Withhold privilege cards from bad debtors?

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06 Oct 2009 12:00 AM by Innes Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

When it comes to collecting unpaid Community Fees the only apparent option open to us is the threat of court action and with some owners this approach will be the only answer. Unfortunately this problem will only get worse if we don’t try to introduce other ways of retrieving bad debt.


There are a high percentage of owners who don’t pay up because they are perfectly aware of the Community’s reluctance to take every bad debtor to court and collectively they add up to a large slice of the Community’s bad debt problem. These same people are very happy to take advantage of all the privileges associated with Roda ownership. We all know that these privileges extend to family, friends and in some cases holiday rentals. The Community should have the right to withhold these privileges from bad debtors.


We are currently issued with an owner discount card that allows us to claim discounts on all of the amenities at Roda. I believe at present, we (The Community) have no control over who receives these cards. We should enter into discussions with Roda with the view to supplying owners with a new Community Card. This card would then be issued annually to owners, providing they do not appear on the debtors list at the AGM. Roda’s cooperation would be vital, but I do believe it would be in their interest to help us resolve this problem.


The technology needed for this new card to function is not rocket science, it is a simple identification card and the new Community Card would operate equally well under the current system.   


If we could reach an agreement whereby the communities are in control of these cards, then the threat of losing ones privileges becomes real. Who wants to suffer the embarrassment when family and friends are refused discounted green fees etc. because the owner hasn’t paid their share of the Community Fee?


I know there are a few other ideas out there, such as wrist bands, but one idea alone won’t do the job. We have to implement a series of measures that would deliver the message to bad debtors that their behaviour is unacceptable. We have to get to grips with this issue or it will become an ever BIGGGER problem.


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06 Oct 2009 11:54 PM by Joe1949 Star rating in Manchester. 61 forum posts Send private message

Is it permitted to post some signs on these Non Payers Doors. e,g 'Non Payer Lives Here'

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07 Oct 2009 5:58 PM by Innes Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Hi Joe 1949


Couldn’t agree with you more, unfortunately I don’t think it’s possible to name and shame. What complicates the situation more is some of these bad debtors rent their properties and it is very likely, that the person who is renting has no idea that their landlord is not paying their fees. They are the owners that will hopefully end up in court.


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07 Oct 2009 7:36 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

arky25´s avatar

why is it not possible to name the non payers?

maybe if their guests were informed they would be less likely to book again with them and maybe even complain to them.

im all for putting stickers on doors.

ill volunteer to do it ;-)


This message was last edited by arky25 on 07/10/2009.



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07 Oct 2009 11:24 PM by Paulb Star rating in Murcia. 74 forum posts Send private message

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Dear People,

It should be noted that EACH and EVERY one of you knows EXACTLY  the people who are responsible for the NON payment of their community fees, as the administrator e-mails (not sure about snail mail) a copy of the most recent community AGM to you all.

Detailed within, is a list of community debtors (who are not allowed to vote at AGM) as well as a whole host of other very interesting details about the community.

I’m sure that placing ugly notices of “debtor lives here” would be nowhere near as powerful as motivating property owners to voice their opinion through public vote at AGM/EGM.

As ACTIVE community members, it is WELL within your interests to attend these AGM/EGM’s, or ensure that you have passed your vote to a well respected member, to act upon your behalf.

It is VERY worth your while to read the thread “ Community Concerns” within this Roda Golf Forum, as there are some very interesting points brought up.

Please, stop bitching, start taking personal responsibility for YOUR resort and start acting

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08 Oct 2009 12:56 PM by Innes Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Hi Paulb


Firstly I would like to say that it is a tad presumptions of you to suggest that the people commenting on this topic do not attend their AGMs. It certainly does not apply in my case. It would also appear that when you personally make a comment on this forum you consider it to be constructive and worthwhile, but when someone else voices their views you consider it as BITCHING.


You say that we are given a list of the people who fall into the category of bad debtors, when in fact we receive a list of properties owned by these people. I believe I am right when I say that because of legal reasons they cannot be named and shamed.


The few comments already made on this thread would suggest that there is a depth of feeling on this matter. I do agree that placing signs on doors is not the way ahead, but we shouldn’t be so ready to dismiss other people’s opinions because as you say we need everyone to be actively involved.  


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08 Oct 2009 1:27 PM by Joe1949 Star rating in Manchester. 61 forum posts Send private message

I guess this has been answered before elsewhere but bear with me I'm new to this.

I understand we cannot deny non paying owners access to facilities e,g pool,car parks etc  DOES this also apply to their tenants/renters (long or short stay). ?

Given that AGM's have approved a list of owners for Court action (at a price) do we really just have to sit around for 2-3 years waiting for the system to work through whilst these jokers are giving two fingers to those of us paying for the facilities they are maxing out..

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08 Oct 2009 9:08 PM by Paulb Star rating in Murcia. 74 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Innes,

I take on board what you say and feel regrding the post I made yesterday, and conceed my use of the word 'bitching' was somewhat out of place.

However, I read a lot of the posts made here (EOS), in lots of the threads, and one thing that seems to come up again and again is the lack of knowledge of property owners and hence the frustration that seems to be endured.

I talk to lots of owners on a daily, weekly basis, worryingly, some of them who have owned property on RG for the longest time, yet still do not know how their community(s) works.

It could be said that living away from the resort has it's problems, particularly communication wise, but certainly from an "out of sight, out of mind" perspective, it seems that some owners don't get as involved as they could & should.

It is so important that everyone who owns on the resort should try and learn about the way the community works. That way, they could then be part of the decision making process, rather than reacting to what 'others' have decided to do.

I'm also aware that unseen issues will and have reared unwanted attention. In phase one, this is now being attended to, via an EGM, which proves that the system does work, albeit an outcome will be agreed on the day.

In conclusion, there are much better ways that everyone could put their time to, reading the thread I mentioned last night, 'community concerns' would be a great place to start.

If anyone wants any help in anything that's been posted here, I'd be only too happy to oblige.


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18 Oct 2009 2:59 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

arky25´s avatar

paul - you talk about owners getting more involved etc.

its not as easy when you only manage to get over 3 or 4 times a year and are also trying to enjoy yourself and have a "break" at those times.

i think the comunity should put in more effort also as ive now been an owner for over 2 years and have had 1 letter from them - asking for a payment.

i have never received personally any information regarding agm/egm etc and only have an email ad for the management comittee because i enquired into it.

so maybe a bit more correspondance on their part - in plain english - is required also?



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19 Oct 2009 12:38 PM by ph1 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Just a question for PAULB








Please, stop bitching, start taking personal responsibility for YOUR resort and start acting


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