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Hi all
I called in the sorts bar last night and was told by the gentleman behind the bar that it is to close in the next 2-3 weeks due to the lack of customers since the opening of the clover, i thought this bar was to support the sorts area. I was hoping that the complex was going to grow not start to loose services.
Cath & Kevin
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Not good news at all just brings home the fact that we must all try our best to support the PW bars/restaurants or we will be left with nothing!
This message was last edited by danseex on 11/09/2009.
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Lets face it with the reputation it and its "patron" Herbert had it was probably always going to happen. Sure it will reopen in another guise when more of the resort is complete.
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I would suggest that during the quiet Winter period this makes sense. There will not be enough customers to support both bars. I would think that this will be reviewed next year. La Isla is opening now, and the golf course over the next 6-9 months. I think we will see large increases in occupancy over the next 12 months, and the whole resort will begin to take shape then. This is just a short term measure, and makes sense, as bar users will now only have the Clover to use in the short term. Certainly Herbert is no loss. The guy is quite frankly useless, he has no appeteite for the work he is employed to do.
_______________________ Mark + Sandra
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If that is the case I think that's sad. Like someone said a couple of weeks ago it was still nice to have somewhere to sit have a coffee squash etc when you have played tennis etc., and when the gym is fitted out we are going to need a meeting place to chill after a good work out. Also don't forget it's only place for wi fi at the moment!
I remember when I was there early July and I was speaking to lovely Maria behind the bar. When I wish her all the luck and hope to see her again in October she told me "she didn't know what was happening her contract run out end of September and she might not have a job when I next come out.
So I hope she has been employed at the clover.
But we all know PW has got plans and we will only know when they want us to know. Bless 'em.
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It doesn't surprise me that it has closed, my boys went down there and bought 2 twix's and a small bottle of water and got charged 5 euro's, what do PW expect, that was the last time any one from my family went in there. People don't like being ripped off.
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You are absolutley right about the prices and if they continue to charge people excessively in the Clover I can't see people making frequent use of it. I definately won't after the cost of a round of drinks the last time I was there. Everyone I spoke to felt the same way.Maybe we should make Polaris aware of this, not to mention the poor service.
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send the kids to the supermarket for their twixs and water. The prices are still cheaper tha what you'd pay in a pub at home. Of course the differerential between supermarket and bar prices is greater in Spain when you can a bottle of wine for a euro and 6 beers for a 2 or 3 euro in the shop.
Thing is drink at home if you don't want to pay bar prices !
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I think the main point here is the fact that Polaris are shutting down facilities that may be used by residents whether it be on a regular basis or not.There were only two people employed at the bar and the cost to keep it open surely cant be that much especially as Polaris own the building and spent money fitting it out.I see it as a necessary part of our complex to give a facility for people using the sports area,especially during the day.We were promised lots of things before signing up to buy our properties and i feel a bit let down that as soon as the place seems to be improving and new things opening, Polaris then take it upon themselves to close amenities down if not as busy as they want it to be.I'm sure in the other resorts like La Torre and Mar Menor they would get a lot of complaints if they tried to do this so we should not let them away with it.Its like being held to ransom by Polaris and they are saying use the facilities or else !!!
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Totally agree that PW should not be closing facilities such as bar at sports area. We don't all want to go to the Clover after a game of tennis for a cold drink. We used this bar a lot when we were out in summer with our children who could play at the play park or use the internet whilst we had a coffee or glass of wine. I am personally very disappointed with the facilites on offer at present.
Graham & Carolanne 
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jeb321, we do use the supermarket but my boys wanted to use the computers down at the bar, and while they where down there they bought some chocolate and a drink and basically got ripped off, next time we are over I will ask them if they would prefer to spend some time wandering around the supermarket because the twix's are cheaper, and while they are there I will take my chair down and buy some cheap beer and sit there and drink it. Do you have any other pearls of wisdom about saving money at Condado, or shall take my boys down to camposol to have a go on the computers and buy a drink for 1 euro and the same price for chocolate, or are you going to criticise me for going to camposol!!!!
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everyone knows if you buy ANYTHING in a bar you will pay more, you pay for the overheads including Herberts wage. I mean really what did you expect - what would the same have cost you in the UK - anything different , no I don't think so.
Stock the fridge up with water and twixes you'll save yourself a couple of euro.
there is too much mmmmmmmoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnning at PW for no good reason.
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Think you have missed the point AGAIN main complaint is the closing of the bar and yes that is the fault of Polaris.
I think the loss of any of our facilities deserves a bit of a MOAN and shouldn't be classed as NO GOOD REASON
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I'm wondering if its a temporary measure through the off season months and if they will just be closing the bar in the evenings. They can do with somewhere to buy a drink around the sports courts, but I suppose a couple of drink machines would cover that..
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exactly, they are hardly going to open the place if no-one is using it !
I'm sure though there will be also of mmmmmmmmmoooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnning about the price of a bottle of water from the machine.
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you really are missing the point its not moaning about PW, because I have never had any problem with them when I completed or any other issues raised with them, I may be a lucky one who always found that they sorted out problems reasonably quickly. People will not use these places if they are very expensive, or will only use them occasionally, so you keep taking the piss about stocking up on twixes etc really shows how out of touch you really are, most people would go and buy somewhere else and therefore the places are not used and close down, it's basic economics. PW will have real problems when the Oasis opens and bars etc open up how will they compete then!! I also put your reality problems down to you being an Everton fan.
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Reading the post about the unruly behaviour displayed in the Clover makes me even angrier that they are closing the only alternative to the Clover. I would have been horrified had I been there with my five year old. It doesn't sound very family friendly at all.
Andy Clarke, I totally agree with you that Polaris should be more realistic about competative pricing and facilities maybe more used then by residents as well as holidaymakers.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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