explain the situation as it stands right now.

Thank's for the effort with the language translations for us British owners.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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19 Aug 2009 10:55 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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preside 5,

where do we find the list of the 80 communities senor gil is representing? i would like to check them out.

thank you anthony


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19 Aug 2009 11:51 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Preside 5,

Thank you for all the information.

Can you explain how fees will be split across the communities ? Presumably fees paid by Naranjos owners will be used to service the Naranjos area and fees paid by Jardines owners used to service their gardens. Also, a proportion of each fee must be used to service the communal facilities such as roads, etc ?

Can we see a new breakdown of costs and fees spread across the resort and the two administrators to ensure that neither RPM nor Antonio Gil are spending more than the owners in their parts of the resort are contributing. Like most owners I just want a great resort in good condition at a reasonable cost. I am happy to pay my share but would not be happy contributing anything to Antonio Gil as he is not servicing the Naranjos area.

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20 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Contestación a Billbo.-


Muchas gracias por su compresión.

Saludos cordiales.

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