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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
28 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar


Just recieved the following announcement from RPM

Dear president,

From "Resort Property Management S.L.? is a pleasure to announce that
our website is already in operation and awaiting your visit.

There you will find all the information about "Condado de Alhama"
distributed in different sections to make access easier. Some of these
sections are still under construction, although the information will
be supplied in the coming days.

"RPM" hopes that this new medium will facilitate the flow of
information between all owners.

Website: www.comunidadesrpm.com

Best Regards,
Resort Property Management S.L.




This message was last edited by ptan on 28/09/2009.




Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

Web: www.naranjosuno.com




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28 Sep 2009 10:28 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

scapa´s avatar

Hi Phil

Thanks for the information but for somereason your link isn't working?!? Not sure if its just me or something elese?  It takes you to a password etc.

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28 Sep 2009 10:44 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

same here. Have you been able to access it Phil?



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28 Sep 2009 10:46 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Pasted it into the the toolbar web address box and it let me in right away.

And, it has a fair amount of detail and is definately a way for RPM to pass on information. The information about changes to property is on there which I was trying to source a week or so ago (althugh it doesnt cover alarm boxes) its got enough for you to know you cant build walls and any fences should be as PWs example around the pool etc. Also there's a couple of pieces of Legislation about animals and swimming pools so  I suppose TheQuietMan was correct in his many posts about rules (though there's 7 pages in Spanish about swimming pools and it'd be quiet an achievement to work your way through all that)

Like the fact they have posted that there have been issues of vandalism in J7 which they are aware of and are taking action to prevent reoccurence and how to deal with excessive noise from other apartments- all of which are issues which have come up in past weeks.

Didnt know we should be letting them know if we have anyone using the apartment- so thats useful too.

So, it has potential.


This message was last edited by Jann on 28/09/2009.



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28 Sep 2009 11:12 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

Sorry folks,

I cut and posted from the email and it seems to have mucked up the link.

have corrected below and here Website: www.comunidadesrpm.com





Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

Web: www.naranjosuno.com




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28 Sep 2009 11:57 AM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

lindaw164´s avatar

 I get the message "required plug-in is not installed"  What does this mean?





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28 Sep 2009 12:01 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar


The site uses Flash, so you will need the Flash player installed http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/





Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

Web: www.naranjosuno.com




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28 Sep 2009 12:15 PM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

lindaw164´s avatar

 Thanks Phil



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28 Sep 2009 3:46 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Phil.

I have been pretty quick to knock them, so am pleased to say well done RPM, a great move in the right direction. (and well done to the Presidents too, as I am sure this would not have happened without their efforts.)


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29 Sep 2009 3:39 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar

hi All

Great news

Haven't been on the website for a few days, so completely missed this, so just thought I'd bring it to the top of the forum again just incase others had also missed.  



 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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29 Sep 2009 7:13 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Ali- the community rule book is what I was referring to a couple of weeks ago under the 'alarm box' thread and what you said you hadnt heard of before. They seem to have included it pretty much as we remember.



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