Antonio Gil revealed??

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The Comments
03 Sep 2009 4:48 PM by Preside 5 Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

A continuación se os informa de la web de Antonio Gil.

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03 Sep 2009 4:59 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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Preside 5, are you an employee of Antonio Gil ?

RPM still say they are the administrator. What is the situation ? - SEE BELOW

THIS IS TOTALLY RIDUCULOUS, WITH TWO COMPANY'S SAYING THEY ARE IN CHARGE. I will continue to pay my maintenance fees to RPM until there is clarity.


Dear Homeowner,

Regarding the rumours about the division and/or change of
Secretary-Administrator of Jardines de Alhama Golf Resort I and
Jardines de Alhama Golf Resort II, "Resort Property Management S.L."
send attached to this email a letter of information.

Also we inform you that the position of “Resort Property Management,
S. L.” is to continue for the Community of Owners.

Also, we attached a document for our Agenda for September, we inform
you about things happening shortly.

If RPM takes legal action against these presidents, this won´t be an
additional cost to the owner because part of the our staff are lawyers.

For any other issue or clarification on this matter please contact us
by our phone numbers 0034-638618275, or in person at the customer
service point at the resort.

Best Regards,
Resort Property Management S.L.,


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03 Sep 2009 5:13 PM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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Just been on the antonio gil website (as below)and it appears they are already using Condado as a reference!!


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03 Sep 2009 5:55 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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here we go again!!!!

think it's about time this was all sorted out and everyone knew what was what, and who we pay and who we shouldn't, really this is such a mess and we've got some our elected presidents to thank for this.  When is it all going to stop.



 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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03 Sep 2009 6:04 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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i agree with you, i also believe this ali g character to be a complete shower of sh*te, i cant even download photographs to the forum but i could set a website up like that, come on everyone lets leave p5 to have his fun with others and just ignore him, i asked for some relevent info on this company and he couldnt deliver, so please just ignore, and i promise you he will go away.

proper shower.


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04 Sep 2009 2:01 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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Ant/Andi, it looks like Senor Gil has another name (Munoz) and the first language of communication to owners is Spanish (don't we love that !). This is nuts - are we delaing with RPM or GIL Munoz ????

Preside 5 has not answered my question if he/she is an employee of Senor Gil, I wonder why - maybe he is Senor Gil Munoz ? Come on Preside 5 , more information please !!!

From: asociacion condadoalhama (
Sent: 03 September 2009 16:31:47

Estimados propietarios.
A petición de nuestro administrador, para Jardines de Alhama I  y  II,
 D. Antonio Gil Muñoz.
Adjunto se os envía la dirección de su sitio  web,  donde podrán
encontrar distintas actualizaciones periódicas de noticias.
antoniogiladministrador    extension (es)

Dear Property Owners,
Upon the request of our administrator for Jardines of Alhama I & II
(Mr. Antonio Gil Muñoz), we attach the address of his website where
you will be able to find various regular news updates

antoniogiladministrador   extensión  (es)



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04 Sep 2009 4:58 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

This thread is the reason I have joined the forum as we are getting occasional emails from a 'new association' referring to a take over of sorts but RPM still seem to be in the driving seat- and we are confused by what exactly is happening. PW say RPM are in control of the whole resort.



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04 Sep 2009 11:57 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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Dear owners

            Many thanks for your support: our joint effort has led to a saving of €562,000 in the community[i] budget.  The approval of this new budget, which we proposed to our service management company, RPM, came into effect in the month of May. The results can be appreciated in a reduction of €20 to 23 in monthly community fees.

            Our association has representatives in several level-3 chairmanships (Jardines de Alhama 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12 & 13) and a level 2 chairperson for Jardines de Alhama II.

            On 16 May 2006, our property development company (“Alhama Golf Resort”) representative, as level-2 chairperson, voted for herself with a proportional representation of over 80%. She therefore proclaimed herself general chairperson of level 1, in other words, chairperson of the Condado de Alhama resort. She was able to do this by basing herself on certain general statutes unknown to the majority of us owners.

            As a result of these statutes, we find ourselves immersed in a rather exceptional community; one in which we as owners of our properties:

            1. - cannot freely elect our level-1 chairperson.  This is imposed in the statutes. Therefore, as of today, the 4 level-2 chairpersons –elected by all the level-3 chairpersons- only have a proportional participation of 20%, as opposed to the 80% corresponding to un-built plots that the property development company attributed to its representative.

            2. - cannot elect our management for level 1. This is because the level-1 chairperson (Alhama Golf Resort) has the last word.


            We therefore find ourselves in a community in which:

            1. - we, as the majority, do not feel properly represented by our level-1 chairperson.

            2. - we have to continue depending on the services of a management which the vast majority of owners have no confidence in.  

3. - we cannot change any subcontracts (whether they work well or badly), since all of them are under the control of the level-1 chairperson (Alhama Golf Resort).


            It is very difficult to change this situation; in addition, communication among us is made even more difficult as we speak different languages and there is also the fact of distance: many owners use their properties as a second home. Nevertheless, difficult it may be, but not impossible.

             Nowadays, email provides us with the possibility of getting together and forming a united front.

From this moment onwards, we have two options:

1. - To put up with the whole situation, and resign ourselves to what many of us feel is a totally unfair situation.

2. - To organise ourselves and stand up for our interests; to try and achieve a “normal” community in which the owners, who have paid for their property or are doing so through a mortgage, at least have the right to manage their own community, by freely electing their chairperson, management and service subcontracts.


You can rest assured that you will be kept informed of future events in subsequent statements. 

Finally, We would like to take advantage of this communiqué to thank you for the huge number of emails received in reply to our previous statements, in which you clearly approve of our having taken up the association again, and you express your encouragement and support for us in this task we have now resumed.



Yours faithfully

_______________________   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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05 Sep 2009 12:07 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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You still don't explain why you think it's ok to dump Naranjos, and to hell with the consequences.  


You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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05 Sep 2009 7:53 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

As someone relatively new to this I think Naranjos have no power but Jardines do.

Naranjos are still trapped by the fact PW are major ownerson their section of the resort and therefore hold the sway in anything that needs voting for. Los Jardines sold better and earlier, initially ( credit crunch affected sales too) so have more Presidents (for now) who can cast a worthwhile vote. Unfortunately Naranjos are a bit trapped by having PW as major property owners for the time being. Obviously, in time that will change- unfortunately the present market means that change will be slow.

As far as I  understand , and I bow to long time forum members who know more, there are some major problems on the Jardines to be dealt with quickly, so they (presidents)felt they had to act or run out of warranty time.

However, even with this level of understanding I still do not know if RPM remain as Management or if it has really gone to this bloke A. Gil.



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09 Sep 2009 9:46 AM by willi Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Problems of this kind has to fix the law does not advocate for the advice of the building.

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09 Sep 2009 10:11 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Why have we to ignore Sergio? and who is lying?

Your post was rather confusing.




 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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09 Sep 2009 11:25 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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At least we know who Sergio is and where he lives.  willi?  Another anon.   Why don't you stop p*****g around and just give the facts instead of useless innuendoes?

 Sergio and others do not confuse me.  They are not defending RPM, they are trying to do things the "LEGAL" way.  The MAJORITY of us are unhappy with RPM but know realistically that we should give them at least one year before changing anything. RPM are not doing much to help themselves, but why should people accept who you have chosen anymore than we should accept RPM who PW chose???

You  took it upon yourselves to speak for us all on the subject and have now split the resort in two. People are more confused by this, because RPM are still managing the resort, you are just middlemen.  

IF you had any sense and were not doing this to suit yourseves, you would have gone along the line of, Why PW are allowed all these votes in the first place????  That is a logical legal issue that they could have been took down on and we would have finished with a majority vote against them, RPM or not.



You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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09 Sep 2009 1:41 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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Have already begun work in taverns?

I think that would relate to October 2010


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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12 Sep 2009 2:12 PM by adnap Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Answer to comment is Anton Gill now community company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anton Gill has absolutley nothing to do with Condado De Alhama Polaris World. Be aware of RUMOURS.

True Brit Condado

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12 Sep 2009 6:22 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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but Rumours is closing - haven't you heard - or maybe it's just a rumour ?


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15 Sep 2009 12:23 AM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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apparently Antonio Gil is no more.-ie, has gone away RPM will get their chance to prove themsleves until at least the April 2010 AGM.

I guess that's the end of this thread -

(John Cleese)
Hello, I wish to register a complaint..... Hello? Miss?
(Michael Palin)
What do you mean, miss?
Praline Oh, I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint.
Shopkeeper Sorry, we're closing for lunch.
Praline Never mind that my lad, I wish to complain about a parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
Shopkeeper Oh yes, the Norwegian Blue. What's wrong with it?
Praline I'll tell you what's wrong with it. It's dead, that's what's wrong with it.
Shopkeeper No, no it's resting look!
Praline Look my lad, I know a dead parrot when I see one and I'm looking at one right now.
Shopkeeper No, no sir, it's not dead. It's resting.
Praline Resting!?!
Shopkeeper Yeah, remarkable bird the Norwegian Blue, beautiful plumage, inn't?
Praline The plumage don't enter into it - it's stone dead.
Shopkeeper No, no - it's just resting.
Praline All right then, if it's resting I'll wake it up. (shouts in into cage) Hello Polly! I've got a nice cuttlefish for you when you wake up, Polly Parrot!
(jogging cage)
There it moved.
Praline No he didn't. That was you pushing the cage.
Shopkeeper I did not.
Praline Yes, you did. (takes parrot out of cage, shouts) Hello Polly, Polly (bangs it against the counter) Polly Parrot, wake up. Polly (throws it in the air and it lands on the floor) Now that's what I call a dead parrot.
Shopkeeper No, no it's stunned.
Praline Look my lad, I've had just about enough of this. That parrot is definitely deceased. And when I bought it not half an hour ago, you assured me that its lack of movement was due to it being tired shagged out after a long squawk.
Shopkeeper It's probably pining for the fjords.
Praline Pining for the fjords, what kind of talk is that? Look, why did it fall flat on its back the moment I got it home?
Shopkeeper The Norwegian Blue prefers kipping on its back. Beautiful bird, lovely plumage.
Praline Look, I took the liberty of examining the parrot, and I discovered that the only reason that it had been sitting on its perch in the first place was that it had been nailed there.
Shopkeeper Well of course it was nailed there. Otherwise it would muscle up to those bars and voom.
Praline Look matey (picks up parrot) this parrot wouldn't go voom if I put four thousand volts through it. It's bleeding demised.
Shopkeeper It's not. It's pining.
Praline It's not pining, it's passed on. This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late parrot. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-parrot.
Shopkeeper Well I'd better replace it then.
(to camera)
If you want to get anything done in this country you've got to complain till you're blue in the mouth.
Shopkeeper Sorry guv', we're right out a parrots.
Praline I see. I see. I get the picture.
Shopkeeper I've got a slug.
Praline Does it talk?
Shopkeeper Not really, no.
Praline Well, it's scarcely a replacement, then is it?
Shopkeeper Listen, I'll tell you what, (handing over a card) tell you what, if you go to my brother's pet shop in Bolton he'll replace your parrot for you.
Praline Bolton eh?
Shopkeeper Yeah.
Praline All right.
  He leaves, holding the parrot


New security protcols coming requiring production of passport and car documents at entrance gates.

RPM setting up their own website (maybe Senor Gil showed them the way there).


This message was last edited by jeb321 on 15/09/2009.


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