The Comments |
Hi All,
Recently returned from 2 fantastic weeks on CdA. More on that when I get time. I just want to throw this idea into the hat, for people to add their own thoughts to it. May have been discussed and dismissed before. May not be viable. Then again it may well be feasable.
I was one of the lucky one's and had a ford focus for 2 weeks and one day at a cost of £340. On previous occassions I have been running around for solicitors and furniture etc. On this occassion I chilled out. However because of this I noticed I hardly used the car during this time. Yes its good to know that whenever I need it its sitting outside, and on impulse I can jump in and go.
But I think with a smidgen of planning it would be feasable for say 5 people/families, to each pitch in approx £500 giving approx £2500. With this money buy a reasonable car upto an estate size. Or perhaps for a little more money each an MPV style car. All share running costs etc. Maybe take on a permanent resident on the insurance, pay them a few quid to pick up drop off at airport?
I know there would be issues. What happens if all families are there at the same time (Christmas) etc. Hopefully we'll all be adults and work around it. This is just an idea I've thrown into the hat for discussion.
Obviously it would depend on the flexibility of those concerned.
Could it work ?
_______________________ Frank
Dont smack your kids. They choose your care home.
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Hi Frankie babz,
Yes I think this could work, by getting different nationalities on board ie; the Scots have different hols from you English so this is a possibility but I do think there are more cons than pros to this idea but it is worth exploring and if you came up with a reasonable plan people may be interested but only good drivers he he .
Anyway how was the hol? Like the new avatar but I did tell you that that picture of you me and Carol was not to be posted on this forum, speak to you later about that. Meet lots of new people or can't you remember? Give us all an update on the place and all the goss.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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I'd certainly be interested - at least to explore this in more detail.
We'd need to look into things like insurance, running costs (ie servicing, tyres etc) as well as deciding who has what when
We'll be over from 5th September for a fortnight if anyone wants to talk about it
_______________________ Peter & Pam - Jardines 1
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Hi Ali
I must admit I did'nt notice that moustache on you when you came round ours in the summer. Pehaps it was bleached by the sun cos it was quite hot. 
Hope you are all well by the way.
Golfinjim, I would be interested in exploring the possibilities, we are over 26th Sept till 30th. June is stopping over till 12th Oct.
Keep me posted
PS Luv ya really Ali 
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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great idea
been brought up on condado services by ray, this could definately work and i would also be interested,
going to need a bit of planning, so anyone up for it? go for it.
ps, june driving? she gets on the wrong side of the road on a bike
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Hi All
I also would be interested in car sharing.We are coming to condado in Sept to complete on La Isla and will be over for a week in October during Scottish school holidays.If anyone is out then we can discuss or pm me with details
Regards Pat & Jackie (Dumfries,Scotland)
_______________________ Pat & Jackie
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Um Hello
When did I say anything to warrant the insults? See Ali, I told you he was an old scroat. Have to say he didn't know you'd called him a teddy bear, although that wouldn't have stopped him posting what he did. lol
Anthony, I go the shortest route on the bike, so if that's on the wrong side of the road or the pavement or whatever, so be it. Can't believe I would have given you a reference for the grass cutting.
All, as I haven't driven in Spain yet, I can't see that you need be too worried, I have a perfectly good driver sitting next to me. Why have a dog and bark yourself.
Agree it's a good idea, but don't think too many people should be owners of one car, maybe 4 or 5 at the most. But that shouldn't stop a bigger group of people forming a co-operative of 3 or 4 cars, to cut down on the chances of too many in the same group being there at the same time. You could, as someone else said, I think it was ptan, get a resident to come and pick up at the airport in your car, and pay them 30, 35 euros for doing it. If one of the car owners was already there, they could pick up at the airport and take back, last one out needs the resident again. Simples
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Hi Everyone,
Just some of my thoughts on this subject,
1. Membership needed.
2. Administrator on site for bookings.
3. Mechanic to keep cars running.
4. Insurance to cover all cars with breakdown cover.
5. A different range of cars from small to MPVs
6. Need to have limit on usage.
7. Cars need to be returned clean inside and out with tank 1/2 full, for next person.
8. Once an initial amount has been paid a monthly direct debit would have to be taken to cover wear & tear and insurance.
Off course these are just some of issues we will have but its a start.
These are just some of the issue that have come to mind
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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HI ,
We also live in Dumfries and would be very interested in sharing a car.I have just be out for 7 weeks and had a great time.We are both out in October ,however the car hire is a fortune over the year and we have looked into buying a left hand drive.I f you would be interested our no is 256940.
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We are going out tomorrow to complete on our Isla property. This car business does sound interesting although not certain whether it would totally cover our needs but please keep me posted.
I would however be very interesting in hearing about any airport pickup/drop off services anybody is keen to offer. I'm sure a nice little job for someone living there to offer.
Sue & Duncan
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