Change of management - Jardines

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The Comments
08 Aug 2009 8:56 AM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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We got an email from RPM with Ramon introducing himself as garden president and his contact details. It sounds like not everyone on our garden has received this. Typical RPM.

I'll send you a copy by email as I don't want to display his address on open forum.

As you know we have just returned from a holiday there, I don't think he is resident but was there the 1st weekend of our stay and the last.


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08 Aug 2009 9:44 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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Just Received this From Alan Milton, one of our presidents


""You have probably picked upon the grapevine that Jardines Presidents had an EGM last Saturday morning in the Ayuntamiento at Alhama.  We voted to disposed of RPM and replace with a new Administrator, Antonio Gil.  Now the legal process of this action is taking place and when all is confirmed, I'm sure an official communication will be sent. 

I wanted to wait before advising people to ensure that RPM had been legally notified of the decision.

This is for the benefit of everyone and we can hopefully see some positive action around the issues every Jardine is facing (broken lights, issues with gardening, swimming pools etc.) as well as allow us access to the service level agreements in place and begin to squeeze the lengthy contract already imposed upon us by RPM / Polaris.  Further, it means we have an Administrator that is not in the pocket of Polaris and who will make decisions based on the benefit of the community of owners - NOT for Polaris and themselves.

The transition will take a few months,not just because we are in the Spanish August shutdown but we also expect heel dragging in the exchange of information from RPM and friction from Polaris.

This is a positive move for the resort going forward.""


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08 Aug 2009 9:48 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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With reference to below I have asked Alan if he can answer the following questions....

What exactly does this mean?
Will Antonio administrate for the Jardines and liaise with RPM?
Are RPM still running all the rest of the resort?
Do we still pay RPM our Community charges?
Will post any answers ASAP....


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08 Aug 2009 12:16 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil

Thank you for the info, but can I ask you to find out please,  if Naranjos isn't included in this,   what are the consequences?

I honestly can't see how two management companies can run one resort,  so how is it going to work?  I notice that you have asked if RPM will be running the rest of the resort, but I would like to know what the outcome of this will be.  I appreciate that presidents of the Jardines are not concerned with Naranjos, but this will affect us too.  

Also,   did all the Jardines presidents vote in favour of this?  Sergio is nominated president of the whole resort and he is in jardin 1, so surely he would have had some input into this?  

It doesn't seem too long ago that we were all complaining about the lack of information from RPM, and were told that once we had our garden reps, that would change and we would get our info through them.   I'm still waiting.


You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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08 Aug 2009 2:54 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I just wish they'd put their efforts into making the existing set up work. The only ones seemingly doing that at the moment are PW. Neither the presidents or RPM are visible. Just as things seem to be moving forward someone has to put a fly in the ointment.

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08 Aug 2009 3:50 PM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

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We wonder if there was any attempt at consultation with the owners. 

We gave all our details to our Jardine president back in July when RPM gave us his email address.  And this is the first we have heard about this. 

Chris & Alison

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08 Aug 2009 6:31 PM by jillcrawford Star rating in AYRSHIRE JARDINE 8 7.... 132 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Folks

I feel everyone is being pretty hard on the presidents, this is a volentry position with no pay,give them a break, I am sure they are doing what is best for everyone



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08 Aug 2009 7:00 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

The owners at La Torre went through this a while ago and ended up worse off than they were at the begining.

Is it a question of............better the devil you know?

I am also concerned that if the whole thing turns nasty with RPM, they have the ability to take money directly from our bank accounts without our consent. In effect we have already given them that.

Call me an old worrier but my spider senses are tingling already.

Shall we wait and see what happens?



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08 Aug 2009 7:24 PM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

"Antonio Gil" exactly who are "they", a company? an assortment of companies?.

Where did they suddeny appear from, was a tender put out and "Antonio Gil" submitted a winning bid?

Did the presidents of each Jardine seek the input of FEE paying owners as to what course of action should be taken (if they did I was somehow left of the list).

How is the transition to take place?

Will RPM make any form of legal challenge and if this is fought by "The Presidents" who will cover the legal fee (not me)

lots of questions, lots of things rumoured and up in the air, a mass letter drop or poster campaign should have been completed before any decisions were made (if they have been yet)

I for one have no problems with RPM, not a resident but have been to apartment 6 times this year and 2 more visits arranged and I personally have had ne reason to complaim about service by RPM.

The least owners should expect is a formal anoucement as to what is going on regarding management of the Jardines.

Rumour does not help anyone.

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08 Aug 2009 8:23 PM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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Here are the answers to my earlier questions..

What exactly does this mean? - It means RPM will be out of Condado and Antonio Gil appointed.
Will Antonio administrate for the Jardines and liaise with RPM? - RPM will no longer be invovled.
Are RPM still running all the rest of the resort? - No.
Do we still pay RPM our Community charges? - This will be changed in due course.


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08 Aug 2009 11:01 PM by salsdn Star rating in Thornton Cleveleys /.... 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi  All

I have emailed Polaris / Sergio -President of Condado & Garden President Jardine 1 /RPM to hopefully shed some light on this situation below is the response I have received from Polaris ,

Thank you for your e-mal.
I am glad to inform you that the he community Owner of Condado is still working with RPM.
The thing is that a minority of owner are trying to change, but at the moment is not the case.
You can contact with RPM and confirm this information. The e mail address is:
Kind regards,
Lola López Villaescusa
Atención al cliente
Customer service


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08 Aug 2009 11:50 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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here we go again????????

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09 Aug 2009 12:53 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

 Hello everyone.
  I am the president of the Garden 5.
RPM was stopped on August 1 with a vote of 11 presidents of the 12 gardens of Alhama.
You're confused, no perseguimoss any commercial purpose.
Only wish that our community will bieen.
If pagaan least from May 20 euros thanks to us. This week will be introduced in writing your mailboxes explaining the reasons for the termination of RPM.

Sorry for my English. Is not English. I am using the google translator.

At your disposal.
You receive a cordial greeting

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09 Aug 2009 12:54 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

  Hola a todos.
   Yo soy el presidente del Jardín 5.
RPM fue detenido el 1 de agosto con una votación de 11 presidentes de los 12 jardines de Alhama.
Usted está confundido, no perseguimoss cualquier propósito comercial.
Sólo deseo que nuestra comunidad bieen.
Si pagaan menos a partir de mayo de 20 euros gracias a nosotros. Esta semana se presentó el escrito en sus buzones de correo que explique los motivos de la terminación de RPM.

Lo siento por mi Inglés. No es Inglés. Estoy utilizando el traductor de google.

A su disposición.
Recibe un cordial saludo

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09 Aug 2009 1:04 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message


Hola a todos.
   Yo soy el presidente del Jardín 5.
RPM fue detenido el 1 de agosto con una votación de 11 presidentes de los 12 jardines de Alhama.
Usted está confundido, no perseguimoss cualquier propósito comercial.
Sólo deseo que nuestra comunidad bieen.
Si pagaan menos a partir de mayo de 20 euros gracias a nosotros. Esta semana se presentó el escrito en sus buzones de correo que explique los motivos de la terminación de RPM.

Lo siento por mi Inglés. No es Inglés. Estoy utilizando el traductor de google.

A su disposición.
Recibe un cordial saludo


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09 Aug 2009 2:20 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Muchas gracia por la information. Es util. 


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09 Aug 2009 5:15 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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Thank you Ramon for coming on the forum to explain. We will look forward to the letter this week. Once the letter is issued can you please also put it on eyeonspain as alot of people are out of the country and won't have access to their mailboxes.

At the end of the day 11 out of 12 presidents, who were voted in by ourselves, have agreed to terminate with RPM.

Being out of the country we have to put our faith in those presidents and hope it is done for the best.

Don't know who Antonio Gil are, but weren't RPM a newly formed company prior to Condado being handed over with little experience of handling this type of resort. This was cleary evident in the first meeting I attended back in February.

Our garden alone has never had our pool lights working despite numerous reports to RPM to get these fixed nothing has been done and now the guarantees are about to run out. How many more faults are there on the resort that havent been attended to?


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09 Aug 2009 5:30 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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When we vote for representatives we give them the authority to act on our behalf.  The decision to change administrators is based upon major concerns from the very beginning that Polaris appointed a firm with no track record of running resorts and Condado being the biggest one any company would run.
An administrator who runs a large resort like Condado de Alhama  ( note it is all the resort they run not part ) should have many years experience, the ability  to negotiate or re negotiate with contractors , working for the owners not the builder.  providing truthful information when requested  , repairs to be carried out with due diligence and good communication ability are some of the qualifications we should expect.   
We have Presidents with a wide range of past experience in business, professional, military, service industry including local utility companies providing local knowledge of how things are done already resulting in approx    0.5 million euros. saving on the budget. They have already taken decisive action to resolve the problem of the lack of repairs no lights etc etc. I am sure this has been done with correct procedures being followed as per the law of the land.  ( I recommend David Searl law books for more information on the Horizontal Property Act as its known in English - this is the law that relates to running communities.)
The lack of communication that some people feel will have to be resolved by the community forming an official web site that information can be posted and concerns expressed but this is early days and getting the a good mamagement team is the most important task. However the Presidents spend their own time , unpaid to oversea administrators to ensure standards are maintained. If they are not supported will they want to continue?
If you are unhappy with what they are doing then use your vote next time or stand for election or get a like minded person to represent you. Frankly after the barrage I got when I tried to provide information I would not like to do their job. They do not have admin teams etc to deal with all the queries so take this into account when sending questions or asking for details.It is the Presidents job to understand these details and get the best for us.


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09 Aug 2009 6:56 PM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

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Very well put David I agree 100%


 Keep up the good relations and information your supplying us all with 


  cheers pete jardines 3

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09 Aug 2009 6:59 PM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

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Mick (Sonatigh) in Jardine 4 is one of the  Presidents, and he usually/sometimes posts on here. If you're reading this Mick, is there any light you could shed on the proceedings at this stage ?


Chris & Alison 

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