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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
08 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

We are completed- so, finally one of the CdA  community. A brief email in  my partners inbox and there we are.

 I have looked back at my posts which may be percieved as a bit angsty, but thats me- though I find it hard that you people are paying through the nose for your apartments and the services CdA provide and still dont feel the general rules should be followed- but have noticed that only one person addressed me personally in response to my comments ( and all they wanted was my name and Jardin). Not one other person addressed anything I said directly.


  I want a 5* resort and sadly that needs rules- I can only hope people will wake up to that or we will all have other people trespassing on our properties because 'rules are lax at CdA' .

Therefore I dont find this forum as welcoming as recommended and dont really want to continue with it

Community living is about accepting different personailites and ways of living and after many many years of sharing the culture of Spain I think my family can do that but I was a bit disappointed by some of the attitudes of the Brits we heard/read  or observed here at CdA. Its not about the ability to stay up after 3am partying but to be sympathetic to your neighbour whilst doing it. The Spanish know how to do that as they are used to much later domesticicies than Brits

Despite reading the disapproving comments regarding earlier posts about noise I still am a bit sympathetic to them- I  find the idea of a neighbour having two consecutive Karioke parties till 5am a bit tight on the neighbours. But, maybe you  dont  and suffer from insomnia, or wouldnt dare mention it to the neighbour.

We did a fair amount of research before buying here,  and during our recent visit ,as another brother also wants to buy                      ( considered Golf suites)and is looking in our Jardin now or either side  I think CdA has loads of potential, we are surrounded by family so some issues wont affect us- so will be okay. Looking forward to the golf, the Clover is great and we think the whole resort will eventually be excellent..



This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 08/09/2009.

This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 08/09/2009.



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09 Sep 2009 11:01 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

cuz´s avatar

Morning "Quietman"

congratulations on completing, I'm sure you will be very happy with your lot.

Have to say, in reply to your post, that the majority of people on here, and I do mean the majority, are extremely friendly and we all want the same for "our resort".    We all want the security to be stepped up,  we all want any trouble of any sort stamped on straight away etc etc.  but,  it is a new resort,  we and the people running the resort are all just finding our feet and coming to terms with what we can do and can't do.  Personally, and I know this isn't the desire of all,  I hope our security is to the same levels as at La Manga.  We deserve the same, and that in turn will lead to the 5* resort we all, or should I say the majority want.   I also want to have a mainly Spanish community,  If we had wanted to live in a British society, we would have bought on one of the many coastal or golfing complexes here. We wanted to have a home in Spain, and therefore will live by their laws and rules.  No matter how frustrating to us at present.

Don't want to ramble on, cos I'm sure I can probably go on as much as you, but I was the one that replied to your post and it wasn't JUST to ask your name and Jardin  number. I answered a query you had.  I asked for your name and jardin as a postscript, as I said, it helps people retate to each other, it's the friendly thing to do.  Still don't know who you are or where you are.  I don't consider that very welcoming.  The biggest majority of people on this site now know each other personally and we have this forum to thank.  We already feel like friends on meeting for the first time, and I for one am truly grateful for it.


You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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09 Sep 2009 9:44 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

I stand corrected- my apolgies if my  wind up humour isnt to everyones taste or my eagerness to get involved in debate has caused disquiet.   However, did see and hear about people accessing others properties for storing bikes and hanging towels out and just feel  we would all want the same sort of set up really - something well run and quality, where there a bit of respect.

Actually do believe that the few rules that exist should be altered if people dont want to keep to them, but you have to start with the very simple things being enforced. If you look at the general thread you will see there is new Spanish legislation about how resort based swimming pools should be managed, and then management companies integrate a few rules of their own as well. Community living in Spain isnt like living on a housing development in the uK though- and some rules will grate on people but thats the choice made. Anyway 'Tony Wragg' doesnt seem to rate my opinion, seemd a tad irate on last reading- so its not been a total waste of time.

But, as you so kindly pointed out June- I'm inclined to ramble on.

Initially I hadnt wanted to state my name and Jardin number, as what a fool I'd feel if the whole thing fell through

Hasta luego, Buenos Noches amigo's.




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10 Sep 2009 11:52 AM by Tony Wragg Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi Queitman,

Befor ya slap yaself on ya back, wozent u that wound me up.  Everyone on the other thread woz jus moanin about me kids an me girlfriend makin noise.  Jeeeez its a H-O-L-I-D-A-Y  R-E-S-O-R-T.  An also with terrace style apartments ya gonna get noise.  If ya want peace an quiet buy a villa in the middle of nowhere, or get off ya high horse. 

Or get RPM to set up a noise police patrol.

Knock knock.  Excuse me sir but its 2 am an your snoring is buggin the quietman



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