Key Holders

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20 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by anneliohara Star rating in Auchterarder & TDLT .... 29 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone tell me if it is a legal requirement to have a key holder for your property in Spain?

Polaris are currently holding our appartment key, but would be grateful if anyone could recommend a key holder, preferably on TLDT?


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22 Sep 2009 12:27 PM by colly123 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

I have a very good friend who will be looking after my appartment in phase 2 early next year as well as a number of my clients. his name is Enrique and he lives near the resort. he knows everything about the area and about polaris as he used to work for them. give him a call and mention my name. colin mcbride. his mobile is 0034644244128.

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10 Jun 2010 11:54 AM by lee12 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

** EDITED - Advertising **

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21 Jun 2010 8:14 AM by SteveT Star rating in Wokingham, UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

After our first 6 months free keyholder service we paid the Polaris fee for another 6 months last August, only to find that Polaris withdrew the key holding facility around October due to budget cuts.  We only discivered this when we tried to give someone access to our appartment last year.

Polaris put us on to a company who are based on La Torre, who I have found to be very good and much cheaper than Polaris.  I don't have their contact details with me right now but is anyone want the details just send me a provate message.  Our understanding is that one does not need to have a key holder, but we have found this well worth the investment and the new company even check out the property every month to ensure that there are no problems.  When people such as suppliers have access, they take them to the appartment and make sure that nothing goes missing.

Block 17, Las Terrazas de la Torre

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21 Jun 2010 9:59 AM by lee13 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

I can not say to much else it will be classed as advertising but we do a key holding service and check the properties every week. If anyone else requires info feel free to contact me

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21 Jun 2010 12:49 PM by Laurel27 Star rating in Midlands. 37 forum posts Send private message

We use the same co as Steve T (Gesfin Urbana) and are impressed so far.  They are a professional co, legal and fully insured. I must admit we were worried about handing over the keys to people we don't know so have been relieved to find Gesfin.

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