The Comments |
I received the following email. It looks like the Jardine Presidents are now working with RPM (and hopefully RPM are working with the Presidents). We are giving RPM some time, they are apparently going to improve the service, Polaris are fixing some of the issues, and we are one community again!! 
Will have to wait and see how long this last and the results, but it can only be positive news.
*Written in Spanish and English.*
Estimados propietarios:
Informamos que el sábado 19 de septiembre, hubo una reunión a la que
asistieron, presidentes y vicepresidentes de jardines (sólo de jardines de
Alhama), RPM y la Presidenta del Resort.
Se decidió continuar con RPM como administrador nuestro.
Estos entregaron las cuentas de cada jardín a su respectivo presidente. Las
cuentas, saldos bancarios, etc, todo bien.
Todos los allí presentes nos comprometimos a seguir trabajando por el bien
de nuestro resort.
RPM mejorará en servicios, Polaris repoblará el césped que se ha secado en
el anillo exterior, el arbolado seco de la carretera próxima a la isla, etc.
Continuarán trabajando para que la señal de TV no se pierda a veces, cuando
El campo de golf, posiblemente abra al público el 15 de noviembre.
El nuevo restaurante (2 en 1), posiblemente abra el 30 de octubre. Será una
arrocería y un italiano.
Cuando haya alguna nueva información de interés, se os hará llegar a través
de este medio.
Hasta entonces reciban ustedes un muy cordial saludo.
*Dear Owners:*
We reported that on Saturday 19 September, there was a meeting attended by
presidents and vice presidents of gardens (Gardens of Alhama only), RPM and
the President of the Resort.
RPM was decided to continue as our manager.
They gave accounts of each garden to its respective president. The accounts,
bank balances, etc all good.
All those present we pledged to continue working for the good of our resort.
RPM will improve services, Polaris repopulated the grass has dried on the
outer ring, the dry wooded road near the island, and so on. Continue to work
put the TV signal is not lost sometimes when it rains.
The golf course, possibly open to the public on 15 November.
The new restaurant (2 in 1), possibly open on October 30. It will be a rice
bar and an Italian.
Until the next news.
Receive all of you a cordial greeting
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We have this email too and I must admit to feeling a bit happier and hope it does mean there will be a more concentrated effort from RPM to pull things together- maybe better late than never. I think that some of my ranting on the much disliked 'vandalism garden 8' thread was because we had actually been a bit disappointed when we stayed at CdA (though I didnt want to admit that to myself) and received the news of the proposed breakup of the management of the resort just as we were about to complete. Also as that thread went rather nasty I felt that we may have bought into something that wasnt really what we had originally thought- I'm afraid I am rather a stickler for following rules if they exist and especially if they are there for a reason, to make life better for everyone- I did feel really sorry for people who had bought apartments alongside the swimmming pools if all they have to look forward to is long summers of late night noise and drunks using the pools into the early hours. However I have since been reassured that the pool times and other community regulations will be more readily enforced from now on because it is a requirement of setting up communities as defined by the HPA. In fact the later thread about the 'bar dancing topless ladies' also suggested that I wasnt alone in feeling some behaviour isnt appropriate in a family resort. So, that meant I felt that RPM has begun to get a better handle on things and this email is just further reassurance- especially with regard to the planting and so-on. Another disappointment in August had been the dilapidated state of the outer bank along the dual carriageways, the grass and shrubs on the ring road- sp its good to read that is to be worked on.
Relatives visiting CdA this week have reported that they think its lovely and there's loads of groundmen out and about on the golf course.
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Hi Ted
I've received the same email this morning. Like we have all said in the past "communication" is the key word in all of this.
I too hope this community will grow stronger and learn from it's mistakes, 'cause we ain't a bad bunch really LOL!
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Oh Joy RPM are back! What next, re-electing Gordon Brown!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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I thought RPM had my details but I dont seem to get copied into any Community information
Also, is that a typing error for the date for the restaurant ? It was supposed to be 1st October !!
_______________________ Russ & Louise
Salud !
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The email wasn't from RPM - they haven't improved to that extent yet!!! - we can but hope, maybe even a website? (Damn dreaming again!!). This was from an email group representing some of the Jardine presidents.
I hope you are right about the date, as I am out in October, but I haven't heard any dates previously.
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The email wasn't from RPM - they haven't improved to that extent yet!!! - we can but hope, maybe even a website? (Damn dreaming again!!). This was from an email group representing some of the Jardine presidents.
I hope you are right about the date, as I am out in October, but I haven't heard any dates previously.
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The email wasn't from RPM - they haven't improved to that extent yet!!! - we can but hope, maybe even a website? (Damn dreaming again!!). This was from an email group representing some of the Jardine presidents.
I hope you are right about the date, as I am out in October, but I haven't heard any dates previously.
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Sorry, my post seems to suggest I'd had this email from RPM - it wasnt from them it was from 'neuvo asocciation'
I think Ali G is on the bikes we want!
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Lets hope that this is good news for all of us so :o) RPM not Ali G that is
A rice bar, now there's one I haven't heard of before....interesting
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For me, RPM or Antonio Gil, the main thing is that we have a single Administrator and the resort isn't split into the Jardines and Naranjos with each doing thier own thing. That, I do not believe, would be in anyones interest. Hopefully it'll all settle down now, at least until the next AGM.
Ted. RPM should have thier website up this week, or so we've told.
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Phil, that is great news! I think even a simple website will make the world of difference. RPM could really do themselves (and us) a big favour just through simple communication.
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Just my personal feelings, but for me most of the information should be coming from the community i.e the presidents rather than RPM, after all they are just the administartors so really the only matter that owners should be taking directly to them are issues relating to payment of community fees.
The biggest hurdle to this is the fact that the presidents do not have the contact details of the owners in thier gardens, and also that we are in a multi language enviroment which again makes communication difficult. I know that many presidents are trying very hard to establish dialogue with the other owners, by either introducing themselves to those they meet in the gradens, or via general emails, web sites and forum postings. But these are not targeted delivery mechinisms, this forum for instance is excellent and holds a wealth of information, but finding it is not always easy. due to the large amount of traffic infromation is lost as its goes further and further down the thread list so we see the same topic's being discussed again and again.
So. Contact your president, ask them questions, get on thier mailing lists. Again for me I'd like to see a community website, such as La Torre, run by the community for the community. I don't know what RPM intend to publish on thier site, or who will be able to post on it, so maybe this will be a start, ( and a welcome one ) but ( again just my opinion ) any community website should be owned and managed by the community not the admin company, after all they may change over time!
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Hi Phil,
I totally agree re the community site, I have cited the La Torre one before as an excellent example. My understand was that the site was owned by the community, but that the admin company developed it and administered it on their behalf, as part of their admin role - that is where I would see RPM coming in. The site includes things like debtor lists, meeting details/minutes etc. which are the administrators responsibility, and for the amount we pay I hope they do more than just collect the fees!
Most of the non-admin content comes from the presidents/Committee members, and that seems right, but any site would need an administrator. I certainly agree that it should be owned by the community.
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Hi Ted,
I'm a president and all I know is that they are creating a web site, no further information has been given, so will have to see what they indend putting on it, although I have heard it should include the information you detail below. The administartors are indeed responsible for a lot more than just the management of the community fees, but my point was in general for owners that should be the extent of thier deailing with them, all other information should be coming from the community.
Guess we will have to wait and see.
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