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I presume if I buy a television from the UK to take to Spain that this should work ok?
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Hi Mark,
If you but a digital TV ( i.e with Freeview ) then it should pick up Spanish TDT, thier equivilent, which will give you around 40 spanish Tv channels, a couple of which are in english Sony & Disney.
Why buy a TV in the UK and cart it all the way to Spain with the possibilty of breakage and you'll need to change the plug ? Prices in Spain are similar to home for a decent set.
Digital TV's from UK work fine. Just check with the shop that it has the facility to set it to the required language. I bought ours in the sales over christmas last year as the cost of a similar model was at least £100 more in Spain and I checked everywhere. I was also shipping some other stuff as well so the delivery costs were not for that item alone which of course has to be factored in.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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