Change of management - Jardines

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06 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by salsdn Star rating in Thornton Cleveleys /.... 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Has anyone any details on the change of management regarding the Jardines, as we have just been watching Condado tv and it has been mentioned that the Jardines are moving away from RPM. There has apparently been some sort of vote on this and it has something to do with a chap called Ramon? and we are going to be asked for bank details etc.

We as residents of the Jardines are not happy with this as we have not been informed of this change , or told any of the details . I am also not happy about giving our bank details to all and sundry, especially a company that we know nothing about , and are nothing to do with Polaris world. We personally have no issues with the way the development is being managed, so are at a loss as to why the change. We certainly do not want any change to be to the detriment of the site.


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06 Aug 2009 11:38 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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The Presidents are our duly elected representatives and they have the authority to hire and fire, this is not a referendum . This is the way things operate under the horizontal property act in Spain,  Do you question every vote yor MP makes. If you want to be a PRESIDENT  then you should nomionate yourself at the appropriate time. We can only get a basic understanding of what goes on in the background. Howvever I see lights not being repaired since last year, pools not being repaired . Yes lots of things are getting better but if our presidents need some else to run the resort better their must be a good reason.  What is RPM background and experience ? after all Polaris appointed them not the owners.!!


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06 Aug 2009 11:49 PM by salsdn Star rating in Thornton Cleveleys /.... 89 forum posts Send private message

That is all well and good but surely we should be notified as to what is going on before it happens . After all it is our money that is paying for this .Your tone of sarcasm is not appreciated, and I do have the right to air my concerns on this PUBLIC forum .

What is background of the company taking over ? . After all we have bought on a Polaris developement.

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07 Aug 2009 12:16 AM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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WOW!!!   My tone  !!  some chap called RAMON IS NOT A tone  How about some chap called tony sod Dave or some name you recognise

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07 Aug 2009 12:45 AM by WAVERLEY Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message





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07 Aug 2009 12:48 AM by Youngers Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

I'm all for this if they really have got rid of RPM.  The work that the residents did to reduce the costs is what we are paying RPM to do on our behalf.

I'm sure a further drop in costs will have been obtained here too as the RPM fees looked a bit steep to me.

Throw in the poor management that David mentions below and I think you have your three strikes required.


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07 Aug 2009 12:50 AM by WAVERLEY Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message



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07 Aug 2009 12:51 AM by Youngers Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

Not if you pay RPM to arrange for it to be watered!

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07 Aug 2009 12:53 AM by WAVERLEY Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

07 Aug 2009 8:44 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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So does anyone have more information about this??


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07 Aug 2009 10:27 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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I like Phil would like to know more info please. 

Not all of us are fortunate to have a garden representative which gives out good communication of what's going on, so this forum has always been best with its info.

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07 Aug 2009 11:25 AM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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as I understand it it's not Jardines, but PW La Terazza (at the back of La Torre) that kicked RPM out.


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07 Aug 2009 11:29 AM by graham204 Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

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The lack of information also concerns us.  Does anyone have a contact email or tel phone number and name of Jardine 7 garden president.  I will not be giving my bank details to someone that I know nothing about including what they will be charging and what we should expect for our money.  I do agree however that RPM have been poor at tackling repairs to lights, pools, planting.  I can only speak for Jardine 7 and wouldn't comment on other gardens.




Graham & Carolanne

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07 Aug 2009 2:16 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I can see both sides of the discussion and have sympathies with both.  I do believe that PW are very careful and dilligent in the running of their resorts and are keen to keep uniform standards throughout.  However, the Spanish representatives will probably be quick to notice any irregularities in costings and waste on our behalf.  I do agree that more info from each garden president would be welcome.  Overall though, I think the Spanish residents will work very hard on our behalf and will never be 'fobbed off' with any old excuse when things are not being done properly.  The Spanish have a great sense of community responsibility and respect for their properties and surroundings.  Perhaps we should take the initiative and interact more with our garden rep's via email rather than waiting for them to come to us???


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07 Aug 2009 2:23 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Please, Please, Please calm down, as far as I can see this thread has started with a request for information having heard a rumour and is being assumed to be factual. I am happy to put my trust in our properly elected presidents and wait for some factual information on this issue. If anyone has any first hand information on this issue please post?



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07 Aug 2009 4:07 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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I have since found some news that there is a email from " asociacioncondadodealhama"  stating this information.

If this is true and what they have done in the past , i.e. by reducing the management charges I cannot see a problem. 

Let see what happens now?

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07 Aug 2009 5:15 PM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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IF it is the case that RPM will no longer manage the Jardines, AND this has been agreed by our representatives, then I fully support the move.

I do however have one major concern, as I am sure most will have.

We have all witnessed the lack of information and communication from RPM, many of us have seen monies taken from our accounts without prior warning, and some of us have even had the wrong amounts taken. So if RPM have been sacked what is to stop them continuing to take money from all our accounts? They have all our bank details.

Unlike the UK there does not seem to be a Direct debit guarantee in Spain.

Equally I would not give my bank account details to anyone in Spain without being 100% sure of their legitimacy.

So if these rumours are true please will our elected presidents communicate this to us properly. It seems really strange that not one of us on this forum have had any formal communication from any of our presidents.


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07 Aug 2009 5:47 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I'd be surprised if Jardines could act independantly of Naranjos and the other areas anyway. If the resort were to fragment and different areas use different companies costs would increase. I would wait until official news comes through the resort organisation (ie the Presidents). Until then its just tittle tattle and gossip not worth much discussion.

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08 Aug 2009 2:11 AM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Speaking of Jardines  elected presidents.

We voted for ours a he was recomended. A spanish gentleman . We were over for two weeks at the end of June & though his appartment is only a few doors away from us he never seamed to be there

 My spanish is not very good but I thought I would call round & introduce myself. No luck & if he was in resedence he didnt bother to call to see us either.

No chance of me being a presedent  as we do not live  on site but if I was presedent i would certainly make myself known to all on my Jardin.

 It seems our presedent is not very " customer friendly "



West Mids & Jardin 5

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08 Aug 2009 8:45 AM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

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although he is Spanish, I'm not sure he is resident.  Despite the number of times we've been over, we've never seen any sign of life in his apartment.

Chris & Alison


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