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I know there are some people out there at Condado that do key holding services. I've been informed by PW that they will dispose of our key after a week if we don't move it. We only need it held until the end of October.
Are there any offers and what charges are involved?
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Nice bit of customer relations from PW there - will not hold onto your key until October. How to make friends indeed !!!!!
I'm sure one of the guy's off the forum here will help you out.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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We use Carol aka Angelbabe and we have found her to be very helpful and honest.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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Hi Suea,
OMG I cant believe PW said that to you. When did you complete? We compled at the beginning of Oct last year, we availed of PW 6mth free key holding and only collected it last month when we were over on holidays. We never heard anything from PW that we had to go and get the key.
We also use Carol and she is great 
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Thanks to everyone for contacts, comments etc
We only completed in August and I can't remember them telling me this, I just presumed they would keep a key for the first year. They emailed me last week to say they could pass it on to their partner co. Gestfin who charge 100 euros per year or dispose of it, unless we made other arrangements.
A bit difficult when I'm trying to organise electricians, air con & furniture!
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we use Lynn and Eddie they come as a great pair.
they check our apartments as my daughter has one too. they are not expensive and are very reliable , really take the responsiblily seriously. i was never going to give anyone a key but since one of the apartments had a problem with severage coming up through i saw the way they handled it. Eddie is a bonus he speaks quite good spanish, which is a bonus sometimes as you can imagine.
they are both really great people.
their phone number is spanish. 652436925 the english one is 00447929223157
They both live there permanently and come in very handy for many different things , ie if you want something done they usually know someone who has come reccomended
give them a ring or an e mail trust me you wont be dissapointed they are very highly thought of. just because they are not the most expensive really doesnt mean they are not the best.THEY ARE
_______________________ Neil Simpson
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We also use Carol- has genuinely come to our aid any number of times and is very reliable- may be mopping up now as I write. We think flexibility is the key and thats what we get with Carol. Angelebabe on the forum
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Like Jann &many other users on this thread we too have Carol as our key holder,
If you read the next thread for Condado Re Carol Millar you will read just what a gem she is.
Angelbabe is definatly an apt name.
I am enclosing her email address but gather her computer is down at the moment
carol miller []
I also have her mobile numbers if you want them . please leave me a mesage on this thread or PM me
best wishes
Jan & Ham
West Mids & Jardin 5
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