Picking up from the 'First official shot at Condado' thread, I summarise on the course and then I can enlighten you all to some further information as it was explained to me.
We have just recently returned from a nice long week-end (what torrential rain - where ????) and enjoyed superb autumn sunshine and everything the area has to offer as usual. The rains of the previous week-end have certainly greened up the golf course & the gardens in general. Now before Ant' gets launched into me for being negative, womping, glass half full
, etc etc, I must warn you that this is a 'warts and all' summary and reality check before too many people get too excited about this Nov 15th opening date even though I wax lyrical to all my pals about what a cracker of a place Condado will be eventually.
On the positive side:-
Greens looking superb. Fairways now looking just about there and nice & lush and spongey. Sunglasses needed at bunkers due to brilliance of white Bermuda style sand. Some of the lakes got water in again. Practice ground in the final throes of completion. Tee area pristine, bunkers being scraped out and filled with sand over the week-end.
The weather was brilliant. Peace & quiet in abundance. Dicovered some more of the gems on our doorstep.
Not so good:-
As onecall mentions in his post, there are many areas between the fairways resemble a discarded building site and have not significantly changed in the 7 months since I have been visiting from early April this year. There is massive area in the middle of the course that is visible from all the elevated tees of surrounding holes that just appears to be a huge dumping ground - most unsightly. All of the buggy paths still bear the scars of the recent rains, with overflowed mud caked onto the paths. Anywhere there are embankments at the sides of the buggy paths, we now have deep channels where the waters have run down. Thousands of clumps of the course grasses planted have died off alongside the edges of fairways/paths. I have seen these grasses at La Torre course two years on and they are thick healthy clumps 20 times the size of the plantings we see at Condado. In my opinion these have been planted in bare gravel without any decent soil around to give them a chance to get established. Many of these clumps have already been pulled out and dumped at the sides of the fairways or one of the many building site dumps around the course. Quite a few of the new trees have been lopped off where they have died off in recent months. Areas between tees (womens, mens, comp', pro's) on a lot of holes are just bare gravel and are crying out for a bit of landscaping. They just look like little grass islands in a sea of 'nothingness'. Some lakes full of water, some still empty - how come ?? After all that torrential rain for 3 days, a couple of lakes with barely any water in the bottom smacks of a big leak in the membranes somewhere to me. Only about 10 people working on the course and majority of those on practice area.
I think as a comparisson, you only have to take a run out the short distance to Hacienda del Alamo (which is a new course with desert style 'off fairway' areas like Condado and have a look at how it has been finished off at the edges of the lakes, edges of fairways, maturity of planted trees and then you will get some perspective. No doubting the layout of Condado which is superb, but it is going to be seriously let down by the aforementioned areas.
So, what do I know about the plans for improvement ? Took time to pay a visit to the Condado sales office and had a good chat with Sergio who works in there and was quite forthcoming with information and his own personal views. This is what he told me regarding course/resort development:-
Course to open as promoted on 15th November. The landscaping, pulling out of tumbleweeds(no these are not meant to be the rough) re-planting, cleaning up of all the areas I have just spoke about will continue throughout 2010. Therefore the course is to open in an unfinished state just to get it up & running with paying punters. Now we discussed the merits of Jack's Signiture courses and the fact that signiture meant SPECIAL in all ways, clubhouse included (which I will touch on later) and of course agreed that Polaris were being a bit hypocritical here. I wonder if the great man is willing to rubber stamp the official opening of one of his SPECIAL courses with a big chunk of the overall acreage far from SPECIAL.
Clubhouse (temporary). This must be finished in time for the opening date with all shower and changing facilities, stocked pro shop etc, etc. When we were there, the workmen had just commenced and were in the process of bricking up interior walls inside one of the Al Kasar units. This is the unit to the left of the entrance that faces out onto the golf course. While we were there (Thurs to Mon) there were two brickies who worked on Friday & Monday. Going on how long it has taken to get Clover & the restaurant up and running, do you think they mean ready for Nov 2010 ?? 2 brickies for god's sake !!!
Clubhouse (official). As this is a signiture course, the clubhouse will be SPECIAL. I agree if it mirrors the artist's impressions many of us have seen this will be the case. Polaris will make a decision in early 2010 whether they will commence in 2010
or 2011
. 3 months ago the banks agreed to release further funding for the ongoing development of Condado.
Course number 2. Work to commence to the north east of La Isla on the construction of the course in 2010. The area around the lakes at La Isla have now been fenced off. These are to be landscaped in 2010 with grass and tree planting.
Areas between Jardines & golf course. This is to be landscaped in 2010 with levelling of the land and planting of trees until the next phase of the development becomes viable.
Area at end of sports facilites jardine 7 (Jardines original Foro). This is land deemed for public facilities as and when the resort expands and develops and will not be used for housing. It is to be ladscaped with grass & tree planting in 2010.
Area between Naranjo's blocks (Naranjo's original Foro). This is land deemed for public facilities as and when the resort expands and develops and will not be used for housing. It is to be ladscaped with grass & tree planting in 2010.
Just a mention on the entertainment side. First live music event in the bar on Friday night attracted a fairly healthy crowd inside and out with no crude, theiving interlopers spoiling it for the rest. The band played a few stints and put a good session in for sure. Pity about the bar running out of Vodka at about 9.00 p.m. for those who wanted it. Another example of the lack of buisness acumen was evident when we arrived on Thurs afternoon and headed straight to Clover for a bite to eat. Only one type of sandwich available or a microwaved bowl of pasta. Now we are of the mind that we will support the facilities and put some money across the bar, but come on Polaris - get your act together !!
This message was last edited by Billbo on 08/10/2009.
This message was last edited by Billbo on 08/10/2009.
This message was last edited by Billbo on 08/10/2009.