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I start this thread with a small degree of trepidation as I dont want it to turn into a debate about rules, who accepts there are rules and who doesnt. But there is a small booklet of community rules as set by PW or RPM and I'm sure we had one but I cannot find it.
So I'm asking this question from a purely monetary viewpoint as we dont want to fit anything to our property that some time in the future we could be asked to move. Can we fit an alarm box? We are bearing in mind that we understand that some owners on La Torre did have to remove things they had paid for once the communities got up and running fully., and I'm sure they all said 'I wont be removing that' when they paid for it. So we just dont want to go there.
I'm aware that fitting an alarm would also bring other issues such as would the CdA security respond to an alarm, would they keep a list of keyolders names and phone numbers, would a keyholder be happy to come out to a ringing alarm and would a ringing alarm be such a nuisance to the other garden residents its not worth the bother? All of these things we would have to address once we knew if we could actually have one on the property.
We also know that as we are a second floor apartment the box could be hidden from sight on the roof terrace, but having the box visible is more of a deterrent and would reduce the fact of security having to respond and a keyholder having to come out.
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Hi Jann,
After reading about the theft of a handbag i think an alarm could work if it was directly connected to security and they were the ones to hear it, but if they didn't respond you would have no witnesses to say wether it had gone off or not. Don't know whether you can or cannot fit one and certainly don't know about a rule book, need to speak to customer services on this one and get them to send us a copy.
Good luck
This message was last edited by Alison&Simon on 11/09/2009.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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The booklet or leaflet was made available late last year but had been available apparently for some time and should have been sent out to all purchasers on completion, but typically it hadnt been.
It covered what you can and cant add to your property and things like the fact all canopies (and maybe even sun brolly's) should be white/cream so should outside lights (but most of us had bought them by then) and so on. Plus blocking up understairs could be done but again in white and fencing around gardens in 3 beds should be brown (I think) and the garden in front of the three bed can be flagged over. But it does say something about putting things on the exterior of apartments like satelite dishes (if visible) and maybe the traditional black grills other than downstairs bathroom windows isnt allowed But we cant remember if it included anything about security alarms. Anyway I thought someone on the forum may still have it saved somewhere and could have had a look for us or already have made this enquiry. It may even be in the photo section- but searching for it wont be easy as I'm vague on the date.
Probably will ask RPM and maybe with luck find they have been revoked.
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Hi Jann
if you get an answer to this question please let me know as I raised this thread last year and got ridiculed by some people on here (muppets I might add!!) however I think it is an extremely valid question and I look forward to some positive responses
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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Hi Jackie,
Yes I will post any reply I get.
My husband now thinks he remembers noticing that the very end groundfloor apartment ( golf course end) of Jardin 9 has an alarm - so we wouldnt be alone in thinking its a good idea. But we also think those owners live on the resort so at least its easier for them to manage and they may not be bothered by 'rules' or even be aware.
Its also been suggested to me today that a more high tech version which can be monitored from here in the UK would do away with needing security and keyholder to be available- unless you them call them because you can see a problem/are notified of a problem and can view via the PC. However I expect the cost iis much higher.
What we do remember is that our PW rep said PW did not want the traditional black grills fitting on doors and windows because they do not want to create the impression that the resort is insecure- so that tends to suggest they wouldnt want visible alarm boxes either But experience tells us that often the visible box acts as a deterrent.
So will await a response from RPM.
This message was last edited by Jann on 11/09/2009.
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Hi Jan
I'm not normally a person for alarms because I say how many times have you heard an alarm go off and done anything about it. Mainly car alarms they are the worst!!
But I reckon an alarm would work in the gardens because I cannot imagine anyone sitting on a balcony, rooftop, or garden and an alarm go off and not take any notice of it because there will always be someone there who would want to know what is going on??!!
Maybe Jan this could be the start of a "Neighbourhood watch committee" and just think you don't have to be a resident any owner (or owner family/friend) can be involved when they are actually on site. Do know what ? We are ALL moaning about the lack of security and yes keep pushing RPM PW but at the end of the day I believe we all have our dream on the Condado so maybe that could be a the way forward?
This message was last edited by scapa on 11/09/2009.
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I’m not sure if I agree with the installation of alarms on Holiday complexes unless they are monitored locally and configured correctly i.e. to turn off after 15mins.
I understand the reasons why one would what an alarm on the other hand but in an apartment complex there is nothing worse than an alarm that is not monitored!
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Yes, we agree with you really but wanted to see if there is a way of doing this that is practical and doesnt cause disturbance. Whilst CdA is percieved as a holiday complex the apartments are designed for full residential occupation and its seems a good percentage are used that way. So it may well be that people would fit their own security devices anyway- you have so much more stuff to protect when you live somewhere. If security on CdA lift their game it will be less of a concern.
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Hi Jan,
I have fitted security alarms for the company I work for here in the UK and without doubt the biggest 'down side' to them is false alarms. Whilst I fully appreciate it might give you a sense of comfort to have one fitted and I will probably come over as a spoil sport, I must point out that no system, no matter how sophisticated is immune to false alarms, especially with the unpredictable power supplies we have out there. With people spending more time out doors or leaving their windows open over at CdA it would be intollerable to have an un-monitored alarm going off constantly and another side effect of false alarms is the story of the boy who cried wolf.
Just a word of warning, no offence meant.
_______________________ Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...
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No offense taken at all- a faulty alarm would be a nightmare for all concerned. Its certainly one of the reasons we didnt seriously consider this option before- but unless the security improves on CdA I do think others will consider this option. When we bought on CdA were were led to believe that it would be a closed community at least around the apartments. Although the security of that is minimised by the rental aspect of most apartments. I dare say my previous and husbands continuing occupation make us consider the alarm option probably more readily than most, having seen the deterrent value of burglar alarms and their worth when working correctly and attended to promptly. However they dont always have to have an audible alarm and can be silent but with a flashing light- which would at least draw attention to the property.
Initially though I just want to know if fitting any sort of box to the exterior of the apartment will be within community rules
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Hi Jann
I also agree with you that a flashing light rather than an audible alarm would do the job and it doesn't have to be some ugly looking alarm box plonked on the outside of the apartment I'm sure a light would go completely unnoticed, when not flashing, as it would just look like another outside light. There must be some reasonably priced system out there surely
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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hi , we livein naranjos and have already fitted an alarm as there was nothing in the rules to say you couldn't
The box is white with a set of pulsing alernate red lights when armed , and is solar powered so we can leave electric off when not out there .
The system cost from£ 150 pounds from screwfix for the basic model and can be fitted by a competent diyer in a couple of hours , best of all it can be set in a visual alarm mode only if prefered and you can also alter the alarm period to as little as 30 seconds i believe. our key holder lives opposite us and so he wiould see if the alrm went off as the stobe light would flash until he reset it. we also have a second box on the street side of property which would also go off under alarm condition ,both units are controlled and set from either the wireless remotes on our keyrings or via the cordless key pad inside the frt door of the appt
all doors are covered and i have a pir in each room, an alarm if properly maintained either wired or cordless will not give off false alrms if correctly installed , i am an electrical engineer and can honestly say that over the years of fitting both wired and cordless the only time false alarms havehappened is when hardware has not been installed correctly and manufacturers reccomendations followed ie regarding positioning of pir's etc..
Hope this helps ! and remember dont have nightmares !!
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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