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Can anyone tell me more about the electricity supply at Los Naranjos? Has the builders' supply been disconnected and have they started to put the meters in yet?
Will be coming over in a couple of weeks so would like to be prepared so need to know if we will have any electric supply in the apartment.
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Hi Malcolm,
If you look at the thread 'Pace of Development' 12th August, we talk about connection of Naranjos and will probably answer your question.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi all
Just had a email from Olga at Polaris to say that conection of electricity will start in jardin 1 next Monday.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Just found out that they have already started. I'm in garden 1 and the meter has already been installed in my apartment, went in within the past couple of days. So looks like the period of free electricity is over 
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Hi Phil,
Do you know if they are doing the Jardines first or are they weaving there way up ie; Jardine1 then across to Penthouse 16/15. it just that we are out at the beginning of October and it would still be nice if they have'nt connected us yet(fingers crossed).
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Phil (PTAN)
When they put your meter in were you actually there. I have heard that they will not install unless the owner is on site or you hand PW the spare key. They refuse to deal with keyholders apparently.
Phil & Debbie
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If they wont deal with keyholders does this mean that you wont have access to any electricity? I'm sure PW aren't going to give builders electricity indefinitely.
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Hi Phil & Debbie,
The stance from PW regarding keyholders seems to change with the wind and depends on who you talk to. As far as I am concerned my keyholder has my POA with regard to access to my apartment and so PW should treat her as my agent and deal with her as if she were the owner. It's a shame that not everyone at PW see's it that way , sometimes they will deal with her, sometimes they won't. personally i believe it's just a delaying tactic on thier behalf for not doing things on time.
But to answer your question, even though they should have contacted the key holder they didn't and as, at the moment, they still have a key they just let themselves in.
Sorry that doesn't really help, but what you could try is emailing them and saying that you are not always in the apartment so if they could ring you when they want to come you'll make sure you're there and them just give your keyholders phone number. worth a try.
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As of yet we haven't been contacted to get the meter installed. When they do, which I assume they will, I will do what you mention and say that they need to contact our keyholder to obtain access. Either that or they wait until we are out in October.
Phil & Debbie
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Forgot to add to Phil & Debbie's post, you will not be contacted! they just work there way through, not sure what happens if they miss you out as they can't get access 
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One of the questions we asked was to confirm that they had our keyholders contact details and would get in touch to gain access as PW no longer hold a key for us. They have confirmed that they have this info and I am assuming based on that they will contact her for access.
They did try to keep a 'spare' key saying that they needed it for access to fit the meter but we took it back anyway after some of the stories we'd heard here. It does seem that they will just enter willy nilly if they still hold a key. That said we accept that our keyholder will ahve to hand over the key for a day or 2 as they won't commit to a time to fit the meter
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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They told me on 3 occasions, that they will not contact our keyholder because Iberdrola have not given them any dates. If they cannot get access we will have no electric. They will not give me a clue as to when the key will be needed.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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I can't imagine for one minute that potentially hundreds of owners have left their spare key with PW. From what I have heard on this forum is that owners can't wait to collect it due to problems with doors being left open, etc, etc.
I'm going to wait until next week to see what feed-back is put on the forum and then call PW myself and explain that they can either do mine in October when I'm out next or they will have to contact our keyholder.
Fingers crossed....
Phil & Debbie
PS..I found the smileys...
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We travel out on 25th Aug and have all the keys except for one which is held by a Brother in Law who lives an hour away. Will be far from happy if electric has been disconnected as we have not been advised. No electric means no air con which should cause some ill feeling
Paul and jane - Los Naranjos Jardin 8
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i emailed Olga and she said that they would contact our keyholder the day before the meter is being fitted to obtain the key from them, she said they only find out the day before as to what garden they are doing and apparently today they are doing garden 4
_______________________ Michelle and Bryan
Los Naranjos, jardin 8
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