The Comments |
While I enjoy a few drinks and good company when I am over at Condado I think the women who arrived last Monday (already fairly well on in the drink department) and no doubt enjoyed their week certainly had no thought for their neighbours in Jardins 12, 11 and certainly 10 at 4.00 am this morning as they played Elvis loud enough for residents in the above gardens to be woken up by along with their shouting.
I don't know if they were owners or renters but perhaps they could give a bit of consideration to others if they come back again. We all want to have a good time but surely not at the expense of others.
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Judging by the responses I got when raising similar points on this forum I think you are going to find yourself either a lonely voice in the wilderness or heavily critised for thinking you should be entitled to some respect,. The most commonly held opinion seemed to be that this is a holiday resort and therefore no-one should give their neighbours a thought- I dont imagine this is really the thought of everyone but when someone is a bolshy critic others keep quiet.
I suppose a one off for one night would have to be written off as high spirits but if there are continual issues maybe calling security has to be resorted to. This isnt the same as an organised FIESTA or a bit of a party or group of friends chatting into the early hours.
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I can give you some first hand information on this one folks.
If they are owners ............God help Jardine 12 ! If they are renters...............get back to Scutt-a-reef next time. Happened to walk past the said group of Yorkshire/East Yorkshire 'ladies' on our way to Clover on Monday evening as they were gathered on the corner of of garden 12. Obviously fairly well oiled at that time and demonstrating their range of 'anglo saxon' vocabulary in fairly loud tones.
'Oh my God', wonder if they will grace us with their presence along at the Clover for quiz night later ?? Sure enough, half an hour or so later, in they trudged and settled in for the evening. Within the hour, one (at least) of the group took to dancing on the bar Turkey 1990's style and proceeded to whip up her top to reveal her bouncing bossoms to all and sundry. Mmmm, family atmosphere with kids in the bar eh ??? Fortunately (some might say unfortunately), we happened to be sat outside enjoying a drink with company at the time so missed this stylish presentation. A bit later in the evening the police and security attended the Clover and removed one of the group, having to assist by Mr policeman propping her up by right arm and Mr security propping up by left arm as they escorted her away from the premesis. Rest of the team followed closely behind muttering drunkenly.....'Can't thou f****** enjoy thouselves when thou's on holiday in this f***** place' or word's to that effect.
So there you have it, family resort, five star environment and all that. Soon can get dragged down to the gutter by inconsiderate ignorant people. lindlaw 164, I got the impression that your appeal would fall on deaf ears in this case.
I'm sure even the pro-party people would not condone this type of behaviour.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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This is a bit different to a bit of a laugh and giggle on the patio. If something is upsetting you to this degree, at 4am or any other time, then you should just phone security and report it. They are getting paid good money to keep this sort of behavior under control. They aren't going to go looking for work to do, but I bet if a few people start ringing them, they'll soon go and sort it out, if only to get people off their backs.
If these people were renters, I wonder who did the cleaning. Makes you shudder, thinking about it.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Definately thought they were somewhere 'brit & brash'. Now I like a nice pole dancer along with the best of us (not me dancing, before you chirp in !!) but time & place comes to mind.
I think that shameless family sort of fits the bill .
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Thanks to Bilbo for the details- I'm glad to read it was at least dealt with. I suppose that anyone there over that period of time will have heard about the incident or a bit about it and how it was dealt with which means word will spread that this isn't an 18-30's party party resort. By that I dont mean people shouldnt have fun and let their hair down abit only that its a family/retirement resort rather than an off shoot of the strip in Benidorm. There's plenty of places for that type of holiday. I wonder did security just take these people back to their apartment(s) and thats when the later noise became a problem? I imagine there's a record of which apartment if so and if lindaw164 really wanted to make a complaint it could all be traced. If its a rental property the owner needs to be aware- if its the owner they surely should be advised to temper their enthusiastic approach to getting bladdered. I'm not being a killjoy- it doesnt take long for somewhere to get a bad reputation and thats the end of our 5* resort.
On the other not so popular thread comment of 2 consecutive nights of excessively load karioke parties, which disturbed a whole garden, was roundly criticised for being mentioned as this is a 'holiday resort'. Readers were advised that if we thought this wasnt on then we need to remember that this is a holiday resort, and we hadnt done our research. But, I have done my research and my in laws reside mainly near Jerez on a family/retirment community where this type of behaviour just isnt seen.
When we used The Clover we were surprised to see groups of young people leaving the bar with their glasses full and taking them off the Al Kasar and away to where ever their accomodation was. I'm not talking one or two people, but large groups of 8-12 teenagers. I only comment on this because its the sort of thing that suggests the place has very lax attitudes and its much harder to tighten things up after they become a problem than to start that way in the first place. On the second occasion we mentioned this to the waiter who just shrugged.
I know my viewpoint isnt particularly popular but CdA was sold to us very much as a family resort with potential for full residential living on retirement and afterall is a Golf Resort(or will be) first and foremost, which doesnt suggest topless bar dancing as an attraction.
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We have just had renters return from our apartment in Jardin 12 who telephoned me yesterday to advise me of this incident.
Our renters were able to tell me which apartment the "ladies" were in and from the description given of one of the party, it does unfortunately sound as though it is an owner - having a week away with female friends. Obviously can't be certain about this but the description fits - rather surprising as I spoke to this lady when we were there in August, and she was really nice - no signs whatsoever of the type of behaviour now being described. Just one point to clarify though - the ladies were from Manchester, not Yorkshire (thanks for that Bilbo!!!). I am not usually touchy about the whole Yorkshire/Lancashire thing, but on this occasion, I think it is justified!!!
Totally agree that the behaviour of these "ladies" is unacceptable - apparently not only were they loud and unruly at night, I am told that their behaviour during the day around the pool left much to be desired - inappropriate topics of conversation and use of foul language. From the description I have received of their behaviour and from reading the posts on this forum, it sounds as though they would have been more suited to a week in Benidorm and a night at a "Sticky Vicky show" rather than a 5* golf resort.
Have read a lot of posts recently about the behaviour of certain people during the Summer. We were there for two weeks between 9th and 23rd August and did not see any of the behaviour being described - yes there were people sitting on their terraces at night enjoying food and drink and generally having a laugh and a chat, but nothing that could be described as unruly or loud. Yes, there were some people using the pool late at night and having a laugh, but again nothing that would have kept me awake if I had been in bed. There were groups of teenagers - socialising, chatting and enjoying themselves, but again nothing that I found offensive. Perhaps we were just lucky in Jardin 12 during those two weeks, but we've certainly made up for it now!
I would certainly have found the sort of behaviour being described on this thread extremely offensive - what chance have we got of encouraging our children to behave properly when this is the kind of example being set by people who are old enough to know better.
Let's hope this is a "one-off" incident and that there will be no reoccurences in the future. I am only thankful that our renters were people buying on Condado and were not family or friends that I had recommended our beautiful resort to - I think they would have been extremely disappointed if that had been the case.
Debbie and Paul 
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Agree entirely with concerns over unruly behaviour - We have bought into the 5 star 'family' orientated golf resort
Paynton's comment in the final paragraph re 'thankful that our renters were people buying on Condado and were not family or friends' made me think though that whether the offenders were renters or not, as owners, aswell as PW we have a responsibility to attempt to qwell any of the anti-social behaviour. If we don't then how can we expect PW to attract more potential buyers to our great resort allowing them to continue build our community.
If buyers are put off by things they experience either in the jardins or The Clover then the services promised by PW become even more at risk of never materialising. What's worse is that if potential buyers see that sort of behaviour and are like minded, we may even see more and more.
I hope Paynton's guests were not put off by 'hopefully' this one off event!
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Apologies RBrettH - didn't mean it to sound as though is was OK because our renters were purchasers on Condado - just hoped that they have seen enough of the resort and the community previously to know that not everyone behaves in this way. I was thinking of the situation if I had rented to a young family for example that had never visited the resort before - what kind of first impression would they have gained from the antics of this group of "ladies"?
Totally agree that we need to maintain a high standard on the resort, both to encourage new purchasers and to encourage renters - this kind of behaviour can only succeed in doing one thing - putting people off visiting altogether and that can only be detrimental to everyone and our hard earned investments.
Debbie and Paul 
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At the risk of starting another 'Vandalism on Jardin 8' typre thread ........
Apols if my post came across that I didn't like your comment Debbie - far from it! Similarly I would have hated to have had family out witnessing that behaviour. I am very pleased with what we have invested in and have already had the in-laws out to 'show it off'.
Equally though I am keen that other familys, golf enthusiats, retirees, etc etc also share my enthusiasm for the resort and invest in the community. It's only when the empty apartments are sold that the community will further come to life and PW will invest in more services that will only increase our 5 star appeal.
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To put things into perspective, again this is a very isolated incident. While we were there for the week, I can happily say - no signs of vandalism in jardine 8 or anywhere else come to that, no unruly inconsiderate behaviour, even all the Jardine 8 pathway lights were on for a couple of nights !! (sadly the row by us went off again ).
I'm quite sure the vast majority of us will entertain on our patio's with friends, family and new neighbours from Condado some times well into late evening early morning. We will laugh, talk, even sing probably a bit louder than we should but I can guarantee there will be at least one of the collective group will have their sensible head on and ask the rest to tone it down a bit in respect to the neighbours. This is what all decent considerate folk would do I'm sure.
Now our friends from Manchester (sorry Debbie, picked up that accent wrong there - I am usually not bad at regional accents but probably because I did not want to listen too long, got my bearings out a bit !!) clearly do not fall into this category. Even the next morning as I returned from the supermarket at breakfast time, I could hear them blathering away loudly on their patio from about 100 yards away. Now most folk would be hung over and a bit delecate, but no signs of that there. May in fact have been the start of the next day's 'fueling up' session.
The people in the adjoining apartments and whole of the garden in fact must have been horified with the prospect of having to put up with that all week. Might be an idea for the rest of the residents to club together an offer them an atractive price to buy their apartment so they could re-locate to Ant's suggestion of Shag-a-luff .
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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This really is an awful story of bad behaviour in the Clover.
Has anyone got any pictures, or any ideas when these ladies are next at CDA ?
I heard a rumour that their behaviour almost woke Herbert up
_______________________ Mark + Sandra
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I'm in agreement here and hope it really is just a one off. Even though the other thread got a bit off-thread, I dont think the comments were about much more than noisy behaviour, and cheeky children, a couple of unfortunate breakages and a few neighbours doing a bit of trespassing (no report of them damaging anything just being a bit cheeky storing their bikes and using the other pergola for their washing.) Whilst all that needs to be nipped in the bud it doesnt compare and I dare say there's always going to be the occasional looney who can't be moderate in their behaviour.
Doubt they even know about the forum but hopefully they would be mortified if they knew their nonsense was being discussed.
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Both my husband and I were on Condado when these lovely specimens of women appeared. There behaviour was applaying to say the least, besides all the above comments, swimming naked in the pool on more than one occassion by one of these females was not a pretty sight to see. However, I have been told three of these ladies were involved in a theft of handbag in the Clover bar - police were called and one lady was taken away by police, only to return the next day - due to the fact the theft was under 400euros! - these women should have been thrown of site immediately. The owner of apartment in Jardin 12 should be thoroughly ashamed of herself, bringing such vulgar people onto our lovely site - Sell up and move elsewhere.
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Hi All,
As yer all aware I've had me say on this forum before over similar issues.
Jeeeeez these people are even worse than my family.
Never thought I'd say this. But I'm backin the snobs people on here 100%. That kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable, and urgently needs to be dealt with.
Someone needs to report to Polaris and RPM the Jardine number concerned, and have them send a letter defining our disgust at this behaviour.
But can anyone on here give any ideas on what can be legaly implemented as a form of punishment. (Besides allowin me an me family to live next door to them next time they return).
Jokin aside, what can be invoked in such circumstances.
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Only real problem with the naked swimming in the pool is that....................................scum floats to the top 
Joking apart of course.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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I suppose only that PW or the community president can send a letter of complaint to the owners. I wonder if La Torre has had to deal with similar issues- I suppose over time there has been some drunkeness beyond even 'high spirits' on other resorts that they must have had to deal with.
Why has Mr Wragg, in the past, thought its snobbish to want to keep the resort well managed ?
I think if people have perceived there to be no-one enforcing any community rules then they will act accordingly and this is whats happened with these 'ladies'. I notice that someone lower down on the thread mentions groups teenagers leaving the bar with their full glasses of whatever and exiting Al Kasar- on more than one occasion. If they weren't stopped the first time thats something else that will continue and it just lends to the opinion that these sort of things/behaviours are acceptable
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In response to Tont Wraggs question yes action can be taken.
In the Statutes of the Association (Issued at Completion to all owners you know the small print nobody ever reads) well Article 9 PROHIBITATIONS para 3 states!
"In general, annoying, unhealthy, harmful or illegal activities in general, as well as those that are against public law and order, are prohibited throughout the complex."
Many ofthe issues stated here fall in to these article.
Persons falling foul of these must be reported to Security, Security make weekly reports to the administrator, the administrator should discuss individual cases with each garden president. Activities against public law and ordrer are dealt with by the police, activities against the statutes are dealt with by the Administrator and the Presidents who can issue formal warnings to the offenders and if necesary take legal action against them. In other words the Community can take legal action against persistant offenders.
When we signed our contracts we agreed to follow the Statutes.
All, owners should familiarise themselves with these Statutes.
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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Following on from Mick's post here is the relivant section from the HPA
"The president of the community, on his/her own initiative or at the request of a unit owner or occupant shall urge the person or persons carrying out the activities banned under this subsection to desist under admonition of court action.
Should the offender persist in his/her conduct, the president, subject to the authority of the meeting of the owners’ general assembly, duly convened for this purpose, may undertake an injunction procedure, which, insofar as not expressly provided for in this section, shall be settled by ordinary proceedings.
Once the action is brought, including the accreditation of the authoritative notice to the offender and the certification of the resolution adopted by the general assembly, the judge may order as a precautionary measure the immediate cessation of the prohibited activity, under admonition of incurring an offence of disobedience. Furthermore, the judge may adopt any precautionary measures necessary to enforce the injunction. The action shall be brought against the owner and, if fitting, against the occupant of the unit.
Should the court adjudge in favour of the plaintiff, it may decree, besides downright cessation of the prohibited activity and award of damages as may correspond, the deprivation of the defendant’s right to use the unit for no more than three years, depending on the seriousness of the offence and detriment caused to the community. If the offender were not the owner, the judgement may definitely terminate the offender’s interest in the unit and decree his/her immediate eviction "
So, for persistant offenders, the law allows the community to ban them from the resort for UPTO THREE YEARS. I would imagine that these would have to be pretty serious offences for a judge to take such action, but it would be a legal possibility.
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